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“Clarke!” Aurelia exclaimed as she ran into the hangar bay, followed by an unfamiliar grounder who was carrying an injured Octavia in his arms. Aura moved towards the closest workbench and shoved everything onto the floor in an attempt to clear the space, waving at the stranger to place the unconscious girl onto the metal bench. “Get her on the table.”

“Octavia?” Clarke questioned as the grounder placed Octavia down, her eyes moving over her torso and her hands working to assess the damage. 

“She just stopped breathing. And she has a stab wound in her belly.” Aurelia breathed out in fear, her heart hammering against her ribcage as she looked down at the younger Blake, her hand moving to brush the hair away from Octavia’s face.

“Okay, first things first..” Clarke trailed off, moving her hands to Octavia’s chest in an attempt to perform CPR.  “Who are you,” the blonde questioned as she spared a glance at the grounder. “How did this happen to her?”

“I’m Illian kom Trishanakru. I was on my way home from Polis when I found her.”

Aurelia looked away for a moment, noticing the number of people who were standing around with looks of concern on their faces. “Everyone get out!” she ordered, “this isn’t a theatre production!” They hesitated as their eyes moved to her. “I said out!” 

This time they didn’t hesitate, and everyone  instantly began to make their way out of the room, only leaving Clarke, Octavia, Illian and a handful of other concerned friends.

Aurelia let out a sigh of relief upon hearing Octavia taking a deep breath, watching as the injured girl’s eyes gradually fluttered open.

“You’re okay,” Clarke reassured as she softly grasped onto the girl’s face. “Octavia, you’ve lost a lot of blood, but you’re home now. I'm gonna help you.”

“Azgeda coming.” the girl mumbled, so quietly that Aurelia had almost missed it.

“What’s she talking about?” Monty questioned as he prepared to move Octavia to medbay.

“Azgeda is coming. Army… marching,” the girl continued, groaning as she attempted to move her body.

“Octavia, hey, hey, hey, stay with me.” 

“War... is here.” 

Clarke looked up frantically towards some waiting guards. “Take her to medical, go.”

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