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One week later, the snow has nearly gone. Its still really cold though.

Harry woke up when Hi alarm went off. He has an alarm now as he's 'a big boy' and doesn't need his Mum waking him up.

As soon as he opens his eyes, he knows something is wrong.

He groans and rubs Hi head. He's not feeling great.

So...he closes his eyes and goes back to sleep.

"Harry love? Didn't your alarm go off?" Anne asked as she opens his curtains. "Harry?" She walks to his bedside and gently pulls his duvet back.

"Harry?" She says again. He opens his eyes. She knows just by looking into his eyes that something is wrong.

She touches his cheek, then his forehead. He's burning up. "Oh baby. You not feeling well?"

Harry coughs and its not sounding good. Imagine a big dog's bark...he sounds like that.

"Oh darling. That doesn't sound good. Tell me what hurts?" She asks.

He tries to speak, but he has no voice. So he points to his throat, head, ear and chest.

"Let's go downstairs so I can keep an eye on you, we can watch TV together and have cuddles."

Harry nods and lifts his arms up slowly. Everything aches.

Anne manages to carry him down to the living room, placing him gently on the sofa and covering him with his blanket from Gemma.

Speaking of which, she appears. "Is he poorly?" She asks, concerned.

"Yes love. No school today. How are you?" She asks, hoping it's nothing contagious.

"I'm OK." She sits beside Harry. "Hope you feel better soon Harry." She smiles. She hates it when he's sick. Which is quite often.

Harry coughs again and holds his throat. He's obviously in pain.

"Mum, has he had some medicine yet?" Gemma says as she went into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Just getting it. You eat your breakfast. I'll be right back."

She goes back to Harry, who is looking very sleepy.

"Here baby. Take this then you can sleep. It'll make you feel better."

She gave him the medicine, which luckily is in liquid form and he rests his head back on the cushions and falls asleep.

"Did he take it OK?" Gemma asks.

Harry sometimes doesn't like taking medicine as he's had some pretty disgusting ones in the past.

"Are you ok to walk to school? I can't leave him?"

"Of course Mum. I'll text Louis to tell him. I better get going."

Gemma is ready to leave, so she hugs Anne and kisses Harry's cheek. Then she goes to get Louis, who is sad that Harry's ill again.

Harry sleeps on and off. When he's awake, he coughs a lot.

"I've made a Doctor's appointment. Think you need some antibiotics." Anne said as she took Harry's temperature. It was high. He nodded and climbed into her lap. He was sweaty, his pjs wet, but Anne didn't mind. Harry was always clingy when he was poorly.

He slept for a while.

"Honey. It's time to go soon. We need to get you dressed." She said as she stroked his cheek.

He groaned into her her chest. He felt so weak and tired, and his throat and chest still hurt. His head was still sore too.

Anne placed him on the sofa, while she got some clothes for him.

🌻Sunflower volume 2🌻 (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now