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Louis was standing at his front door, his heart was pounding and he was worried.

He opened the door and went inside.

"Hi Lou. You ok? I heard what happened at the party." Jay said, putting some dishes in a cupboard.

"Mum...can I talk to you? And Dad."

"Oh. Of course love. Is everything alright?"

"Is he here?"

"Yes. In the living room."

Louis walked away and she followed.

"Louis. Thought you were staying at Harry's tonight."

Louis sat down and Jay sat beside Mark.

"What's going on?" Mark asked.

Jay shrugged. "Lou?"

Louis looked down at his hands. He was so nervous.

"Um. I have something to tell you. I'm scared."

"Oh God. It's something bad isn't it?" Jay was suddenly worried.

"No. Well. Not for me. You see....you know Harry?"

Mark laughed nervously. "Obviously."

"Well....I...I love him."

"We know that. We all love him. He's very lovable." Jay replied.

"No Mum. Not like that. I mean...I LOVE him."

Louis felt like he was going to die. This was the biggest, most important thing he's ever said to his parents.

"You love him. Really love him?"

Louis nodded, not looking up at them.

"Oh Louis. Come here." Mark said.

Louis stood and walked towards them. Mark stood up and hugged his son, Jay joined in.

"I'm so happy for you both." Jay said, voice full of emotion.

"I was so scared." Louis whispered, a few tears falling.


"I thought you would hate it. Us."

Jay broke the hug and held Louis by his upper arms.

"Louis...we would never hate you, or Harry. Don't ever think that. We love you both so much."

"Same with me. We'll always support you. And Harry is such a wonderful boy."

Louis was sobbing now as he was wrapped in arms once again.


"Harry! Harry!" Louis yelled as he hugged him. "I told Mum and Dad. They're both happy."

Harry smiled. "I love Jay and Mark."

"They love you too. God I'm so relieved. We're so lucky to have such amazing families."

Harry nodded and rubbed his forehead.

"You ok? Got a headache?"

"A little bit. Mum says it's cos I worry too much."

"I guess she's right. You worried because of us?"

"No. S-School starting." He frowned. "Don't wanna go Lou."

"It'll be alright. Try not to worry. We'll all be there if you need us, and Niall will be in your classes again."

But Harry was still sad. "I don't want to go."

"You have to go to school though. It's the law. Your Mum and Dad will get in trouble if you don't go."

"I Don't want to get them in trouble." He replied, quietly.

"Promise you'll try then?"

Harry nodded. He still didn't want to go though.


So when the first day of the new school year arrived, Harry was worried.

"Eat your breakfast love." Anne said. Gemma was eating hers and kept looking at Harry.

"Louis will be here soon." She said smiling at her brother.

Harry didn't smile at the mention of his name, he just stared into his cereal bowl.

"Come on Harry." Anne said. "Can't be late on the first day."

A knock at the door made Harry jump, he was definitely feeling nervous. He got up and opened the door. Louis.

"Hi boyfriend." Louis greeted him and gave him a bug cuddle.

"You ok love?"

Harry shook his head and when Louis pulled away from him, he saw the tears in Harry's eyes.

"Hey. Don't cry."

"I don't wanna go." He said, so quietly that Louis barely heard him.

He took Harry's hand and walked inside.

"Morning Louis." Anne said. "Harry, you really should eat."

"I feel sick." He replied. Louis squeezed his hand.

"It's because you haven't eaten. At least have a banana?" She held one out and Harry took it, tears still falling.

"We need to get going."

They piled into the car and Anne drove. They arrived at the school.

"Please Mummy, can I stay home?" Harry sobbed in Anne's arms as she tried to say goodbye.

"Harry don't do this. You have to go sweetheart. You'll be ok."

Louis and Gemma stood together, both shocked at Harry's reaction.

"P-Please M-Mummy."

"You two better go in, or you'll be late." Anne said to Louis and Gemma. "I'll see to him."

Louis didn't want to leave his boyfriend in such a state, but right now he wasn't even sure that Harry knew he was there. They both nodded and went into school in silence.

"Come on love. Let's go inside."

"No. Please. Wan stay wiv M-Mummy."

Anne was worried at how Harry was now talking like he used to years ago.

"Harry. Please love?"

"No....Mummy...no. please." He was getting in such a state. He was hyperventilating now. Anne was also getting worked up, as people walked by staring at them.

"Pleeeeeease!" He cried louder. He was gasping for breath. Then he was gagging. It was inevitable that he would throw up, which he did.

Anne had no option but to drive him home.


Harry was laying on the sofa, totally exhausted. He'd fallen asleep an hour ago, not long after they got home. Anne had to call the school to explain what happened.

Anne now had a problem. Is Harry going to have this every day. The breakdowns? Was school really that bad? Why won't he go?

What were her options?



Thoughts on the chapter?

Poor Harry's breakdown 😢

What will happen next?

Hope you're all OK?
All the love. L. Xx


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