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The Doctor left them an hour ago. Anne and Robin sat silently, holding each others hands and watched Harry sleep. He looks so peaceful. To look at him, you'd never know (except for the medical equipment of course).

"Do you want me to make some calls?" Robin asked, quietly.

Anne nodded and wiped her damp cheek. Robin kissed her and left the room.

Anne took Harry's hand, bringing it up to her cheek. She held it there, not wanting to let him go.

Why him?


Jay hung up her phone. The kids were in the living room, reading to each other, when she sat next to Louis.

They turned to her and noticed how sad she looked.

"Mum?" Louis whispered, almost too scared to say any more. "What's wrong?"

Gemma sat forward. "You've heard from Dad haven't you?" Jay nodded. "Harry's not....?"

"No! No! They've had his scan results." Gemma grabbed Louis' hand and squeezed it.

"Tell us. Please." Gemma tried not to cry, but as Jay told them, all three burst into tears.


"What happens now?" Robin asked the Doctor who was writing things on Harry's notes.

"We'll do more tests when he's awake. That will tell us the extent of the damage."

"When will he wake up?"

"I should think it will be soon. Keep talking to him. Let him know you're here. I'll be back soon." The Doctor left and Robin sat down.

"Hasn't he gone through enough already?" Anne whispered, still holding Harry's hand to her cheek. "Come on baby. Wake up so we can see your beautiful eyes."

They sat there talking for an hour. Anne said they'd been thinking about getting a kitten and Harry could pick one out and choose it's name.

Suddenly, Anne felt Harry's hand move.

"Harry? He's waking up Robin. Harry. Can you hear us?"

Harry groaned. His eyelashes fluttered but his eyes didn't open.

"It's ok if you can't wake up yet. You need lots of rest." She kissed his knuckles.

But his eyes did open, very slowly. Once again the bright lights upset him. Robin dimmed them until it was more comfortable for him.

"Hello sunflower."

Harry looked around, sadly. "Broken?" He asked.

"Yes love." Anne couldn't say any more as Harry's eyes closed once again.

Anne wished it was another broken arm.


More tests had been done. Harry was awake now and asking to go home.

"Please go now?" He cried into Anne's chest.

"Not yet darling. We need to see the Doctor."

Talk of the devil. "Hello. Hello Harry.  How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts." He replied, still hugging his Mum.

"Harry. I need to tell you something." The Doctor said, sitting down.

"You have a small tumour in your brain. It's operable, and we'll do that tomorrow. Now...we should be able to remove it successfully, but...because of where it is situated, there's a possibility that you might have problems with how you sleep."

"Wh-What's a tuma?"

"Cancer love." Anne replied, her voice so shaky.

"I gonna d...die?"

"No. The operation should go well. You could be home in a couple of days."

Harry nodded, not really understanding fully what was happening.


The following morning Harry was about to go to the operating theatre.

"We'll be here waiting for you. Now...don't you go giving the Doctor's any trouble." Anne said, trying to smile to relax Harry.

Harry was scared. He couldn't stop shaking. "M-Mum. I don't wanna go."

He grabbed her hand. "I'm scared."

"Harry you have to go. It's gonna make you better." Robin said. "You'll be back here before you know it. Then we can all go home."

"Hi. I'm here to anaethatise Harry now." The man said getting into position.

"You'll be ok love. We'll see you soon. We love you so much." Anne said kissing his cheeks.

The anaethatist did his job and Harry was under.

They watched as he was wheeled off into the operating theatre.

The wait was going to be agonising.


Four hours later, and Harry was back in his room, Anne and Robin sat beside him.

They'd managed to get out and grab something to eat in the canteen while Harry was away, though neither could concentrate on anything other than their poorly boy.

"The operation was a success, we got all of the tumour. He's lucky it was caught early. He will probably sleep most of the rest of today. There'll be more tests tomorrow. Maybe you should go home and get some rest while you can?" The Doctor said.

"I can't leave him." Anne replied. "If he wakes up and I'm not here..."

"Anne...He definitely won't be waking up for hours. Please go home and rest." The Doctor tried again.

She nodded. "Ok. But you promise you'll call?"

"Of course."

He left the room.

"I don't want to go." She cried.

"I'll stay. You go. You're shattered love an I don't want you getting sick too. Please?"

"Ok. I'll see if Jay can pick me up. Maybe I'll stay at their house. I don't want to be alone."

"I'm sure she'd be happy with that. Tell Gemma I love her."

They kissed, and Anne reluctantly left the hospital.


They ate dinner together, after Anne had told them everything.

"You go up to bed love. I'll let you know if Robin calls." Jay said, rubbing Anne's back.

"Thanks." She replied, exhaustedly.

"Mum?" Gemma said.

Anne smiled. "Yes love?"

"Can I sleep next to you?"

"I'd like that."

It was still early, but Gemma needed her company. She needed to be close. So they went up together. They chatted a bit. Cried a bit. And fell asleep.


There you go. I didn't know what the news was until I actually wrote it. Lol.

Thoughts on the chapter?

Harry is swimming in the sea in Brighton.  It must be bloody freezing poor love. I hope he doesn't get sick. But he looks so good, but odd without the tattoos.

All the love. L. Xxx


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