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Harry went back to school two weeks later, a week later than everyone else as it took him a while to fully recover from the infection.

He walked into the school grounds with Louis and Gemma, wishing he was still at home. He just wanted cuddles with his Mum.

"HARRY!" Niall ran towards them and hugged him.

"So glad you're back. I had to sit next to that weird kid last week." He said.

"Shouldn't be nasty Ni. You should treat people with kindness." Harry responded, not liking the way his friend spoke about that kid.

"Um. Ok. Sorry." Niall replied, his face blushing at being told off by his quietest friend.

Gemma grinned at both boys. Niall noticed and smiled back.

"We better get to classes. See you guys at break." Louis said, taking Harry's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Love you." He whispered to Harry, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Harry smiled, shyly. "Love you too Lou Lou."

The group went their own ways to classes. Niall went with Harry.

They sat in the middle row of tables in the maths class. Harry smiled at the 'weird' kid at the back of the classroom, before sitting down, getting his pencil case out.

Harry has grown to enjoy his maths classes. Being able to do fairly big sums in his head helps. Niall on the other hand, hates it. He has to use his calculator more than Harry does.

It's soon lunchtime, and the friends are all sat around a table. Gemma is sitting next to Liam's girlfriend, Sophie. They've become good friends lately. Liam doesn't like them being friends though, as he thinks Sophie will tell Gemma about what they do, and then she'd tell Harry, who would tell everyone else.

On the other side of Gemma, sits Niall. And under the table, they may be touching each others hands every now and then, not looking at each other, they don't want everyone to know about them. Not yet.

"It's Harry's birthday soon. We should throw him a party." Zayn said, chomping on a slice of pizza.

"Great idea. I love a party!" Niall replied, enthusiastically.

Liam sighed and rolled his eyes.

Louis glared at him. He wished he knew what Liam's problem with Harry was.

Harry didn't say anything, just looked down at the chips he was eating.

"Would you like a party Harry?" Louis asked, taking his hand and kissing his knuckles, making Harry smile and rest his head on Louis' shoulder.

"Um. Maybe." He replied, quietly. He was tired. He closed his eyes and listened as his friends carried on talking.

Gemma and Sophie were whispering and giggling. Liam was now glaring at them.

"Liam? Why are you in such a mood today?" Louis said, not being able to keep quiet any longer.

Liam looked at Louis. "What?"

"I said..."

"I heard you! Im not in a mood."

"You rolled your eyes at Harry when a party was mentioned, now you're glaring at the girls. What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem. Maybe you do though if you keep looking at me."

"You're such a drama queen." Louis said.

"I'm a drama queen?" Liam laughed. "Hypocrit."

"Please can we not fight? Just drop it, both of you!" Gemma butted in.

Louis nodded. Liam just huffed.

Harry had fallen asleep on Louis' shoulder. He could feel him shifting forward slightly. Louis moved to catch Harry before he fell back, or forward. Niall jumped up and helped move Harry's plate, then moving him so his head rested on the table.

"Thanks Ni." Louis said as he rubbed Harry's back. "He's still really tired from the infection. I don't think he should be back here yet."

"Mum said he was well enough." Gemma shrugged her shoulders.

Liam got up and took his tray to the bin, before heading out of the canteen, not saying a word, not even to his girlfriend.

Gemma and Sophie exchanged shocked glances, before Gemma took her friend away to comfort her.

"This is definitely the table for drama." Zayn said, trying not to laugh.

Harry woke a few minutes later.

"You ok love?" Louis asked.

Harry sat up, rubbing his eyes. Louis thinks he looks adorable.

"You fell asleep. Missed all the drama." Zayn said.

Harry looked confused, noticing that both girls and Liam had left the table.

"Need hug Lou Lou." He whispered. Louis can never resist him when he's all sleepy. So he puts an arm around him and pulls him close, kissing Harry on top of his head.

"You guys are so cute." Niall said.

"Sickeningly cute." Zayn added.

Louis and Harry just smiled.


It was the end of the school day. Louis, Harry and Gemma are waiting for Anne to pick them up.

Harry is in Louis' arms. He's so tired, he can barely stand up. "She'll be here soon." Louis said, as Harry rests his head on Louis' chest.

"She's here." Gemma says, just as the car pulls up in front of them.

Anne gets out of the car, worried.

"Is he ok? What's happened?"

"He's ok Mum. He's exhausted though." Gemma says as she and Louis helped Harry into the car.

They're soon home, and Louis helps Harry inside. Laying him on the sofa. He's asleep within seconds.

It's not very often that Louis leaves him without saying goodbye to each other. But he's not going to wake him up, so he kisses his lips and cheeks, before he goes home.



Thoughts on the chapter?

Hope you're OK?
All the love. L. Xx


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