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It was a week later and Harry was sat nervously on the sofa, waiting for a visitor.

There was a knock at the door, making him jump. He looked at Anne, worriedly. She took his hands. "Don't worry. It'll be alright." She encouraged him to calm down.

Robin answered the door and let the visitors inside.

They walked into the living room. The boy looked sadly at Harry.

"We'll all be in the kitchen so you two can talk." Anne said, smiling at Harry, letting him know that nothing bad will happen. He nodded and the adults left the room.

"Um...hi." Harry said. "You can sit."

"I...I'm really sorry." Liam took a seat in the chair opposite Harry. He sat nervously on the edge. "I'm a horrible person."

Harry looked shocked. "No you're not."

"I am though. I've been so nasty to you since forever."

"It's ok..."

"No Harry! It's not. You nearly died. I should be in prison." Liam was trying not to cry, he didn't deserve sympathy, especially not from Harry.


"Wait. I need to speak. I've been so horrible. It's right that none of you want to be my friends any more..."

A tear fell from Harry's eyes.


"Harry please let me finish."

Harry wiped his cheek and let him continue.

"We're moving house. Leaving next week. Dad got a new job in Scotland. They think it'll be good for me to start over. I just needed to come and see you. I have to tell you how sorry I am for everything I've said or done to you. You didn't deserve any of it. I don't blame you for hating me...I would hate me too. I do."

"I don't hate you." Harry whispered, wiping another tear away. "It's ok." Harry stood up and walked to where Liam sat. He pushed him over, squeezing in beside him and put his arms around him.

Liam was shocked at first, but then he rested his head against Harry's shoulder and let all his emotions flood out.

The boys hugged and cried and Harry said he forgave Liam. That's just how Harry is. He doesn't hate anyone. He thinks you should treat everyone how you would wish to be treated. He rubbed Liam's back, as he calmed down.

"How are you always so nice to people?" Liam asked, as they broke the hug.

Harry smiled. "There's no point hating people."

Liam smiled back. "Can we stay in touch?" He asked, hopefully.

Harry nodded. "Yes please."

They swapped phone numbers, as they'd never thought of doing it before.

"Everything alright boys?" Anne asked, poking her head into the room.

"Yes." They both replied.

"Good. Can we come in?"

Harry nodded as the parents all came into the room.

"Are you both OK?" Karen asked.

"Yes. Liam is still my friend." Harry grinned.

Liam felt so relieved and lucky that Harry was so nice. Anyone else would've told him to fuck off. Harry would never do that.

"I'm sad you're moving away." Harry said, his grin turning to a frown. "I'll miss you all."

Karen and Geoff hugged Harry. They'd watched him grow into a kind, loving teenager.

They stayed for a while, before saying goodbye.


"Thank you for being nice to Liam." Anne said, as they ate dinner.

"He's my friend. I'm nice to my friends." He said, tucking into his spaghetti bolognese.

"You're a wonderful friend Harry. Make sure you stay that way."


"You forgave him?" Louis asked the following day.

"Yes. He was so sad. He's still my friend."

Niall looked confused. "After all he did to you? I couldn't do that "

"Me neither." Zayn added.

Harry frowned at them. "You should forgive and forget. I read that somewhere."

"But you nearly died Harry." Louis whispered. Louis still had nightmares about that day.

"But I didn't I'm still here. And he's leaving. We're gonna text each other." Harry was just too nice.

"If that's what you want, then I guess we'll have to be ok with that." Louis said. Harry smiled and hugged him, thanking him over and over.

"So...are we still having the sleepover tomorrow?" Zayn asked, getting excited.

"Um...I was wondering, can we invite Liam?"

The other three boys all glared at Harry.

"Are you serious?" Niall asked.

"Yes. Please?"

"I don't know Harry. It'll be a bit awkward."

"It'll be alright. I promise. Pleeeeeease?" He put his hands together, begging.

The boys looked at each other, then nodded.

"Ok...but if he acts up, he'll have to go home." Louis said.

Harry smiled and jumped on Louis' lap, kissing his cheeks.

"Um...do you want us to leave?" Niall giggled.

"Shut up Ni." Louis replied as Harry snuggled into his chest, feeling tired all of a sudden.

"You two are so cute." Zayn said. "I need to get me a girlfriend."

"Me too." Niall added. He still hadn't told his friends about his secret. Maybe he will. Soon. Maybe.


Niall and Zayn had gone home, leaving Harry and Louis alone.

They were cuddled up in Harry's bed.

"You're amazing." Louis said, running his hands through Harry's thick curly hair.

"Why?" Harry replied, sleepily.

"Because you're Harry."

Harry giggled against Louis' chest. "You're silly."

"Yep. Silly in love with you. Now kiss me you fool."

Harry sat up a bit and they had a lovely snogging session before going to sleep.


Hello... how are ya?

Thoughts on the chapter?

How do you think the sleepover will go?

Next chapter coming soon.

All the love. L. Xx


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