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"Harry. Come on love. I've called you two times already. You'll make us all late." Anne said, as she opened up the curtains in Harry's bedroom.

Harry grunted and covered his head with his duvet.

"Come on you." She said, pulling back the duvet. "Up. Now."

She left the room.

Harry sat up and rubbed his eyes. He didn't want to go to school. He didn't like that nasty teacher.

"HARRY!" Anne shouted up the stairs five minutes later.

Harry sighed and trudged off to the bathroom.

He had a plan.


"There you are. I was about to drag you out of bed." Anne said as Harry sat at the kitchen table. She placed a bowl of cereal in front of him. "Eat up. We have to go soon."

"I don't feel well." He whispered.

"What was that?" Anne asked, not quite hearing.

"I don't feel well." He repeated.

Anne walked towards him and put her hand to his forehead. "You don't feel hot. What's wrong?"

"Feel sicky." Harry replied, rubbing his stomach.

"Oh dear. Maybe it's just because you haven't eaten yet. Get that cereal down you."

Harry sighed and rested his cheek on his hand, elbow on the table.

He ate a bit of his breakfast.

"Mummy. I feel sick." He said, putting his spoon down.

Anne was at the sink washing up. "You'll be fine love. Go up and brush your teeth."

Was she even listening to him properly?

"Mummy." Harry whimpered. He put his finger to the back of his throat, and threw up all over the floor. Anne turned around.

"Oh God. Oh Harry I'm so sorry." She said, leading Harry out of the kitchen and to the bathroom, where she sat him in front of the toilet, rubbing his back.

He wasn't sick again.

Gemma came in the room. "Is he sick?" She asked, looking worried.

"Yes. Afraid so. Are you ok to walk to school today?" Anne asked.

"Sure. I'll let Louis know. I better go now. Hope you feel better soon Harry. Bye Mum."

Harry nodded.

"Bye love. Have a good day." Gemma left.

"Do you think you're done?" Anne asked.


She helped Harry up off of the floor. He washed his hands and Anne got him back into bed.

"You rest. I'll check on you soon. Shout if you need me." She said.

Harry relaxed. He got what he wanted. To stay home, away from that nasty teacher.


Harry was fine the rest of the day. Anne fussed around him a bit, and Harry lapped up the attention.

The next day was the same. Anne tried to get Harry out of bed. Harry grumbled and made out he was feeling sick. Anne wasn't sure until once again, his fingers in his throat made him sick and he went back to bed.

Anne worried. What if there was something wrong with him?

The next day was again, the same.

This time, when Anne put Harry back in his bed, she decided to ask some questions.

"Harry love." She said, sitting next to him on the bed. "I'm worried. You keep being sick isn't right. I think maybe we should see your Doctor."

Harry stared at his Mum. "No. It's n-not that bad." He said, pulling his duvet up to his chin.

"But Harry...it's best to get seen."

Harry hid his face further, trying not to let his Mum see his guilty, crying face.

"Harry. Don't be scared. Hopefully it's nothing, best to be sure though."

Harry cried harder.

"Harry. Don't cry. Do you feel sick again?"

She pulled the duvet down and he burst into tears, sitting up and falling into her arms.

"You're really worrying me now. Tell me how you're feeling."

"I..." He sniffed. "I...I lied. I'm s-sorry." He sobbed into her chest.

She rubbed his back. "Lied? About what?"

"I..I made myself sick."

Anne's heart sank. "Why? Why did you do that?"

"That n-nasty teacher s-scared me." He said, still crying.

"Oh baby. She's been warned. She won't say anything again. I promise. How did you make yourself sick?"

"M-My fingers." He whispered.

"Oh Harry. Please don't ever do that. It's not a good thing to do that."

"I'm s-sorry M-Mummy."

"I'm relieved your not really sick, but we need to sort out your feelings. Louis' been so worried too."

Harry felt more guilty about that fact.

"Is he mad at me?"

"No. Of course not. He just missed you and you know he worries. How about he comes over after school. He can sleep over. I think you need to see each other."

Harry nodded. "Sorry Mummy." He said, his tears starting to dry up.

"It's ok love. How about...you get up and i'll make us a nice lunch and we'll sit and talk about everything that's worrying you?"


"Good boy. I'll go make something nice."

Harry smiled as she got up. "Love you Harry."

"Love you too Mummy."

Anne left the room and Harry got up.



Sorry its been a while.

Good news our covid tests were negative. Yay!

Sorry wasn't a good chapter.

Hope you're all OK. All the love. L. Xx


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