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Flashback to the previous day...

There was a knock at the door. It opened. "Sophie? Hi. Come in. I wasn't expecting you."

Sophie entered the house. "Are you alone?" She asked. Her voice wobbled, making Liam concerned.

"Yes. Are you ok?" He replied, showing her into his living room and motioning for her to sit down.

He sat, but she stayed standing up.

"What's wrong?"

She started pacing the room. "Is it true? Did you tell your friends we had sex?"

Oh shit.

Liam didn't reply. He looked at the carpet.


He stood up and walked towards her.

"Don't come near me! Just tell me."

"Well...yes but it was a joke. Who told you?"

"A JOKE?! A JOKE?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"  She was crying now, turning away from him. "You told them we had sex when we were both 14! How is that a joke? Why would you do that? And it doesn't matter who told me!"

Liam struggled to find his words. "I...I'm sorry."

"You're sorry. Oh that makes everything ok then! I can't believe you could do this! I thought you liked me?"

"I do. Of course I do!"

"If you liked me you wouldn't tell your friends such a lie. I'm so pissed off with you."

He walked towards her again, trying to put his arms around her.

"Don't touch me! I don't want to see you again." She sobbed.

"No. Don't say that! I love you."

"No you don't. And I don't love you. I don't think I even like you anymore. We're over. Stay away from me!" She pushed past him, out of the room and the house, slamming the door behind her.

Liam stood in his spot, shocked.

Who told her?

She's friends with Gemma. Gemma is Harry's sister.  Harry must've told Gemma who then told Sophie. The bastard!

Harry is in for it now!


Liam drank nearly a whole bottle of coke,  and went to the kitchen cupboard.

He rummaged to the back of it and pulled out a bottle of whiskey that his Dad would drink on special occasions.

Liam smiled as he poured it into the coke bottle. "This'll teach you, you stupid little fucker." He said to himself.


Back to the present day...

Anne, Robin and Gemma were in the relatives waiting room of the hospital. They'd been here so often before, they should have their names on the door.

"Why won't they tell us anything?" Anne cried into Robin's chest.

"I don't know love." Robin replied, quietly.

Gemma sat crying next to her Dad.

The door opened and all three stood up quickly.

"How is he?" Anne asked.

"He's alive, thanks to the quick thinking of his friend. He saved his life. He's very sick though. We found a high trace of alcohol in his blood. That with all the meds he is on caused his heart to fail. He's stable now. You can come and see him, but he'll be out of it for a while. And don't panic about all the tubes."

"Wait! Alcohol? How would he have had that? We didn't give him any."

"He was with us all day except..." Gemma said, "he went to his room with Liam. He wouldn't have?"

"No. Surely not." Robin added, as Anne looked at them both in shock.

"Sorry to interrupt, but would you follow me? I'll take you to Harry's room.

"Yes. Yes. Sorry." Anne said, snapping out of her shock. They followed the Doctor to a room that Harry had been in a few times before. He showed them inside.

Anne rushed to Harry's side, sitting next to him and kissing his hand over and over.

He had an oxygen mask on, once again hooked up to heart monitors and IV drips. He was pale and sweating.

"My poor boy. Why do these things keep happening to you?"

Robin stood behind her and rubbed her shoulders, in comfort, while Gemma sat next her, resting her head on Anne's shoulder.

"If this is down to Liam, I don't want him near Harry ever again." Anne said, wiping tears away, then stroking Harry's hair.

The heart monitor kept a steady rhythm. Harry looked like he was sleeping peacefully. You'd never think that an hour or so ago, he was nearly dying.


At the Tomlinson's, Louis was crying into Jay's chest, holding onto her for dear life.

"Shh Shh Lou. He's alive. Thanks to you, he's alive. He's going to be ok."

"H-He was d-dying Mum." He sobbed. He hadn't stopped crying since the paramedics turned up at Harry's house.

"You saved him love. Don't cry."

But Louis couldn't stop. He couldn't stop thinking about Harry laying there, not breathing, his lips turning blue, life slipping away from him. He couldn't stop worrying about how he is now.

Jay had a call from Robin earlier to let them know he was alive, but there was no other news.

"I C-Can't live w-without him."

"You won't have to. He'll be home soon, I'm sure of it. Robin said he'd call when they had more news."

She felt Louis nod.

"I love him Mum."

They spent the rest of the day on the sofa. Louis crying most of the time until he fell asleep.


The door closed at the Payne's house. The police had just left. Liam hadn't been seen by anyone since the party and it was now past midnight.

Geoff and Karen were in a state. Not knowing where their son was is killing them. The fact that he went missing just as Harry was taken to hospital is worrying them. They wondered if he had anything to do with it. Surely not. But they know that Liam has always had it in for Harry for years, for no apparent reason, so of course they were anxious. They didn't tell the police about the past though, they had no proof after all. They just want their boy home as soon as possible.



Thoughts on the chapter?

See I didn't kill Harry.

Where's Liam gone?

Hope you're all OK.
All the love. L. Xx


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