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"It's alright darling. Bring it up. You'll feel better." Anne said as she patted Harry's back as he was sick.

He'd been sick quite a bit since the operation, bringing up lots of mucus off his chest as well as vomit, and he felt truly lousy.

He fell back against his pillow and Anne wiped his face with a damp flannel.

"Better now?"


"You need to drink." She filled his glass up, but by the time she'd done it, he was asleep.

He woke up merely ten minutes later, confused.


"Yes love?"

"Broken?" He asked, looking around the room.

This worried Anne. "Yes love. Broken. But we're fixing you."

"Home now?"

"Not yet. When you feel a bit better."

"I miss Lou Lou and Gemma."

"Well...we had an idea. How about a video call, so you can speak to each other?"

Harry nodded. "Ow." His hand went up and touch his head where the tumour had been.

"Don't touch. It'll be sore for a while."

Robin walked in the door. "Hello there. How are you feeling son?" He asked. He had something in his hand that caught Harry's attention.

"What's that?" Harry asked, pointing at his hands.

"I bought my tablet in, so you can talk to Lou and Gem. You can keep it after to watch movies too." He smiled, as he placed the device on the table next to Harry's bed.

"Th-Thank you Dad." He smiled. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"You try and sleep a bit, then we'll call when you wake up."

Harry closed his eyes and was asleep within seconds.

"I'm worried about how much he's sleeping. I know it's normal after an operation, but one second he's wide awake, the next he's fast asleep. And...he woke up confused. Asked if he was broken, like he did before." Anne said, trying to whisper and not panic.

"The Doctor did say this op could affect his sleep, but could it be memory too? We should ask the Doctor when he comes in." Robin replied, just as anxiously.


Harry woke two hours later, again he was confused. "Why does my head hurt?" He asked.

"You had an operation. Do you remember?"

Harry was silent for a moment. "Um...yes. can I go home?"

"Not yet darling. When you're better."

Robin looked at Anne and shrugged. He pointed to his tablet. Anne nodded.

"Would you like to speak to Lou and Gem now? They're expecting you."

Harry smiled. "Yes please."

Robin switched it on and placed it so it was facing Harry. Soon enough Louis and Gemma's faces appeared on the screen.

"Harry!" They both yelled.

"Oh my God, we've been so worried about you." Gemma said. "Are you ok?"

"I've missed you so much." Louis added. He looked like he hasn't slept in days.

"I'm broken." Harry replied. "I miss you too."

"Does your head hurt?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah. Makes me feel sick."

Louis looked down, trying not to cry. He gad to be strong. Gemma noticed and put her arm around him.

"I'm sorry you're feeling so bad Harry. Please hurry and get better, we just want you home." Gemma said, her voice breaking.

"I...I will try." Harry replied. His head fell to the side as his eyes closed suddenly.

"Oh God. Is he ok?" Louis jumped up panicking.

"Lou...calm down sweetheart. He does this. He's asleep."

"Oh. OK." He let out the breath he was holding.

They chatted for a while, even Jay came on to talk. They promised they'd do it again tomorrow, all bring well and they ended the call.


February 13th. Harry was finally allowed home. He was still weak and tired. Would spend a lot of time asleep, but he was home and that was good.

The Doctor explained that the memory loss should only be temporary, but the sleep issue will be long term, possibly life long. He is on meds to help, but won't stop it happening completely.

It was a school day. As soon as Gemma and Louis arrived, Louis wanted to see Harry as soon as he could, they rushed to his side, where he was resting on the sofa.

"Oh God! I'm so glad you're home!" Louis yelled, throwing his arms around the smaller boy. He wouldn't let go for ages, and when he did, tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"Don't cry Lou Lou." Harry said, lifting his hand to wipe the tears away.

"I can't help it. I was so worried and missed you so much."

Gemma sat and watched them, still waiting to get her own cuddle.

"Are you feeling OK though?"

"Better. I go sleep lots. Doctor said I can't help it."

Gemma took Harry's  hand. "We're gonna help look after you. Anything you want just ask."

Louis moved so that Gemma could hug Harry.

"I love you." Harry said to both of them.

"And we love you too. More than you know." Gemma replied.

Especially Louis.


Sorry it's short, but at least he's home.

Next update might not be til Wednesday as that's my next day off.  Just depends on how busy I've been and how tired I am.

Thoughts on the chapter?

Hope you're all OK.
All the love. L. Xx


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