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Bonfire night.

It's a cold night. Louis sits on Harry's sofa wrapped in his hat, scarf, gloves and coat, waiting for Harry.

"He won't be long. You know Anne fusses over him. She's making sure he's wrapped up warm, doesn't want him catching another cold." Robin says, noticing Louis fidgeting, as he's too hot, but won't take his coat off.

Louis smiles. "It's ok. Can't have him getting sick again." He says as he hears footsteps. He can't help but smile as Harry walks in the living room, bundled up.

"Ready to go?" He asks, as Harry's gloved hand takes his own.

Harry nods. He's a bit nervous. The boys are going to a fireworks display in town. There'll be so many people there, he's not fond of crowds, but wants to keep Louis happy.

"Don't lose each other in the crowd and have fun." Anne says, kissing Harry's cheek.

"Ok Mummy. See you later." He replies and the boys head off out into the cold night.

It takes them ten minutes to walk the short distance to the town centre, where a parade will soon go through.

"You ok Harry?" Louis asks as he feels the younger boys hand gripping his own tighter.

"Hmmm." Harry replies. There's so many people walking around, it's a bit if a struggle to get through them to where they want to go.

"There's Zayn and Niall." Louis says, pulling Harry towards their friends.

"Hi guys." Zayn says hugging his friends, Niall does the same. "The parade is starting soon. Let's try and get to the front."

They shove their way through the crowd, getting a few swear words thrown their way, but it's too noisy, they don't hear. Soon they're at the front, just as they see the parade coming down the road. Harry holds Louis' hand tighter.

After the parade, they make their way to a field, where a huge bonfire stands in the centre. The bonfire is lit and everyone cheers, just as the first firework goes off, making Harry jump.

He loves the pretty colours and different shapes, but isn't so keen on the noise. He grips onto Louis' arm while looking up.

After ten minutes, there's an almighty bang, making car alarms go off and all the dogs in the town start barking. It's the loudest noise Harry's ever heard and he covers his ears, hiding his face in Louis' coat. Louis puts his arms around him as he feels Harry shaking. He rubs his back, trying to calm him down.

They stand rooted to the spot as the crowd disperses.

"Is he ok?" Niall asks, concerned.

"He will be. Just needs a few minutes." Louis replies, he can hear soft sniffles coming from Harry. He puts his head on Harry's hat as he starts to calm down.

Eventually, Harry leans away slightly and looks at Louis. Louis' heart skips a beat as he sees Harry's bright green eyes wet and puffy, his face wet from the tears and sweat from being so close to Louis for so long.

"Are you ok now?" He asks quietly, wiping his cheeks gently.

Harry nods. "Sorry. Bang scared me." He sniffs.

"It's ok. It make me jump too." Louis responds.

"Harry, I shit myself." Niall joins in.

Zayn bursts out laughing. "I hope you're kidding?"

Even Harry giggled a bit.

"How about we grab some chips and go back to Harry's?" Louis suggests, sensing that Harry wants to go home now.

They all agree.

They go to the local chip shop, the queue is out the door, but they wait patiently. They get their chips and walk to Harry's.


"I bloody love chips." Niall announces as he eats his last one.

"You love everything Ni." Zayn replies, poking the blonde boys stomach.

"It was a good night, wasn't it?" Louis asks, looking down at Harry, finding him asleep, his chocolate curls splayed over Louis' lap. He strokes through his hair gently, so not to wake him.

"He's worn out. Bless him."

"Yeah. It's good he stayed awake while we were out though." Zayn says.

"I wish he didn't have this condition. Its so not fair. I worry that there's gonna be so much he won't be able to do." Louis says, a frown on his face. "Not fair at all."

There's silence in the room, as all three boys watch Harry sleeping.

Finally, Louis adds, "I'd do anything to swap places with him."

"We all would. But, you never know, in time there could be some medical invention that could help him. They're finding new things all the time." Zayn says, trying to be positive.

"I hope so. I really do." Louis whispers.

Harry shifts in Louis' lap as he starts waking up.

"Hey love. You ok?" Louis asks, smiling down at him.

Harry looks up and smiles, but then grimaces. His hand goes to his head and he rubs it.

"Do you have a headache?"


"I'll go ask Anne for some paracetamol." Zayn says, getting up and leaving the room.

"It's probably from all the noise of the fireworks." Niall adds.

Louis nods, but he can't help but worry.

The door opens and Zayn walks in, Anne behind him.

"Harry love, I've got some pills, can you sit up and take them?" She asks. "Maybe you boys should get home now, it's getting late, and Niall's Mum has just been asking where you are."

"Sure. We'll see you tomorrow Harry. Feel better soon." Niall says, putting his coat on. "Bye Lou."

"Yeah, bye guys." Zayn says. The boys leave the room.

"Do I have to go too? I'd like to stay if that's ok?" Louis asks. He knows Anne will say it's ok, but he asks anyway.

"Course you can, Lou. I'm sure Harry would like that."

Harry nods,  he takes the pills with the water Anne bought up and rests his head back onto Louis.

"Come get me if you need me. Goodnight boys." She says, leaving the two boys in peace.

Louis thinks Harry has gone back to sleep as he strokes his hand up and down Harry's back. "You know I'd do anything for you." He whispers. "I'd walk over hot coals. I'd go to the end of the earth. I'd give my life to save yours. You mean the world to me. I love you so much. I don't know if you know just how much I love you. You're sweet, kind, beautiful, courageous. I want to spend my whole life with you. We're still young, but I know that, if you want me too, that I want to be with you forever. I love you."

Harry smiles, before falling back to sleep.


Hi. I'm back.
Sorry its been so long since I've written anything. I've been busier at work and not really had any motivation to write. I'll try and keep up with it now, but not sure how often I'll write. I promise to try.

Hope you're all OK?
All the love. L. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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