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Today is a very special day. Louis is now a teenager.

As its such a milestone, and Louis had been doing well at school and being good in general, his parents decided to throw him a birthday party.

To say that Louis was excited is an understatement.

"Can you calm down a bit please Lou." Jay said for what seemed like the hundredth time already that day.

"I can't help it. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" He shouted, making Lottie cover her ears in annoyance.

"Stop it Louis. You giving me headaches." She grumbled.

"Why don't you find something to do?"

"Can Harry come over?" He asked, hopefully.

"Text him and see. They might be busy."

Louis took his phone out and sent quick message.

A minute later, Harry replied that he'd be over soon.

Soon enough there was a knock at the door and Harry stood there with Gemma.

"Hiiiiii. Come in." Louis said, grabbing Harry's hand and dragging him inside.

"I can't stop. Was just seeing Harry over. See you later. Oh and Happy birthday." Gemma said, handing Louis two birthday cards and a present.

"Thanks Gemma." Louis replied. She smiled, and waved, before Louis closed the door.

"Happy birthday Lou Lou." Harry said, handing over his own card and present. He hugged Louis for a minute before going into the living room.

"Hello Harry love. Thanks for coming over. Louis is a little bit excited for his party later. You are going aren't you?" Jay said, as the boys sat on the sofa.

"Yes. I'm going." Was his simple reply. He was looking forward to the party, but was hoping there wouldn't be too many people there, as he's not too keen on crowds.

Louis opened his cards and presents from Harry and his family. "Aw thank you Harry." He said kissing Harry's cheek.

Harry liked it when Louis did that.

They sat cuddled up under a blanket, watching ice age and eating from a tub of celebrations.

Jay was glad Harry came over, as he always calms Louis down.


Harry had gone home to get ready for the party. Louis was in his bedroom getting himself ready.

He put on his favourite light blue shirt, blue jeans and his best shoes.

"You look very handsome." Jay said as he appeared in the living room, where the rest of the family were waiting.

"Thanks. Is it time to go yet?" He asked, bouncing up and down.

"Yes. Let's go before you burst." Mark laughed.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone shouted as Louis entered the hall his parents had hired for the evening.

Louis laughed as he took in how many people were there for him.

Harry, his family, plus all his other friends and their families, plus his aunts, uncles, and cousins, that lived nearby, one set of grandparents, and a few of his other schoolfriends.

Music started playing and Louis took to the dancefloor. He loved dancing.

Suddenly he felt a pair of arms around him. Harry.

"Hello." He said. "I'm here."

Louis laughed. "I can see that. Glad you're here." He took Harry's  hand and led him around the hall, introducing him to his family. They all said how cute Harry was, which made him blush.

Time went on and everyone was having fun. Except Harry. The noise from the music and everyone chatting had given him a headache.

He tapped Louis arm and looked up at him with sad eyes.

"What's up Harry?"

"My head hurts."

Louis lost his smile. "Oh no. I'll find Anne." They walked through the crowd and found Anne talking to Jay.

"Hi boys. You ok?" Anne said.

"Harry has a headache." Louis said above all the noise.

"Oh dear." Harry dropped Louis' hand and went straight to him Mum. She put her arms around him. "My poor love. Is it bad?"

Harry nodded. He was crying now.

"Do you mind if I take him home?" She asked Louis.

"No. He won't feel better unless it's quiet. You go home and get better before tomorrow.  Yeah?" Louis said to Harry.

Harry nodded again. Louis hugged him. "Love you Harry." He whispered in his ear.

"Love you too Lou Lou." Louis kissed his cheek and let him go.

Anne found Robin and Gemma. They said their goodbyes and drove home.


Harry had some paracetamol and was tucked up in bed. Anne read him a story, though his wasn't really interested.

"You get to sleep darling. Hope you feel better in the morning." Anne said. She kissed him then left the room, leaving the door ajar, so light from the hall could stop him feeling scared.

He soon fell asleep.


Back at the party, Louis was feeling sad. He was sad that Harry felt ill and had to go home.

"Come and dance Louis." Niall said. He knew Louis was sad, and he shouldn't be sad on his birthday.

Louis got up and found his other friends. The DJ decided to play some ridiculous party songs, and they danced to the macarena, agadoo, superman, do the conga, who let the dogs out as well as many more.

The party ended at 11.  A lot of people had left already, the older members and younger members of the family.

Louis was exhausted. He yawned as he said goodbye to the last people.

They had paid someone to clean up, they just had to take Louis cards and gifts.

It took them a while to load the car up and they were home by midnight.

"It's Christmas day!" Louis said. "Happy Christmas." He said.

"Happy Christmas." Jay and Mark said. Lottie was already asleep.

"You better get to bed Lou. Did you have a good day."

"I had the best day ever. Thank you. I love you."

They all hugged and Louis went to bed.

He laid down and thought of Harry. He hoped he was fast asleep and not in anymore pain.

Then he thought of how wonderful his family were and how lucky he was. He fell asleep Happy and contented.



Hope you're all OK.

Omg all these pics and videos of Harry filming. Even though I didn't like the book, I can't wait to see this film and DWD.

Thoughts on the chapter? Sorry it was rubbish.

All the love. L. Xx


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