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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!" His family yelled as Harry appeared in the living room.

He blushed as Anne hugged him, followed by Robin, then Gemma.

"How is my baby boy 14 already?" Anne said as sat down next to her son.

"Are you excited for your party?" Gemma asked as she placed his presents on the coffee table in  front of him.

"I...not sure. Will there be lots people?" He said. Anne could tell there was worry in his voice.

"Not too many. Just us, the boys and their families." Anne replied, taking his hand, feeling him shaking.

"Uh OK then." He said, leaning forward and picking up the first present.

He unwrapped it carefully, taking more notice of the paper than what was inside of it. He ripped a few shreds and crinkled it by his ear, liking the sound it made.

"A new camera? Thank you Mum. Thank you Dad." He said, when he finally took notice of what was inside the wrapping.

"I take lots pictures wiv this." He smiled.

The next present was from Gemma, some cds of his favourite singers. "Thanks Gem Gem. I play them later." Gemma hugged him.

"You're welcome."

He would get the rest of his presents at his party.

"Have breakfast now please Mum?"

"Of course darling. What would you like? How about a fry up?" Anne asked, getting up from her seat.

"Um. Fry up please."

You can't beat a good old English fry up. She headed off to the kitchen to start cooking.

"I'll help." Gemma said, following Anne.

"So...shall we have a look at your camera? Get it set up?" Robin said.

Harry smiled and nodded, as he moved to sit next to his Dad. Harry took note of exactly what Robin was doing, so he remembered for future reference.

"Breakfast is ready!" Gemma called from the kitchen.

Sat at the table, food in front of him, Harry was taking photos of everything on the plate, from different angles. It was quite amusing to watch, especially when he moved the food around to get better shots.


It was nearing party time. It was due to start at 7 in their house.

Harry was busy in his room, trying to find something nice to wear. He wanted to look his best, especially for Louis. He chose a nice navy blue shirt, black trousers and shoes. He styled his hair nicely and brushed his teeth. He sprayed some cologne he got for Christmas, and he was all ready. He made sure his room was spotless, which it always was, and headed downstairs.

"My my! Don't you look handsome?" Anne said, smiling. She took her phone out. "Must take a photo."

Harry posed for her then sat down, nervously waiting for the guests.


Everyone had arrived by 7.10. All Harry's friends were around him as he opened his presents.

Of course he cuddled with Louis for a while. That was the best birthday present.

"Thank you. I love them all." He said once he'd opened them all. "Mummy, can we do cake now please?"

Liam laughed quietly. He thought Harry was such a baby, but nobody else said anything. Louis thought it was cute when he said Mummy.

"Coming right up." Anne said, going to fetch his cake. A Colin the caterpillar cake. Harry likes caterpillars, he loves watching them transform into beautiful butterflies.

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