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Louis woke up the next morning, cuddled up with Harry in his bed. Anne had told them to not get too close, in case he caught Harry's cold, but Harry had cried saying he needed cuddles.

He didn't care if he caught the cold, if it meant Harry didn't cry. Neither of them got much sleep due to Harry's cough.

Louis looked at the time on his phone. 8.15. He yawned and stretched.

Harry coughed.

"Morning." Louis said quietly, not sure if Harry was just coughing in his sleep.

"Mmmmmm." Harry mumbled in reply and snuggled up closer to Louis. He smiled.

"You're so cute. Go back to sleep."

And he did. So did Louis.

It was 10 o'clock when Anne came in the room. She sighed when she saw them in the same bed.

"Louis." She whispered, shaking him gently. His eyes opened and he sat up quickly.

"Sorry auntie Annie. He was upset." He apologised before suddenly coughing.

Anne sighed again. "See, now you caught his cold. You better get home Lou."

Harry had woken up with them talking, and leapt up when he heard her saying Louis had to go.

"No Mummy please don't make him go. I'm sorry." He whimpered.


"Mummy please." *cough cough cough*

"Sorry Auntie Annie." Louis repeated. "I'm not that sick. I can look after Harry. Please let me stay?"

"I don't know Lou, let me ask your Mum."

Anne left and Louis pulled Harry back down onto his pillows.

"Don't go Lou Lou." Harry sniffed.

"I won't. I know Mum will let me stay." He smiled.

Sure enough, Anne came back ten minutes later and told him he could stay.

They spent the day cuddled up, watching movies or listening to music, having naps and taking care of each other.


Monday morning.

"Boys. Time to get up for school." Anne said, as she opened the curtains, lighting up the room. It was only 7.30 but it already looked like it was going to be a lovely day.

Harry grumbled and pulled the duvet over his head, coughing as he did so.

Louis covered his eyes with his arm. "Do we have to go?"

"Yes. Now up you get. Your Dad just dropped your uniform and bag off." Anne left the room and Harry put his arm over Louis' stomach.

Both boys still had a cold, Louis' not so bad, just a bit of a cough, but Harry still wasn't feeling great.

"You getting up Harry?" Louis asked. Harry shook his head and sniffed, his blocked nose had gone and was now a runny one.

"Your Mum said we have to go." Harry held him tighter.

"Stay here. Warm." Harry mumbled.

They both fell asleep again.

"Boys. You have to get up. Come on now." Anne was back fifteen minutes later, not looking happy. She pulled back the duvet, making both boys jump awake.

"MUUUUUUUUUUM!" Harry yelled, trying to grab the cover. "I'm ill."

Anne put the thermometer in his mouth as Louis grabbed his arm to keep him still. It beeped.

"Your temp's gone down. The medicine worked."

Harry got himself worked up so much that he started coughing and couldn't stop. Louis rubbed his back. "You need to calm down."

Anne fetched a glass of water.

Harry jumped up off the bed and rushed out the door, Anne followed.

She found him by the toilet throwing up. All the coughing had made him sick.

"Oh Harry. What am I going to do with you eh?"

Harry finished. Louis was now in the room. "Is he going to school?"

"No Lou. You're OK to go though?" She asked.

"I'm OK. Just worried about him." He sighed.

"He'll be ok. I'll look after him. Come on Harry, let's get you back to bed." She helped him up and got him back to bed.

"Sorry. I have to go. But I'll see if I'm allowed round after school." Louis said as he stroked Harry's flushed cheeks.

Harry was crying, but so tired and he fell asleep.


After school, Louis came round.

He found Harry tucked under his duvet, hugging his favourite Teddy bear.

"Hey Harry." He said as he climbed into bed next to him.

"Lou Lou." Harry whispered. His throat was so sore from all the coughing and his chest hurt too. He felt really rough and exhausted.

"You feeling any better?"

Harry shook his head. "Missed you."

"Missed you too. Our Mum's said I can stay tonight if you want me to."

Harry smiled a little bit. He'd never say no to Louis staying over.

"Come give me a cuddle then." Louis said as Harry rested against him, closing his eyes and falling into a contented sleep.



Sorry this was rubbish. Trying to think of something good to write.

Thoughts on the chapter?

Hope you're OK. All the love. L. Xx


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