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Liam was the first to arrive for Harry's sleepover. He bought a big bag full of sweets, crisps, chocolate and Fizzy drinks, even though Anne already bought lots of treats.

He was upstairs with Harry.

"I have some books you can have at home. I've read them so I'd only give them away." Liam said as they sat on Harry's bed.

"Oh. Thank you Li. I love reading." He smiled.

"I know. That's why I'm giving them to you. But if you don't like them you can chuck em out."

Harry nodded.

His door opened. Niall and Zayn walked in. Both had bags of more treats as well as their sleepover things.

"H-Hi." Liam said nervously.

The boys looked at Liam.  "Hi. Good to see you. Sorry you're leaving."

Liam smiled. "Thanks."

"Where's my Lou Lou?" Harry asked. Louis was normally the first to show up.

"Dunno Haz. He'll be here soon." Niall replied, patting Harry on the head.

"Don't touch my curls. Only Lou Lou is allowed to do that."

The boys all laughed.

The door opened again and Louis strolled in. Harry ran straight to him and jumped into his arms.

Louis laughed and hugged his boyfriend. "Whoa. Did you miss me or something?"

Harry hummed into his neck. "Missed you."

"Missed you too, my lil cutie pie."

"Pass the sick bucket." Zayn said, fake gagging.

"Shut it! You're just jealous."

"Yeah right."

They all sat on the two beds in Harry's room. Robin had the blow up bed set up too. It still meant that two of the beds would be shared.

"I'm sleeping with Harry." Louis said.

Niall coughed. "Already? You only just started going out."

"What do you mean?" Harry replied. He's so innocent. Bless him.

"Don't worry babe. Just Niall being a twit as usual." Louis said, glaring at Niall, who covered up a laugh.

"I'm with Zayn." Niall then said.

"But poor Li Li will be lonely." Harry added.

"It's fine Harry. I'd rather have a bed to myself. You all fidget too much in the night."

"Do not!" Zayn laughed.

"Well you snore." Louis pointed to Liam.

Liam blushed. "I don't."

"You fucking do!" Niall said.

"Ni...no swearing please." Harry said, frowning at the bad word.

"Soz Harry."

The boys were all getting on really well. Which Harry was relieved about. There really was no point in holding grudges now.

Time went on....they had pizza and chips for dinner and were making their way through the mountain of crap the boys all bought. There's bound to be some sore stomachs later.

"Can I ask you something Liam?" Louis asked as they watched rubbish on YouTube.


"Did you really have sex with Sophie?"

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