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" Tadashi I'm homee" I said before closing the door of our shared house. " Wel-welcome home" Tadashi greeted while wearing a cute green apron around him.

" That's cute" I complemented. " Thank you" He smiled. He helped me to take off my blazer and carried my bag.

" Did you cook something?" I asked while sitting down on the dining chair. " Yes i did! I wanted to make you something special " He blushed.

" Really? That's sweet " I stood up and hugged him. " Shall we eat?" He offered. I hummed in response breaking the hug and sat down again.

He served quite a variety of my favorite food.
" Man I'm so lucky to have someone like you" I sang while looking all the dishes he made.

" Me too" He smiled. " Thank you for the food" We said in sync. And me digged in. "Woah tadashi this is really tasty!" I said while tasting
(Fav dish).

" Really? I'm glad you liked it" He rubbed his nape. " Home cook meals are really nice" I said and took a sip of water.

" I want to come home everyday like this " I smiled. "Then I'll cook for you for the rest of my life!" Tadashi declared. "I'll be looking forward do that" I smiled.

We finished eating the main course. " I'll go get our dessert " He stood up. " You even have dessert?" I asked and he hummed in response.

He took something out of our fridge and when he turned around it is a ( fav flavor) cake.

He put it down on the table. "I remembered that i gave you this cake when we're in high school so i learned to make it for you" He said.

" I knew that i made the right choice" I smiled happily looking at the cake but something bothers me there's lettering on it.

I stood up to take a clearer look and saw the words.

Will you marry me?

I quickly looked at tadashi who's in one bended knee holding out a red velvet box with a beautiful ring inside.

" Will you marry me? " He asked. " Do i really need to answer that?" I jokingly asked. " of course i will " I smiled.

He putted the ring on my finger and started crying. " Why are you crying? " I panicked helping him to stand up.

" I thought you'll never say yes" He cried. "What? Of course I'll say yes when it comes to you that's why i chose you remember?" I wiped his tears.

I hugged him and we stayed like this for a moment.

" hey "

" Yes tadashi?"

"I love you my wife "

" I love you more my husband.."

𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now