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The next day

I walked through the corridors of the 1st years building and saw kiyoko san handing out fliers.
" What are those fliers for kiyoko san?" I asked.

" Y/n? Oh, this is for recruiting new managers for our club " She answered. " Kiyoko san? Y/n san?" A voice asked, i turned around and saw hinata and kageyama.

" Hinata, kageyama " I said. " Hello y/n san "the 2 bowed. " Why are you 2 here in our building?" Hinata asked.

" Me? I was just passing by, but kiyoko san here is handing out fliers for our club " I said. " Oh, hinata, kageyama hello" Kiyoko san noticed the 2.

" Hello kiyoko san " The 2 greeted. " um. Y/n san did you saw my spike yesterday?!" Hinata suddenly asked. " Spike? Oh that, yes i did" I answered. " Was it good?!" He asked.

" Ehh.. It's ok" I answered. And he pouted.
" Better compliment kageyama for the toss tho" I said. " The toss?" Hinata asked.

" Without kageyama you wouldn't be getting that spike. And i must say that toss is pretty decent for a 1st year" I said. " Thank you" Kageyama blushed.

The bell rang signaling it's lunch time. " oh lunch time!" Hinata smiled. " I'll be going now bye bye!" Hinata happily ran away. "Me too" Kageyama said and walked away.

"Man those 2 are really something" I said.
" But they will have a big contribution to the club in the future " Kiyoko san said.

" Oh princess " A voice said and i sighed. As i turned around i saw blondie and his apprentice once again.

" Hello yamaguchi " I greeted and he gave me a small wave. " Hey what about-" Tsukishima is cut off by " KIYOKO SANNN!" Tanaka's loud voice while running his way towards kiyoko.

I stopped tanaka and dragged him away.
" Sorry kiyoko san " I apologized. " Thank you y/n " She thanked.

I dragged Tanaka downstairs and let him go.
" Come on y/n that was my chance to talk to kiyoko san!" He exclaimed.

" You're bugging her and she literally ignores you all the time " I said. " but still it feels good" He smiled.

" Disgusting " I frowned. " Y/n, tanaka " Suga san approaches us. " Eh? Is tanaka ok?" He asked. " he's fine don't worry about him" I reassured.

" I just want to inform you 2 that our practice match will be today, in case if you 2 forgot about it" Suga san said. " i didn't, maybe tanaka did" I said.

" HEY I DID NOT!" He yellled. " Do i need to play?" I asked. " OF COURSE YOU NEED TO PLAY. SO WE CAN CRUSH THAT SCHOOL!" Tanaka yelled. " Ok see you 2 then" Suga san bid goodbye and walked away.

" I'm not talking to you" I glared at him. " Sorry " He quickly apologized. " How about we practice?" I asked. " Sure!" Tanaka smiled.

And we walked to the gym. " wait. I didn't changed my clothes " Tanaka said. " Sucks to be you, because i already wore mine" I said.

When we reached the gym i took off my uniform revealing my practice clothes, a simple f/c shirt and volleyball shorts. I pulled out some spare volleyball shoes at the storage room and wore them.

"Let's go" I said getting in the court until a certain 2 appeared. " oh kageyama, hinata" Tanaka said.

Kageyama POV

We entered the gym and saw tanaka and y/n san. Y/n san are wearing her practice attire.
' is she going to play?'i thought.

' then I'll finally she her play' i thought. "Oi you 2, how about we have a little match?" Y/n offered. We agreed and got in the court.

Moments later

" Let's end this, since we have a practice match later " Y/n san said and we agreed.

" Oh, princess had a little match? I'm hurt you didn't even invited me "tsukishima entered the gym. " I don't need you, your blocking disappoints me " Y/n san said.

Tsukishima POV

I flinched at her statement. " excuse me?" I asked. " You heard me" She said. " Your blocking doesn't even have the power to even call it block " She said.

" Then what is a block to you?" I asked. " For me? A block is something that will scare the players or bring them down, like being the biggest one in the court " She said.


Time skip

After that little practice at the gym we head back to our class after eating lunch. Class ended and we head straight to the gym for our practice match.

" We'll they are here " I said looking at aoba johsai who just appeared. ' wait he seems familiar' i said looking at a certain someone.

' i knew it, it's him. But where is the other one?'i thought. "Gather up!" Daichi san yelled. " Eh? Y/n you're not gonna play?" Takeda sensei asked. " Me? Nah i won't since the grand king isn't here " I said.

Iwaizumi POV

After we entered the gym my eyes caught someone familiar. It's the girl from that day.
' is she a manager here or a player?' I thought.


The game starts and the duo became the center of attention of the other team. ' i know right? seeing these 2 fight wil get you asking why are they even here?' I thought.

Time skip

The practice match ended and we barely won. Our teamwork is still not good enough because these 1st years don't know what the f*ck even teamwork is.

The 2 teams thanked each other and we cleaned the gym. After that we all bid our goodbyes and head home.

 After that we all bid our goodbyes and head home

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