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Sakusa POV

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Sakusa POV

" This can't be.." My eyes widen starring at my reflection. My head hurts, i can't breathe properly, i feel cold but I'm burning up and worst my temperature is 39 Celsius.

" How can this happen i take vitamins everyday and everything to prevent this" I said. " This will go away if i-" I was cut off by.

" Omi where are you?" Y/n's voice echoed.
' shit ' i mentally cursed. If she found out i have a fever she'll tease the hell out of me.

Sakusa's imagination

" Hah? You have a fever how pathetic,
i thought you're a germaphobe " Y/n smirked.

Imagination ends

" Oh there you are " She entered the bathroom. I flinched. " You'll be late for afternoon practice omi" She walked towards me and stopped beside me.

" Huh? You look pale are you alright-" I cut her off. "Of course I'm fine " I aggressively said without noticing. " Geez I'm just asking no need to be aggressive about it " She said as she brushed her hair.

" I'll go get change " I exited the bathroom and back to our shared bedroom. " I'll be fine as long she doesn't notice " I said as i took off my shirt and began to change into my training outfit.

" Omi what's this? " I flinched and turned around. She's holding the thermometer i used earlier. And the temperature is still there.

' i forgot to turn it off!' I mentally screamed.
" Oh that's why you're pale " She said. ' God please help me 'i prayed and closed my eyes.

I warm hand is placed on my forehead. " You have a fever. Geez why didn't you tell me earlier " She sighed.

" You're not going to attend practice today omi no declining " She said. ' eh? ' i thought.
" Change into something comfortable and lay down on the bed " She ordered and got out of the room.

" I thought she's going to tease me.." I mumbled and changed my clothes to comfortable ones.
I laid on the bed and closed my eyes.

Minutes later

" Omi I'm back " Y/n said i opened my eyes and saw her carrying some things. " Sit up omi" She said. I groaned and sat up resting my back at the headboard.

She placed her hand once again on my forehead. " You're still burning up " She said and began to open something i looked at what it is and it's a fever relief pad.

" Omi hold your bangs please" She said i put my bangs out of the way and she applied the pad on my forehead. " That's nice.." I mumbled.

" I also brought miso soup and rice " She showed me a new cooked rice and miso soup.
" Can you move freely or do i have to feed you?" She asked.

" I can manage " I said feeling flustered.
" The water is here, i have to call iwaizumi ok?" She said and i nod. She got out of the room.

" Thank you for the food" I thanked and began to eat. " it's good.." I said after taking my first bite.

Time skip

She got back and i finished my meal. " here drink this it's medicine " She said handing it to me. I grabbed the medicine and drank it.

She checked my temperature. " Your fever is going down, so rest I'll be washing the dishes " She said and i laid again at the bed then drifted to sleep again.

Moments later

I woked up and saw y/n sitting beside me watching (fav anime) on her phone. " Oh you're awake. I prepared some onigiri if you're hungry" She said. I looked and saw some onigiri.

I sat up and grabbed one. My eyes widen when i took a bite. " Is this umeboshi?" I asked. " Hah you've noticed. Yes it is since it's your favorite i decided to put that " She said.

" I- thank you" I blushed and continued to eat. She continued to take care of me until she fell asleep beside me.

" I thought you're going to tease me because I'm vulnerable at this state but you didn't. " I brushed her hair.

I opened the drawer beside me and took something out. I opened the box and slipped a ring on her finger.

I grabbed her hand and kissed the ring.

" Thank you for taking care of me "

𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now