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I got back to the venue at the match started.
Moments later the match ended. But rin looks like he's not satisfied by winning.

" You did well haru " I said. " Thank you" He gave me a sad smile. " Now where's rin?, me and him has something to talk about " I said cracking my knuckles.

" Um.. Calm down y/n " Makoto sweat dropped. " I'm calm, now where he is? " I asked. " oh ye before that, who is he?" I asked pointing at the glasses guy.

" He's Rei Ryūgazaki a new member of out club" Makoto said. " Nice to meet you L/n san" He bowed. " Please call me y/n " I said.

"  Now back to the main sh*t, where is rin?" I asked once again. " I think he's on the way to his team bus " Rei answered.

" thanks " I said and walked to find the bus he's in. I encountered a bus and saw him standing outside.

I walked towards him and smacked his head.
" That hurts! He-" He rubbed his head and when he turned around his eyes widen.

" Are you happy?" I asked but he didn't answered. " Pushing away your friends to achieve self satisfaction. Was it fun rin?" I asked.

" Of course it is-" I cut him off by a punch but it didn't landed on his face but the bus behind him. ' why the fuck did i do it? It hurts ' i mentally regret it.

" If you continue to push others, then you won't be able to grow " I said and i pulled my hand back. ' oh sh*t, it's bleeding ' i thought.

" Why do you always care about our team, our bonds- it's nothing now we already established that when we parted " Rin said 

" Then do you want me to applause for your terrible change huh? " i asked. He glared at me.
" It's easy for you to say, you're gifted. Everyone around you applause for your achievements " He said.

" I don't need any applause, I'm just doing what i usually do. I am built upon the small things i do " I said. " Wanna hear a story?" I asked.

" what story?" He asked. " A story about a boy who quit swimming because he blamed himself, because a certain one left " I said making his eyes widen.

" Haru quit?" Rin's eyes widen. " Bingo " I said. " Happy now? Do you want me to praise you?" I asked. " No. I don't want it" He said suddenly tears started to fall on his cheeks.

" I didn't know it and yet i still blamed him " He cried. " Oh yea my hand is bleeding " I said. I took a handkerchief out of my pocket and tied it to my hand.

" What am i supposed do?" Rin asked burying his face on his hands. " If you realize that you made a mistake living your life, you just have to take a moment and start over " I said patting shi shoulder.

" Apologize to haru, i know that he'll understand you. Because he forgave you a long time ago " I said. " Then if that will make things right, I'll do it " Rin said wiping his tears.

" I'm sorry for causing you kuch trouble today, and are you sure you don't want your hand to be treated?" Rin asked. " Nah it's fine it's just a scratch " I reassured him. " It's bleeding " He said.

" I said it's just a scratch " I said. "Ah.. Then it's a scratch " He sweat dropped. "Oh it's almost sun down, i better return " I said and started to walk away.

" I'll be going now, until we meet again " I bid goodbye and grabbed a cab to head back.

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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now