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3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

" I'm home dear " Akaashi said before closing the door behind him. " Welcome back honey" Y/n said while she's working on the documents for her company.

Akaashi put down his things and walked towards y/n. " Working this late again?" Akaashi asked.

Y/n hummed in response. " Remember to sleep more later " Akaashi kissed y/n's cheek before going to their shared bedroom to take a shower.

Moments later

" Still working?" Akaashi asked walking towards y/n after taking a shower and putting some comfortable clothes on.

" Don't worry honey just a few more and I'm done" Y/n said. " Mhmm.. Oh and here's the new volume of udai san's manga " Akaashi grabbed something from his bag.

He placed the manga on the table beside y/n.
" Really? Thanks honey" Y/n smiled. " I'll make us some hot choco " Akaashi walked to the kitchen.

" Just a few more y/n and you'll be able to read it!" Y/n said and continued to do her work.

Later on she finished her work. " Here you go. Good job finishing it" Akaashi praised her and gave her the hot choco.

" Thanks honey" Y/n took a sip from the hot choco and immediately liked it. She grabbed the manga and started reading it.

While akaashi is sitting beside her reading a book. " Huh that's weird.." Y/n mumbled loud enough for akaashi to hear.

" What's weird?" Akaashi asked. " There's 2 new characters named after us " Y/n said.
" Oh yea udai san said he wants to make a couple in the story so he thought naming them after us " Akaashi said.

" Ohh. Wait, look the guy is kneeling the tension is high!" Y/n exclaimed and akaashi smiled softly at her.

" Oh this is it!" Y/n immediately stood up reading the words said by the character named after akaashi.

The lines :

" There's no magic spell to bring me back."

" And I can't reload my save data either "

" C'mon, let's start from here, shall we? "

" Even if it's just level 1, choose 'continue?'"

" I want to take a peek at your heart. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, every single day. "

" Just getting to meet you makes my heart pound this fast. You & me, I wanna stay like this forever"

" I can't stop anymore, I am who I am just the same, -"

Y/n's eyes widen and looked immediately at akaashi who's in one bended knee holding out a beautiful ring.

And akaashi said the final line.

" Will you marry me? "

Y/n eyes widen and smiled widely. Y/n showed the page of the character named after her saying.

" yes i do! "

Akaashi smiled and slipped the ring on her finger. " Did you planned this?" Y/n asked.

" Yes. I'm the one who wrote the proposal part of the character named after me. "


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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now