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I closed my eyes feeling the warm breeze of the fields. I am currently in shinsuke's house right in front of a rice field.

My alarm goes off and i looked at the time its already lunch. " Love it's time for lunch!" I yelled.
" I'll be right there dear!" He yelled. I walked back inside and prepared our lunch.

Shinsuke arrived and i gave him a clean towel to wipe his sweat off. " Thank you dear" He smiled and i smiled back.

" So what are your plans for today?" He asked taking a seat at the table. " Hm? I have to go back to my office later " I said while scooping rice to our bowl.

" Oh.. " He said with a hint of sadness. I put the rice in front of him. " Don't be sad I'll be coming back early. Here your favorite " I said and serve him some tofu burger.

His eyes sparkled seeing it. I sat across him.
" Let's eat" I said. " Thank you so much for the food " We prayed and began to eat.

Later on shinsuke spoke up. " I have something to show you later " He said and i hummed in response.

Moments later and we finished eating. I washed the dishes and shinsuke is waiting for me. I finished washing the dishes and dried my hands.

" So what are you going to show me?" I asked getting out of the house. " You'll find out later " He offered his hand for me to grab on and i gladly accepted.

We walked further the rice fields and met a small forest. We walked in the forest and my eyes widen.

There's a beautiful wisteria tree ahead of us.

There's a beautiful wisteria tree ahead of us

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" Woah this is pretty " I said. " I agree. I found this when i was roaming around when i was little " Shinsuke said.

" Did you purposely brought me here because wisteria trees symbolizes love? " I asked hiding my smirk.

" Well.." He blushed. " Thank you it's beautiful " I smiled. " Welcome " He smiled back.

" After i found this wisteria tree here i asked grandma why is there a wisteria tree here, and she said that it is based on the history of two lovers who planted this here to symbolize their love, the fox and the phoenix " He said.

" Oh i know that story. The male is a nine tailed fox and the woman is a phoenix they met during the woman is giving back the foxes of the male. That story is beautiful " I said. ( if you know where this is from, congratulations)

" I agree that story is beautiful, that's my favorite story of all time, want to hear the words of the male fox said to his lover under this tree?" Shinsuke asked and i nod in response.

" However old I get, make me be in love with you. True love is great, but stay in love with me "

" Did you notice? While you are asleep, I got the chance to softly kiss you in the cheek." He said and something clicked in my head.

" However old I get, don't get tired of me, please. Stay in love with me forever. Because I'll do my best to tell you, "You're pretty,". " He said while looking at me.

" What if our destiny was just a roll of the dice?" I asked remembering the line of the
female phoenix in the story.

His eyes widen and smiled softly at me before saying:

" it doesn't matter on how we choose to toss the dice, because our marriage is the adventure of our lives. "


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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now