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I sighed as my feet drags me to school but there's a slight problem. " You 2 stop following me!" I glared at hinata and kageyama following me.

"Y/n senpai pleaseee tutor us!" Hinata clinged to my bag adding weight into it. ' He's heavy, even though he's small!' I thought.

I dragged my bag and hinata to the stairs and saw ennoshita."chikara help me!" I yelled.

" Tutor! Tutor! " The 2 chanted. " You 2 stop clinging to her like that. Ask yachi san maybe she can help you 2 " Ennoshita said making hinata got off me and the 2 walked away.

" Finally freedom" I learned on the wall to catch my breath. " Are you ok y/n?" Ennoshita asked.
" Yes I'm fine, thank you for the help" I said and entered our classroom.

"Hey hey Y/n are you ok?" Tanaka asked approaching me. I shook my head while questioning my existence.

"What happened?" He asked."The duo won't stop annoying me " I sighed.

" Why?" He asked." They want me to tutor them" i sighed as i put my chin on my hand resting it on my desk.

"But i don't wanna." I mumbled. And there was a long pause. " Actually you-" i cut him off.

" Do you want to die instead? " I glared and he gulped. Class started.

Time skip

I got up of my seat and walked my way to the door, as i step out I've been greeted by the duo.

"You 2 again " I grumbled as i walked away. " y/n senpai please! tutor us!"hinata begged.

They followed me again even outside of the school they're still there, like lost crows.

I took a turn and decided to walk inside coach ukai's store. " Welcome oh- y/n " He said while there's a cigarette in his mouth.

" Wow, is this how you great your customers?" I asked. " Are you gonna buy something or not?" He asked. " Anyways, do you have a human pesticide?!" I slammed my hands on the counter making him slightly choke on his cigarette nearly dying.

"What the hell?! I don't sell those! But i wish i have those tho" He said. " Right?" I agreed.

"But, there is nothing i can do now it's all on you now " He smoked. I sighed in defeat and walked outside the store.

" Y/n senpai.." Hinata called. "don't even think about it " I glared.

" Ohh what do we have here?~" An annoying salt appeared in the battle field. " Hello y/n senpai, hinata and kageyama san " Yamaguchi waved.

' He's a blessing' i cried internally. ( referring to yamaguchi)." Tsukishima " Hinata growled.
" What are you guys doing together?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Maybe they are busy hacking at her standards hoping it might get low enough that she might date one of them "  Tsukishima smirked..

" Say hinata, kageyama. Should i punch this bitch?" I asked. " Yes-" The 2 was cut off by.
" PLEASE NO!" yamaguchi yelling.

" Since you're the underclassman here, won't it be better to improve your personality?" I asked.

" Isn't your mind somewhat corrupted, Since you can't comprehend how amazing my personality is?" Tsukishima smirked. While the 3 stand there just watching and waiting.

" Well sorry about that. I have a horrible personality so, i can only see how much of a disappointment you are " I smirked.

My mind is made up of 70% percent sarcasm and 30% who cares anyway. " Fine then. What's that? " I pointed behind them the 2 looked back and i ran away from them.

"Where are you going y/n chan!" The 2 ran after me. "Shh..!" I hushed and he stopped talking when we reached a corner. "ok loser i have a  reviewer to make "i walked away to head home.

I sighed as i reached my house i opened the door.." I'm home.."i mumbled as i looked at the empty house.

My parents have gone to a business trip last week . And now I'm alone again. " Well then i can do whatever i want " I said.

I took my shoes off and lock the door, i walked upstairs to my room. I opened my room and flumped to the bed embracing the warm comfort this is heaven.

I sat up to my bed.."should i study or..." my eyes travel to my pc.  "Damnit it just decide Y/n " i said to myself.

"I'm an educational kid I'm gonna do the right thing!" I said and-
"Fuck you losers!" I cursed as the Victory sign came into screen. I quit the game and flumped to the bed.

" Oh yea i have exams, fuck it grades doesn't define you " I said and stood up.

I change my school uniform into my pajamas and walked downstairs opening the lights.

"I'm lazy, I'll just eat ramen and (favorite food)" I stated and i began to prepare my food.

I putted them on the coffee table in front of the tv and i grabbed the comforter upstairs, i turned the tv on and watched (favorite anime).

I started to eat until the doorbell. " What is it now?" I groaned i stood up and walked to the door. I opened the door " We don't need a new water filter-"

"Y/n senpai good eve"

"Good evening Y/n senpai"

"Y/n chan!"

"Evening princess "

"Evening princess "

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