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" I can't believe that we suddenly have a match against nekoma " I sighed getting out of the cab. " And it's one of the powerhouse too " I said and walked in the gym.

" OI! Y/N!" Tanaka yelled approaching me.
" Finally done with your errands?" He asked and i hummed i response.

"Y/n your hand is bleeding " Kiyoko san said.

" Oh that " I said and suddenly kiyoko san dragged me to treat my hand.

" Y/n are you ok?!" Daichi san asked approaching us. " Yes I'm fine " I said.

" We can't let you play with that state, I'll talk to the captain of the other team to inform him " He said and walked away.

" What did you do this time y/n?" Kiyoko san asked while treating my hand. " I sorta kinda punched a bus " I sweat dropped.

" A bus?" Her eyes widen and i looked away to avoid her eyes. Suddenly daichi san came back with someone beside him.

He have a default bed hair. ' is that permanent?' I thought. " As you can see one of our players can't play " Daichi san said.

" No it's fine " The guy smiled and looked at me. " It's done" Kiyoko san said and i looked at my newly bandaged hand. " Thanks kiyoko san " I thanked her.

Kuroo POV

I walked back to our side of the court. " Is that a another pretty manager?!" Tora asked. " Nope, it's their player " Yaku said.

" That's even better!" Tora smiled. " Can you shut up? I can't deal with people who have too much energy like you" Kenma frowned.

" she's not bad tho " I said. " But let me just say that, she's mine " I smirked. " Like you ever had a chance on girls "kenma said. " Of course i have!" I exclaimed.

" You don't know her don't you?"yaku asked.
And we looked at him. " Knew it. She's Y/n L/n the karasuno's star player. She's pretty much a legend like the little giant " Yaku explained.

" How did you know that?" Tora asked. " It's in the volleyball monthly " Yaku answered.

"She must be really popular being featured in that magazine " Tora said.

" She's also a well known swimmer when she's in middle school but she switched to volleyball " Yaku said.

I looked at her again. She has that cold look but the things about her are pretty interesting.
She walked towards to a blue haired boy.

" Can i have a toss?" She asked. " But y/n san your hand " The guy answered. "it's fine " She reassured.

The guy proceeds to do a toss, she did a run up and slammed the ball to our side sending a loud thud.

" That's some spike " Kai said. " Man she's really interesting " I chuckled. " And you look weird" Kenma said. "Hey!" I exclaimed.

" It's almost time for the match, let's gather up" Our team formed a circle, we putted our hands on top of each other.

" We are the blood that flows smoothly and circulates oxygen so that the brain can work normally. " I said.


" So what are your thoughts about him?" Kiyoko san asked. " Him?" I asked. " Nekoma's captain" Kiyoko san said. I looked at the captain and he smiled at him.

" I don't know. I don't even know his name " I said. And kiyoko san filled me with the details.
"Kuroo huh? Pass don't wanna" I said and kiyoko san giggled.

Suddenly my phone rang. " huh? Makoto?" I asked and answered it.

" hello?"


" Is there something you want to say?"

"Oh yea, rin want to talk to you "

" Sure, what is it?" I asked and kiyoko san handed me a water bottle.

" Hello y/n? "

" oh rin sup " I said and started to drink the water kiyoko san gave me.

" I'm going back to Australia "

I choked on the water and i started to cough intensely like I'm dying. Everyone looked at me. "I'm fine just don't mind me" I said.

" you're going back because?"

" My coach from Australia wants me to come back "

" Then good luck "

" until we meet again "

I ended the call. " now my clothes are drenched " I sighed. " Does anyone have a spare towel?" I asked.

Kuroo walked towards me and handed me a towel. " Wait, are you sure?" I asked. " It's fine, i got another one " He smiled.

"Um. Thank you very much" I thanked, i grabbed the towel and began to wipe it on my clothes.

The scent of the towel bothers me. I brought the towel near my nose. " it smells like strawberries " I mumbled.

Kuroo POV

" Making a move?" Kai asked. " Me? No I'm not "i smirked. " I'll win her fast "i smirked and the game continues.

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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now