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Moments later the match ended. " I should give this back now " I stood up and walked towards kuroo who's currently drinking water.

" Kuroo san here you go " I extended his towel towards him. He stopped drinking and grabbed his towel back. "Thank you for lending it to me " I said and walked back.

Kuroo POV

I looked at the towel and smiled. " It seems that she'll be the one winning you " Kai chuckled.
" What? She does not " I crossed my arms.

" OH IT'S Y/N CHAN!" A voice yelled and a blonde haired boy ran towards y/n. " Nagisa?" Y/n asked.

" What are you doing here y/n chan?" The boy named nagisa asked. " I should be the one asking you that" Y/n answered.

" We have a joint practice with the nekoma swimming team" Nagisa answered. " Same but ours is volleyball " Y/n answered.


" Nagisa? Oh y/n "makoto got in our gym. "Makoto? Haru? Rei?" I asked seeing the 3.

" it's a coincidence seeing you here " Makoto said. " Same as well " I said. " Nagisa i told you to stop running around " Rei sighed.

" Gomen gomen " Nagisa smiled. " You must be y/n's middle school's friend" Daichi walked towards us.

" You can say that " Makoto smiled. " I'm Sawamura daichi, the captain of karasuno's volleyball club" Daichi introduced himself.

" Nice to meet you, I'm makoto tachibana, the cpatain of iwatobi's swim team "makoto introduced.

" Wait.. Is that " Hinata asked pointing at haru.
" You're haruka nanase?" Hinata asked. "Uh. Yes I am " haru sweat dropped..

" Oh! I watched one of your competition and you're really awesome!" Hinata gleamed.
" Tha-nks" Haru slightly blushed.

" let's head back to practice, goodbye " Makoto and the others bid goodbye.

" Well that was unexpected " I said. " I'm so jealous y/n is popular with pretty boys " Tanaka said.

" Wait tanaka. Don't tell me, you like pretty guys? " I joked. " WHAT?! NO I DON'T MY HEART AND SOUL BELONGS TO KIYOKO SAN!" He declared.

" Sure, but don't worry i support you" I gave him a thumbs up. " I TOLD YOU I DON'T!" He exclaimed.

" Ok, let's clean up the gym so we can go home " Coach nekomata said. " HAI!" We agreed.

" Y/n how's your hand?" Kiyoko san asked.
" It's a little ok now " I said. " Let me carry that for you" I said looking at her bag.

" It's heavy and i can handle it " She said. "I insist " i said and she gave in. I carried the bag and looked at tanaka.

" hah, i win " I smirked. " kiyoko san why didn't you let me carry your bag when i asked you" Tanaka cried.

" I told you that i can handle it " Kiyoko san said. " But y/n" He pointed at me. " I'm simply repaying because kiyoko san treated my hand " I smirked.

Kuroo POV

" What are you looking at?" Yaku asked. "Hm?" I asked while looking at y/n having fun teasing her friend.

" Hey yaku " I called him and he hummed in response. " Does y/n prefer girls? "I asked.
" Why are you asking me that?" Yaku looked at me with disbelief.

" Kuroo san! Kenma is nowhere to be found again" Tora said. " Never mind that" I said.

" Now let's find where kenma be lurking " I said.


" Finally i can play again"kenma said while staying inside the storage room. " Peace and quie- "kenma is cut off by.

" Kenma " Kuroo said peeking through the storage room's door.

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