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" What a lovely mo-" I was cut off by.
" BABEEE!" Echoed in the whole house.

Samu and tsumu barged in my room without even knocking what a great way to start my morning.

" WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS?!" Atsumu exclaimed pointing at his .. Fox ears? " Look babe i have a tail " Osamu said pointing at his fox tail.

" Hah.. I'm still asleep.. " I chuckled falling back to my bed. " BABE!" Atsumu exclaimed. Osamu climbed on my bed.

" Look look y/n " He showed me his tail.
" Woah this is soft " I brushed his tail. " I know right" He said snuggling onto me.

" Help me! I have a morning practice i can't go like this!" Atsumu panicked. " Stop being annoying early in the morning tsumu " Osamu glared at his twin.

" Listen to your twin babe, just wait maybe you'll turn back " I said petting osamu's ears.

"Fine" Atsumu pouted while standing in front of us.

" Babe please pet me more "

" Babe touch my tail please "

Osamu said and i do what he wants besides it's a win-win situation.

3rd person POV

Atsumu ears twitched in annoyance seeing his twin getting all the love. " Oi! I'm here too ya know " Atsumu mumbled the last sentence.

" Come here you fox" Y/n extended her arm chuckling at atsumu's behavior. Atsumu's eyes sparkled and jumped to y/n's arm.

' this is heaven  ' y/n thought while petting the tails of two.

Moments later

Y/n's phone rang. " Samu can you get my phone?" Y/n asked. Osamu grabbed y/n's phone and gave it to her.

" Hello?"

" Ah l/n san you're not going to come here in the office today? "

" Ah yes ( assistant name). I'm currently taking care of two foxes right now "

" Eh foxes? "

" Is there a problem with foxes?"

" No no nothing at all, it's just today is the mark of their mating season "

" Ah.. Oh no"

" Eh l/n san-"

The call ended. Y/n gulped seeing the 2 foxes not moving an inch. " Ah i have to wash can i-" Y/n was about to stand up until the 2 pulled her back to bed. And y/n immediately know that she's in danger.

Y/n looked at the 2 their face is flushed red, their eyes even have hearts in it and their tail is swaying back and forth.

" Babe i feel woozy "

" Babe let us breed you please"

" Babe let us breed you please"

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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now