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3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

A peaceful morning in
the hinata residence.

"NOOO YOU'RE ALWAYS WITH Y/N NEE CHAN!" Natsu said while tugging y/n's right hand. " OF COURSE SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" While hinata tugged the other.


"MOOMM NII CHAN IS BEING SELFISH!" Natsu exclaimed. " Can i please speak-" Y/n sweat dropped.

" NO I'M NOT MOM! NATSU IS THE ONE BEING SELFISH!" Hinata yelled. Y/n tugged her arms back.

" I'm going to work " Y/n blankly said. " Y/n leaving already?" Mrs. Hinata got out of the kitchen. " Ah hai I'm going to work see you later Mrs. Hinata " Y/n bowed.

" Don't be shy call me mom" Mrs. Hinata smiled. " Then mom" Y/n said and got out of the house.

" What did you 2 do now?" Mrs. Hinata asked. " It's his/her fault!"The 2 pointed at each other.
" Now don't point fingers at each other you better fix this before y/n become more angry " Mrs. Hinata crossed her arms.

" Fine.. Sorry for yelling at you earlier " The 2 apologized at each other. " How are we going to make up for y/n?" Hinata asked.

" Don't worry nii chan i have a plan" Natsu whispered something at hinata. " How did you know that?!" Hinata blushed. " Hehe just a hunch " Natsu smiled.

Japan's league practice

" hey you and y/n seems pretty distant at each other lately " Kageyama said. " Stuffs happened earlier " Hinata said. " Yo shoyō aren't ya going to make up for that?" Atsumu asked.

" I want to but i can't talk to her. I can't even approach her" Hinata said looking at y/n talking with iwaizumi.

" Don't worry my greatest disciple we'll help!" Bokuto smiled. " Really?!" Hinata gleamed.
Bokuto looked at the 2 and immediately got what's the plan.

" So what's the plan?" Hinata asked. " just walk towards there" Atsumu pointed at something.
" Heyyyy y/n! Mind standing there?" Bokuto pointed at the same thing.

" Here?" The 2 asked. " Yes " Bokuto smiled.
" Now in you go!" The 3 pushed y/n and hinata inside the storage room and locked it.

" What the? You fuckers open this!" Y/n yelled trying to get the door open. " no can do y/n chan" Atsumu said. " Thank us later hinata" Kageyama said. 

" Do you know this?" Y/n looked at hinata.
" No! No! I don't please don't kill me!" Hinata panicked. " So what are we going to do here?" Y/n asked leaning at the door.

" I-.. Actually want to apologize from earlier. " Hinata rubbed his nape. Y/n didn't answered.
" I was acting childish and selfish earlier and i thought that my sister also needs to spend time with you for you two can create a bond. Guess I'm selfish huh?" Hinata chuckled nervously before sitting on the floor.

Y/n walked towards hinata and sat beside him.
" I'm not actually angry I'm just stressed " Y/n leaned at hinata's shoulder. " Sorry for snapping earlier shoyō " Y/n said.

" It's ok" Hinata smiled. " Now let's get out of here" Hinata stood up alongside with y/n.
" Don't worry I'll get us out here" Y/n cracked her knuckles.

And kicked the door open breaking it on purpose. Revealing the 3 from earlier. " Have fun eavesdropping?" Y/n asked darkly.

Making the 3 shiver. " Now triple training regiments for you 3 " Y/n smiled. " heh good luck germs" Sakusa smirked.

" Now let's go home sunshine " Y/n said while hinata blushed at the nickname.

Time skip to the hinata's residence

" Ohh they're here!" Natsu smiled while her mother giggled. Hinata nervously walked beside y/n.

" We're- home?" Y/n looked in confusion after opening the door of the house.

" Welcome home y/n nee chan!" Natsu smiled along with Mrs. Hinata. " Welcome home y/n my son has something to ask you " Mrs. Hinata can't contain how happy she is.

Y/n looked at the decoration and her eyes caught the main attraction a big lettering that spelled.

Will you marry me?

In the center decorated with the pictures of y/n and hinata since high school till now.
" Sunshi-" Y/n is cut off when she turned around hinata is on one bended knee holding out a beautiful red velvet box with a beautiful ring inside of it.

" Will you marry me y/n ?"

Hinata asked while his cheeks are tinted red.
" SAY YES SAY YES!" Natsu cheered. " Yes sunshine!" Y/n said. Hinata eyes widen and slipped the ring on y/n's fingers.

" Now kiss her shoyō!" Mrs. Hinata said. Hinata flinched and leaned his face towards y/n's face. Natsu jumped behind y/n ruining the moment.



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