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Class ended, currently me and tanaka are walking our way to the gym. We entered the gym. " Yo" Me and tanaka greeted.

" Glad you 2 are here, we're just setting up for the match against the first years " Suga san said.

" And tanaka you'll be joining them too" Suga san added.

" Yosha!" Tanaka smiled. " how about y/n?" Tanaka asked. " Nah, too tired " I said.

" Since it will be unfair right?" I asked and they nod.

I put my things down and walked to the storage room to grab a foldable chair. " I'll be just watching the match" I said and suddenly four eyes appeared. I ignored him and suddenly he talked.

" Angry at me princess?" He asked with a hint of teasing in his voice. " If i throw this chair at you, would you know?"i glared at him.

" Eh such stingy princess, it's cute " He smirked.

" If you don't stop I'll throw this for real " I said and he shut up.

I set the chair on the sidelines. The 2 teams are finally complete. The annoying duo, blondie with his apprentice.

"Ok let's start the match!" Daichi yelled and the match officially started. Kageyama got to the service box and served the ball that daichi san received.

Because of the impact of his jump serve, it bounces back to their side. " Chance ball!" Tanaka yelled receiving the ball sending it up.

" Let's see if he's worth calling the king of the court " I said and the ball went to kageyama.
He tossed the ball and my eyes caught someone doing a run up.

And kageyama tossed the ball to hinata, who spiked the ball in earning them a point.

"That's a crazy quick. A 1st tempo one " I crossed my arms.

Time skips

Moments later the match ended. " Thank you for the match " They bowed at each other. The duo walked towards me.

" I approve " I said standing up. " EH?" The 2 exclaimed. " Stop yelling or I'll take it back" I said folding the chair.

" Thank you very much!" The 2 bowed at me in which i ignored and returned the chair back to the storage room and met daichi who's getting the mops. 

" Y/n" He called and i hummed in response putting the chair back to where i got it. " You know he's coming back right" He said.

" I know. But i doesn't concerns me " I said and walked out of the storage room.

" Eh who's coming back princess?" Tsukishima popped out. " Are you really this annoying?" I asked. " No-" I cut him off. "Yes? Well that's not surprising " I walked away.

" Good afternoon everyone!" Takeda sensei said barging in the gym " Sensei please breathe you'll die " I sweat dropped seeing him panting heavily.

He took a deep breath. " I found a practice match for us! "He exclaimed.

" practice match?" Kageyama asked. " yes! with aoba johsai this week!" he said. " um. Sensei you already told us that " I sweat dropped.

" Really? Um.. I want to announce it again for the new members of our club!" He chuckled nervously.

" The gym will close soon. So you all better pack your things and go home safely " He added. "Hai!" We answered.

" Finally a match!" Hinata smiled. " aoba jo-hsai?" Kageyama shuttered. " Is something wrong kageyama?" Suga asked. "Ah? Nothing nothing" He said.

" He's meeting his good old senpai the grand king " I said making kageyama flinch.

" How did you know y/n?"suga asked. " He goes to the same middle school as him both labeled king " I answered.

" Are you afraid of him?" I asked looking at kageyama. But he didn't answered. " Don't worry, trust your teammates and yourself and you'll surpass him in the future if you do that" I said and grabbed my things.

Kageyama POV

I flinched at her statement. It's true that oikawa san is far ahead from me but if i take her words maybe I'll surpass him one day.

" kageyama are you ok?" Hinata asked. " Huh? Yes I am boke "i snapped out. And eyes caught y/n san leaving the gym.

My body moved on it's own and ran towards her. " Y/N SAN! " I yelled making her stop walking and turn around at me.


" Then I'll be waiting " She patted my head.
" Remember that you're not alone in the court " She said and walked away.

" See you tomorrow "she bid goodbye.

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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now