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' i mean this is alright, right? ' i thought. Nothing to worry about we're here in Irvine California to talk to someone that's not a big deal right?

It is a very big deal I'm telling you that. " We're here love " Ushijima said and the car stopped at an arena.

ushijima helped me to got off of the car. " Call us l/n san if we're going to pick you up" My driver said. "Hm? Oh i will" I got out of the car.

" Are you sure this is ok love?" I asked gripping on his arm. " Don't worry you'll be fine" He smiled softly at me.

' i want to die! ' i mentally screamed. " He'll be here any minute " Ushijima said. " Love are you ok?" Ushijima looked at me with worried eyes.

" Me? Of course I am " I nervously chuckled.
" Don't worry it will be fine breathe " He said. And i inhaled and exhaled.

" Oh wakatoshi!" A voice yelled and i flinched, he's here. An old man stopped right in front of us.

" Y/n this is takashi utsui my father " Ushijima introduced. " Nice to meet you I'm Y/n L/n " I bowed. " nice to meet you too. You're wakatoshi's lover right?" He smiled.

Takashi utsui (51)
Irvine polar bears
Training coach

" Yes I am " I answered. " So what brings you here wakatoshi?" His father asked. " We're here for your approval " Ushijima answered.

" Approval ey? Then let's settle this on the court" Ushijima's father walked to the court. "He wants to play?" I asked.

" Don't worry it's volleyball " Ushijima said. I gave ushijima my things and got to the other side of the court.

" Let's battle 1st to 5 and if you win I'll tell you my answer. Wakatoshi please monitor the scores " He said and ushijima nod " Sure " I answered. " I'll give you the 1st serve" He rolled the ball towards to me.

' please don't underestimate me takashi san i won against your son's team in high school ' i thought. I got to the service box and dribbled the ball.

I tossed the ball high in the air, ran towards it and slammed it doing my famous serve also known as the scary scary serve by shoyō and asahi san.

The ball flew passed takashi san's face and it landed in. " 1 point for y/n" Ushijima said.
" So you can really play huh. Now i know i won't go easy on you" Takashi san smirked.

" Please don't go easy, i can handle it" I said.

Moments later

I won with 5 points and takashi san with 3 points. " You're really good for someone who hasn't played for awhile" Takashi san complimented.

" Thank you" I said. " Wakatoshi go get us some drinks will you?" He asked and ushijima nod eyeing me that I'll be fine before walking off.

" So y/n you played volleyball too?" Takashi san asked. " Yes i do when i entered high school, in middle school i was on a swimming team" I said wiping my sweat off.

" So what's your position in volleyball?" He asked. " I can play any position in volleyball and I'm also an assistant coach " I said making his eyes widen.

" Really that's impressive " He said. " Like your son i was a top ace in Japan's female division ranking number 1 " I said. " Now i know why you easily won against me" He chuckled.

" Mind if i share some of my past?" He asked and i nod. " I was a volleyball player once but i kept getting injured so i retired before i got married. I married wakatoshi's mother but got divorced that's why he have his mother's last name. Even though me and wakatoshi are apart i watched wakatoshi's games, all of them " He said.

Making my eyes widen. I bowed at takashi san. " Eh? Why are you bowing-" I cut him off.

" Thank you for protecting his gift takashi san"

I straighten up and smiled at him. "I'm back" ushijima got back with refreshments. " I have to excuse myself if you don't mind" I said and they both nod and i ran off to find a bathroom.

3rd person POV

" Hey wakatoshi "

" Yes dad?"

" I approve "

" I approve "

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