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3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

" Where are you nishinoya yuu!" Y/n yelled getting frustrated. " Umm y/n" Asahi sweat dropped inside of y/n's office.

" Yes asahi san?" Y/n brushed her hair back.
" I might actually know where he is" Asahi said.

Minutes later

" Prepare the jet we're leaving japan in a few minutes " Y/n got out of her office while her assistant followed her.

" May i ask where we are going y/n san?" Her assistant asked. " We're going to catch a crow " Y/n smirked.

' i pray for the crow that y/n san's going to catch' Y/n's assistant mentally prayed.

" Oh and also (assistant name)" Y/n stopped walking. " Ah hai!" Her assistant also stopped.

" Get me a pack of gari gari kun a lot of them before we leave " Y/n smirked. " Hai! I'll contact the company right now" Her assistant called the gari gari kun company.

" So asahi what happened to your meeting with y/n?" Suga asked while they are having a get together with the others.

" She asked me where nishinoya is" Asahi said. " Did you tell her?" Daichi asked. Asahi hummed in response.

Somewhere in Italy

" Now this is a big black marlin!" Nishinoya smiled holding a big black marlin in a middle of a sea.

Suddenly a benetti yacht pulled right beside of their boat. " Nishinoya do you know someone who owned something like this?" A friend of nishinoya asked.

" I don't think i know" Nishinoya said. "BUT IT'S COOL!" His eyes gleamed. Y/n got out of the yacht with a megaphone on her hand.

" OI NISHINOYA YUU DID YOU FORGOT ABOUT ME?" Y/n asked through the megaphone.

" Y/N?!" Nishinoya nearly dropped the black marlin on his hands. " DAMN RIGHT THAT'S ME. ARE YOU GONNA LEAVE ME HANGING HERE? I CHOOSE YOU IDIOT " Y/n smirked then walked away.

" (Assistant name) go and fetch the crow" Y/n said. And her assistant nod escorting nishinoya.

Nishinoya eyes widen stepping inside the luxury yacht. " Took you long enough " Y/n greeted him.

" First of all this is so cool and second are you sure you chose me?" Nishinoya asked. Y/n snapped her fingers and a whole stock of gari gari kun was brought out by the people on board.

" Still not convince yet?" Y/n asked and nishinoya drooled at the sight of the gari gari kun in front of him.

" Are you trying to bribe me? If you are it's working " Nishinoya said. " But y/nnnn!" Nishinoya tried to hug her but y/n dodged it.

" Take a shower first idiot " Y/n chuckled throwing a towel at nishinoya's face.

Moments later

Nishinoya and y/n are enjoying the sunset on y/n's yacht while eating gari gari kun. " Can't believe you chose me" Nishinoya wrapped his arms around y/n.

" Well better believe it now idiot " Y/n flicked his forehead.  " That hurtsss" Nishinoya pouted.

" Now i can finally give you this" Nishinoya slipped a beautiful ring on y/n's right hand.
Making y/n's eyes widen.

" I got it when i was traveling so when you choose me in the future i can give it you" Nishinoya said trying to hide his flustered state.

" I love it thank you" Y/n smiled. " So what do you want to do for the rest of our lives?" Nishinoya asked.

" let's explore the world just the 2 of us"

" Then let's do that forever "

" Then let's do that forever "

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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now