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" Well this isn't good we are not winning at all" I looked at the score. " It seems that they can't block and receive the powerhouse's attacks " Coach ukai said looking at our team.

" Yep, they suck in short but in a matter of time they will sharpen their own sword they just have to look for an angle" I said as we examined the match. Later om the match ended and we lost.

The team commences some diving drills as their punishments. I sat down thinking some tactics that will work." If we do that it might. No, it's still not clean " I mumbled.

I stood up and walked outside to get some fresh air. If only they can visualize what they want to do and make it happen.

Suddenly a white car pulled out. " What the actual fuck?" I asked, hinata and kageyama got out of the car. " Eh? Hinata and kageyama?" I asked.

" Y/N SENPAI! SEE WE ARE HERE! WE PASS!" Hnata gleamed at me. " Yea, yea. Hurry up shortie you have a training regiment to complete" I said and he pouted. " You too " I pointed at kageyama. " HAI!" He stiffened.

"Oh Y/n is that you?~" A familiar voice asked. "Saeko onee chan" I stated a blonde girl ran towards me and hugging me to death.

"My my! Y/n you've grown so big! What a pretty lady am i right?" She looked at the 2 for agreement " Yes!" They exclaimed as their are tinted with red.

" I can't breathe saeko onee chan your boobs are crushing me " I gasped for air but her boobs are squished to my face.

"Ah gomen gomen! " She let go of me and i inhaled air, finally i can breathe. " Ok you 2 get change and do to practice " I said and the 2 agree and walked away from us.

" Don't be harsh on the 2 Y/n " Saeko oneechan stated. " I'm not harsh I'm just doing my part" I said and the wind hits my face letting my hair flow backwards.

" Ya know you've change a lot" Saeko onee chan said as she putted her hand on my shoulder. " You clearly knew what happened" I rolled my eyes." Hai hai, i know don't be too cold Y/n i" She pinches my cheeks.

" Stop" I mumbled and she let go my cheeks.
" Well catch ya later Y/n " She waved goodbye, i nod and walk back to the gym.
" Another penalty again?" I asked and saw them do diving drills again.

"Hey Y/n " Kuroo walked towards me wiping his sweat using his shirt. " Oh kuroo san" I said and kenma popped out behind him. " Oh kenma san" I said and he gave me a small wave.

" Let's talk about the game" I ignored kuroo and walked straight to kenma. " Ah, sure" He gave me a small smile.

3rd person POV

"Hey stop lifting your shirt " Yaku slapped kuroo's stomach." Ack! That hurts!"k uroo said while rubbing his stomach.

"Trying hard eh?" Yaku teased. " No I'm not" Kuroo crossed his arms. " Kenma beat you though " Yaku teased kuroo while walking away.

"Hmph no he isn't" Kuroo crossed his arms looking at the 2 conversing about the game they both played.

Minutes later.

"Oh y/n san i gotta go" Kenma stated. " Sure bye " she said, kenma bid her goodbye and walk off.

"We are not getting a single win. What are we gonna do?" Sugawara asked and the other's agreed.

Tanaka started to think for a second and an idea popped out in his mind. "How about we made Y/n wear cat ea-" Tanaka was cut off by a drop kick by Y/n sending him flying across the gym.

" A what?" Y/n glared making the people inside the gym flinched in fear. "Woah! Akaashi did you see that kick it's awesome!" Bokuto gleamed.

"Uh, bokuto san please calm down that guy has suffered terrible pain" Akaashi tried to calm bokuto.

"It's a good idea i never seen y/n's girly look before" Suagawara agreed. " See? Ack! My plan works" Tanaka stood up while his face is wrecked by the impact.

"Please don't" Y/n refused. " It's settled then" Daichi exclaimed. " Fuck" Y/n groaned in annoyance. " There is no turning back now Y/n" kiyoko san pulled out a black cat ears head band.

" You're in this? I felt betrayed" Y/n sulked and her soul flew out of her body. " Don't worry princess i bet it will look terrible on you" Tsukishima smirked.

" I hope" Y/n stated and she sat down on the bench tapping her foot in annoyance. " Cheer up Y/n senpai we will win for sure!" Hinata gleamed at her.

"Yea thanks kid " Y/n groaned and toshi jumped on her lap, Y/n petted him calming herself a little bit.

" Ugh, i wish you can bite tanaka for me" Y/n mumbled." Hey don't be like that to tanaka" Kiyoko san stated. " Yea " Y/n playfully rolled her eyes.

Moments later karasuno won and y/n suffered
" Here you go" Kiyoko handed her the black cat ears head band. Y/n took it and stare at it for a moment the whole team looked at her.

Toshi jumped out of her lap and stared at her.
" Argh! Fuck this shit i can't do it!" Y/n threw the head band and it hit hinata's face. Y/n ran outside for an escape.

"Let's get her!" Tanaka said and the whole team chased after her.

"Let's get her!" Tanaka said and the whole team chased after her

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