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3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

" Going home early tobio kun?" Atsumu asked kageyama. " Ah yes i have something important to do today " Kageyama answered.

" Ehh? What is it kageyama?" Hinata asked.
" I'm going to meet y/n's parents " Kageyama answered.

"EHH?" The 2 exclaimed. " You better make a good impression on them if you want to be accepted " Hinata said. " Shoyō is right especially the final boss" Atsumu answered.

" The final boss?" Kageyama titled his head in confusion.

" The father of course " Atsumu said.

" Fathers are protective over their daughter, especially if you're courting his daughter " Hinata answered. " Really? Then how about for asking approval for marriage?" Kageyama asked.

" WHAT? THEN THAT'S A LOT HARDER!" hinata exclaimed." Ah hai, i will keep that in mind" Kageyama nod. " I'm gonna go, good work today" Kageyama said and walked away.

" Good luck tobio kun/kageyama!" The 2 bid goodbye.

Time skip

Now kageyama and y/n are in front of the l/n residence. " Are you going to be fine?" Y/n intertwined her hand with his.

" Yes I'll be " Kageyama said. Y/n and kageyama entered. Mr. and Mrs. L/n are sitting on the couch. Mrs. L/n is smiling and Mr. L/n has a straight face.

" Good evening Mr. And Mrs. L/n " Kageyama bowed. " Same as well mom and dad " Y/n said and the 2 sat down.

" I'm here today to get your approval for marrying your daughter " Kageyama said.
" I approve along time tobio kun, so don't worry about me " Mrs. L/n smiled.

The 2 looked at Mr. L/n.

" I refuse. I won't hand my daughter to someone who hasn't prove his worth to me " Mr. L/n said glaring at kageyama.

Kageyama and y/n gulped. " But da-" Y/n is cut off by. " Don't worry y/n this discussion is between men. So kageyama show me if you're worth my trust " Mr. L/n crossed his arms.

" sorry for my husband he's like this especially when it comes to y/n " Mrs. L/n sweat dropped.

Y/n squeezed kageyama's hand giving him reassurance. Kageyama took a deep breath and looked Mr. L/n.

" Words such as that it's fate are cheap. Even if just a little I doubt this puzzle would be completed. The last piece has been hidden I want to hear the sound of your trust opening up. Everything will become clear, Everyone wants to fulfill those dreams, Even if everything was a misunderstanding. I will move ahead without fear. " Kageyama said making y/n's eyes widen.

" I felt so worried when I spout all the time. After all, the future's not lost. Because I know that there's nothing that I really want to know. But even if you look away, the truth is always facing you. We are time fliers, scaling the walls of time, climber. Tired of playing hide and seek with time and always coming just short. " Kageyama continued.  ' This kid.. ' Mr. L/n thought.

" Finally, my dreams have counted up to a hundred today, someday, I'll trade them all for just the very one. And that one is to be with your daughter for the rest of my life. " Kageyama extended his hand for a hand shake if Mr. L/n will agree.

Mr. L/n chuckled making y/n smile and so as her mother. Mr. L/n shook kageyama's hand making kageyama's eyes widen.

" Welcome to the family kid "

" Welcome to the family kid "

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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now