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Damn that was tiring. I sighed while toshi followed behind me. " Look "a random guy said and looked at me in a distance. His friend smirked.

I ignored them and walked pass them. " Hey missy what are you doing walking alone?" The guy asked me popping beside me, but i ignored him. " Playing hard to get? i see i like that" He smirked.

I swear I'll break all his bones if he get so close. "Come on miss-" he was cut him off by. "Babe you're here! " Kuroo's voice suddenly came out out of nowhere.

"Who are you?" The guy asked. " I should be the one asking you" Kuroo said and i stopped walking the 2 also stopped. I glared at the guy.

"Get the hell away from me or I'll kill you right here right now " I glared at him and toshi barked at the guy. The guy flinched. "Like hell you will, you're just a gir-" I cut him off by lunging him and raising him from the ground.

He began to gasp for air. "P-lease! L-et go!" He said trying to take my hands off his neck.

" Beg " I said tightening the grip around his neck.

"Please please! I'm sorry!" He said and his face started to go  pale. I let him go and he fell to the ground gasping for air.

"Yo-u mo-nster!" He spatted at me."Monster? Well you better ran away before i eat you alive" I smirked giving a scary aura around me. The guy stumbled while getting up and ran away.

" You could've just let me do the talking" Kuroo said. " Huh? Try looking at me like a pathetic shit before i do the same thing to you " I glared at him, he sweat dropped and i walked off.

" Don't be like that~" He teased catching up to me. "Stop " I gritted my teeth. "Why?" He asked. "Do you need a reason why?" I glared at him, we reached the gym, i opened the gym's door and all the people looked at us.

"Y/NNNNNNNNNNN!" Tanaka yelled running towards me. " Are you alright!? Tell me! Do i need to beat shitty boi here?!" He asked shaking me and a tick marked appeared on kuroo's head.

"I'll kill you first if you don't stop" I growled and he stopped he raised his hands in surrender.
"Y/n senpai will you spike for me?" kageyama asked holding a volleyball.

" Sure, wait just a sec " I walked to the bench and putted my food there. "let's go" I stretched my arms.

"Here y/n chan tie your hair so that it won't get in the way" Yachi handed me a black string.
"Thanks "i said and i gladly accepted it.

3rd person POV

"What will Y/n senpai will look like if she tied her hair up?" Hinata asked. " I don't know " Kageyama said while he played with the volleyball.

"Let's get started" Y/n popped out of nowhere. 'Pretty'  The 2 thought while looking at Y/n.
" Woah! Marasuno's star player is so pretty with her hair tied up like that " Lev said making kuroo and kenma look at the girl.

'Cute' Kenma thought, 'Sexy' kuroo thought.
" Eh? kuroo san, kenma san?" Lev asked while looking at the 2." Don't mind them they are in love with the star player of karasuno" Yaku sighed.

"W-why? Why don't we have a pretty girl?" Taketora cried. "Nice toss kageyama, but can you set it a little higher?" Y/n asked "Hai!" Kageyama said. Y/n backed up and started to ran in full speed.

Kageyama set the ball in the air a little higher. Y/n jumped to hit it. 'She's flying!' The others thought and she slammed the ball doing a straight spike.

She landed on the floor with ease. "That toss was good. Nice toss kageyama "she said.
" T-thank you Senpai!" Kageyama felt proud by the compliment.

"Kageyama~ Toss to me!" Hinata waved at the young male who is busy feeling happy.
" Eh? The lonely king is being complimented?How pathetic his toss aren't even that good" Tsukishima snickered making kageyama glare at him.

"You bastard " Kageyama growled. " Stop. Kageyama is not a lonely king. His tosses are great unlike someone who doesn't play volleyball properly. Better practice your weak ass block before talking big " Y/n said making everyone mouth slightly open.

"Y/n is scary " Tanaka mumbled making nishinoya gulp. ' I'm the one who made her like this' nishinoya thought.

"Ok stop arguing and get back to practice!" Daichi said. Suga approaches Y/n. " Are you ok y/n?" Suga asked." Yes I'm ok" Y/n answered.

" Y/n come here for a sec!" coach ukai called. " Hai! Excuse me suga san" Y/n said and walked towards coach ukai.

'What kind of girl is she?' Tsukishima thought. "Tsukki are you ok?" Yamaguchi asked. Tsukishima adjusted his glasses. " Yes I'm fine " He answered.

"Yes we can add that to the training regiment" Y/n agreed at coach ukai's propasal to add a few more hellish stuffs to the regiment. 'Y/n is a very odd person now" Suga thought looking at her far away.

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