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" Come on just one drink with me y/n chan" Atsumu flirted. " No atsumu, go back to practice before i give the position setter to kageyama" I said, I am currently coaching Japan's league.

" So mean~" Atsumu head back to practice setting. " Hey honey" Kuroo hugged me from behind. " Yes tetsu " I asked.

" Are you cheating on me with atsumu?" He asked. " You want me do it for real?" I asked.
" No I'm sorry" He sulked.

" Let's drink after work my treat yea?" He asked. " Are you sure? Maybe later I'll be the one paying again" I sighed. " That was only one time!" He exclaimed.

" Yea yea said with someone who has a senpai kink-" He covered my mouth. " i don't have that kink!" He half whispered. " Sure kuroo senpai~" I took his hand off my mouth.

" You tease " He whispered. " Hold up don't start something you can't finish tetsu because I'll top you" I smirked. " Excuse me I'm basically the top in the relationship " He said feeling offended.

" Whatever you say bottom " I got out of his grasp. " Ok that's all for today clean up the gym and we head home " I announced.

Moments later~

" Let's drink!" Kuroo dragged me to a izakaya bar. " I am sure now that I'll pay" He declared.
' that's cap ' i thought.

We took a seat and started to order stuffs like snacks and especially alcohol. " WAH! A drink after work is the best!" Kuroo smiled after gulping down a mug of beer.

" Don't drink too much tetsu i don't want to carry your tall ass way back home " I said taking a sip of a sake. " No problemo" He said.

Many drinks later.

" Did i told you how prettyyy you are honeyy?" Kuroo asked his face flushed red. " Yes, for the 50th time " I said. " Ohh? I'll neverr get tiredd telling howw prettyyy you areee" He smiled.

' that's cute but must resist ' i thought trying to contain myself. " Did ya knoww when i first saww you i wass likee that chick is mineee " He said.

" And yearz latur boom you're officially mine " He said making hand gesture. And when he is going to grab another mug of beer i stopped him.

" Even though you're cold towardz me i didn't stopped like you" He said. He started narrating how he's so in love with me.

And now I'm hitting the table containing myself on how cute he is.  " we should head home" I said standing up.

" Are you weaving me?" Kuroo looked at me with puppy eyes. " I'm just going to pay our meal tetsu" I said. "Oh! Then here " He grabbed his wallet and pulled out his black card.

" Are you an idiot?!" I exclaimed quickly putting it back at his wallet. " Are you mad at me?" He asked like he's going to cry. " I- " I sighed and quickly paid for our meal.

I assisted this drunk man back to the car and settled him inside and drove to our house while trying to contain him from pushing buttons inside the car.

Time skip~

We reached our house and i settled him on our bed. " Tetsu wake up" I tapped his arm
" Woah! We're home thatz awezome" He smiled.

" Change your clothes tetsu " I said. " no don't wanna" He declined. " I wanna do thiz firzt" He got up of the bed and pulled something from his suit.

He got on one bended knee and opened a red velvet box.

" marry me y/n kuroo "

" You're only proposing but you already changed my last name and tetsu the box is upside down " I said. He looked at the box and quickly fixed it.

" And of course I'll marry you but when you're not drunk anymore " I tried to help him to get up but he won't budge.

" I know I'm drunk but i also know that I'm saying the right thing that I'll marry you y/n l/n "he said in his normal voice.

" And here's my answer yes i do kuroo senpai " I answered. He smiled widely and putted the ring on me.

" let's sleep" He dragged me to our bed. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and drifted to sleep without changing our clothes.

" This idiot. Goodnight too honey "

 Goodnight too honey "

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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍┆𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now