Chapter Thirty-One: Ice Skating

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While waiting for Miran and Sejun to finish their reunion, Chan and Gayoung decided to go skating. She'd entered the rink alone, since Chan had to go to the restroom. She decided to practice skating a bit while waiting, so that she wouldn't look like a total fool in front of him.  

It had been years since the last time she'd come skating, and she was struggling. She knew better than to hang onto the wall though. That was the slippiest place, and the hardest to skate. But after almost getting hit down by two skaters, she slowly made her way to the wall, deciding to hang on there and wait for Chan to arrive. 

"Hey there." 

Gayoung looked up, locking eyes with an unfamiliar man. He looked around her age... but she didn't think she recognized him. Maybe he went to her University, but she couldn't be sure. 

"Hi...?" she said tentatively, pressing herself against the wall as he skated closer. 

"What's a pretty girl like you doing alone?" he said, winking at her. He took her hand and she yanked it out of his grasp. 

"Get away from me," she snapped, trying to skate away, but he grabbed back onto her hand. She tried to kick him but with skates, and with a lack of practice, that only resulted in her crashing to the floor. She almost pulled him down with her, but he let go of her hand at the last second. 

"What do you say you and I spend some time together?" he asked, watching in amusement as she struggled to get up. Her blood boiled and she glared at him. 

"No thanks," she said, trying and failing yet again to get up. Her foot hurt now, she'd twisted it during the fall. She could tell it wasn't sprained, but it still hurt, and it did nothing to help her mounting anxiety. 

The man offered her his hand, but she ignored it. That is, until he reached down and took her hand again. 

"Let go of me," she said angrily, trying to shake him away while simultaneously trying to stand. 

"Are you deaf?" 

Gayoung looked up in surprise at the sound of Chan's voice. In her sudden panic, she'd forgotten for a second that she hadn't come alone. 

"Excuse me?" the stranger said, glaring at Chan. 

Chan grabbed the stranger's wrist, pulling him away from her and shoving him against the wall. "I asked if you're deaf. The lady asked you to leave. I suggest you do so now before I break your wrist." 

"And what's it to you if I stay or not," the man snapped. 

Chan let go of the man and skated over to her, offering his hand to help her stand up. Gayoung accepted and he pulled her up. He didn't let go of her hand when she was on her feet again. 

"She's my girlfriend," Chan told the man, his eyes stormy and voice the angriest she'd ever heard him. "If you ever bother her again, I'll send you to the hospital. Mark my words." 

With that, he led the way out of the rink. 

Still holding her hand. 



When did you become an Alice? For me, it was right after X1's disbandment. Like, a day or two after. I suddenly missed Seungwoo's voice so much that I went to listen to all of Victon's songs so that I could hear him... and now here I am, with them as one of my favorite groups😂

Today I saw the Seungwoo mentioned X1 and Oneits and said that they're precious to him. Hearing him say those words makes me so happy but also breaks my heart. I miss X1 a lot, and I wish we could have had a little more time together. I hope they can openly have a reunion like other produce groups can. That's my wish rn. 

Seungwoo will be enlisting in July😣 I'm going to miss him so, so much. But hopefully, those 18 months (??) will fly by really quickly, and he'll come back soon, happy and healthy. 

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