Chapter Thirty-Eight: Protect You

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"I'm going to head to the hospital now. No, I'm sure I can. Honestly. It's my last class. I have some time before work. It's fine." 

Yejin looked at Gayoung in concern, her attention caught at the mention of the hospital. She hoped everything was alright, but when Gayoung hung up the phone and turned to face her, her expression was full of worry. 

"What's wrong?" 

Gayoung hesitated for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip. "It's nothing serious," she finally said. "But Seungsik collapsed yesterday and went to the hospital. He's going to stay there for a day... just to rest and recover." 

"What? What happened to him? Why..." Yejin frowned, looking at the floor and feeling surprised by the wave of fear that cascaded over her. 

"He just wasn't taking care of himself, that's all. He just needs some rest. He's fine, honest." 

Still, she frowned at the floor. She couldn't help wondering if he had stopped taking good care of himself because of her, and the way she'd been treating him. She sighed, already regretting the words she was about to speak. 

"Could I visit him? Maybe bring him some soup or something? Would that be okay?" 

She watched a grin light up Gayoung's face. "I think that's a wonderful idea! You should definitely do that," she said excitedly. 


Yejin opened the door to his room slowly, peeking inside. The room was so large. She'd never seen a private hospital room before, and she couldn't help feeling a tiny bit envious at his wealth. She'd never really realized how wealthy he was, because he was such a down to earth person. She wondered how he ever started working at the daycare when she was sure there were so many better job options available to him. She suddenly wanted to ask him a hundred thousand questions. Why he worked at the daycare. Why he cared about her and Jieun so much. And perhaps most importantly... why did he like her? And would he be the one to stay. 

He was sitting up in bed, tapping a pen against his chin as he read through the pile of papers on his lap. The glasses he was wearing slipped down his nose and he reached up to adjust them. Even in the hospital gown he looked absolutely gorgeous. 

She cleared her throat, hesitantly stepping into the room. His gaze immediately lifted, landing on her. He blinked, staring at her in disbelief as she walked over to him. She set the lunchbox she'd made for him on the bedside table and pulled up a chair so she could sit beside him. 

He didn't say anything, he simply slipped off his glasses and pushed away the pile of paperwork he seemed to be sorting through. She didn't get it. He was supposed to be resting. What in the world was he working on? 

The fact that neither of them had said anything was starting to make her feel nervous, so she gave him a small smile, suddenly feeling shy. "Hi?" 

That was all it took for his disbelieved and shocked expression to melt away, replaced by a grin. She couldn't remember ever seeing him so happy. "I must be dreaming," he murmured, reaching forward and taking her hand in his. 

Yejin smiled at him. "Is it a good dream, or a bad one?" she whispered back. 

"A good one," he said softly, closing his eyes for a moment. He blinked them open again and looked at her. "Because you're talking to me again." 

She frowned, her gaze dropping to their interlaced fingers. Still, she didn't pull away. "I'm sorry about that," she finally said, wanting to explain to him why she acted the way she did, why she was so scared... but the words were stuck in her throat. 

"You have nothing to apologize for," he whispered. "I understand. At least, I think I do. It's scary, and you have to protect yourself, and Jieun. But Yejin," he said, his voice lowering and his tone suddenly becoming even more serious. She tentatively raised her eyes to meet his again. "If you give me the chance, I want to protect the both of you too."

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