Chapter 4

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Y/N's POV:
I was nervous, extremely nervous. Every time I saw Lizzie I liked her more. I mean what's not to like she's smart, beautiful and funny. That laugh of hers just made me want to listen to it forever. I pull up to set and the security guy waved me through. He gives me directions to Lizzie's trailer. I'm walking there when I see Scarlett who smiles at me.
"Hey, your music was playing in the makeup trailer earlier," Scarlett informs me.
"Really?" I ask confused.
"Yeah I like it," she says smiling.
"Thank you," I blush still in awe of her.
"You're still nervous around me," she observes.
"Of course I am," I reply giggling.
"Why?" She inquires.
"Because you're you and I look like a potato," I explain nervously.
"You're pretty good looking for a potato," she smirks.
"I...uh," I stutter.
"From what I've seen online you're nothing like what they said you are," Scarlett adds.
"How so?" I ask confused.
"They say you're a womaniser yet here you are blushing every time I compliment you," she smirks.
"I'm not a womaniser. I don't even know how to flirt really," I mumble embarrassed.
"I don't believe you. From your music I can tell there's a flirtier side inside you waiting to come out," she observes stepping closer.
"I don't have the confidence to say what I really want to," I say honestly.
"It's just you and i here. Why not give it a try?" She suggests. I'm just about to speak when I hear a voice from behind me.
"Hey Y/N are you ready to go?" Lizzie asks snapping me out of the trance Scarlett had put me in.
"Yeah. It was nice to see you again Scarlett," I say walking towards Lizzie.
"You too. I look forward to seeing you again soon," she replies smiling.

Lizzie's POV:
Getting into Y/N's car she seems a little quiet. I knew she was in awe of Scarlett but I was intrigued as to what they spoke about.
"What was that about?" I inquire curious.
"I actually have no idea. I told her I looked like a potato and then she said something about my flirty side. It was all a bit of a blur. Anyway how was your morning?" She rambles confused. I didn't think anything by it Scarlett was naturally flirty.
"Boring but I'm looking forward to hanging out with you again," I reply making her blush slightly.
"What do you want to do?" She asks.
"Something fun," I decide.
"Ok let's try topgolf. They do good food, decent cocktails and it's fun," she suggests.
"You want to drink at 2 in the afternoon?" I say confused.
"Wow you're very American. Relax it's normal over here," she assures me.

We drop the car off at her place and get a cab to Topgolf. When we get there they tell us it'll be an hour wait for the bay so we decided to eat lunch while we wait. I want to ask her something.
"You know you can ask me anything right?" She says encouraging me. How does she know?
"What does see you later mean?" I mumble embarrassed.
"It means I'll see you at a later time. Is that why you didn't message? I must admit I started typing and then deleted it and repeating that process over and again. I just didn't know what to say. That night I know I sort of went quiet and was weird and I didn't know how to apologise for that," Y/N rambles slightly which I found adorable.
"You don't have to apologise. I get like that too sometimes I get in my head. I'm just glad I get to spend time with you again and if you don't message me first I'll message you," I assure her.
"I'm glad. Right let's go and play some golf," she says offering me her hand. I was more than happy to take it.

She goes first as I was nervous and wasn't completely certain on the rules. Y/N swung getting the ball in the centre of one of the far targets getting 10 points.
"How are you so good at this game?" I ask.
"Practice. Nothing is better than Topgolf and drinks with your friends especially when their company is as wonderful as yours Miss Olsen," she answers making me blush.
"You're going to have to help me with this I've never done this before," I request.
"Ok well you're right handed so naturally your shots are going to veer left because of the follow through of your swing. You want to put your feet shoulder width apart," she advises me. I look at her nervously.
"You've got this," she assures me. I take a half swing following what she said and I got it into one of the targets getting six points. Y/N cheered for me and I got so excited I tackled her in a hug. She starts laughing as do I.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I did that," I apologise letting go of her.
"It's ok you know I like to hear your laugh anyway," she assures me making me blush again.

We go back to hers after Topgolf and she pours us both a bottle of wine. Again I feel a wave of nerves over me as I want to ask something that I'm scared will change things negatively but could also be really good.
"What's wrong?" Y/N says concerned.
"Are you ever going to kiss me?" I blurt out.
"What? I didn't know you wanted me to. Do you want me to kiss you?" She asks smiling.
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't," I explain. She cups my face in her hand pulling me in for a gentle kiss. It felt amazing. As we pull apart I can't help but smile.
"You know if I knew you wanted me to kiss you I would've done it a lot earlier," she says giggling slightly. I start laughing at her candour.
"Can I kiss you again?" She inquires blushing.
"Yes. You don't have to ask me every time you know," I assure her. I bring her in for another kiss this one had more craving behind it. It was a lot hotter.
"What does this mean?" Y/N asks.
"Does it have to mean anything?" I reply back and her eyes twinge with disappointment.
"No... Do you want to stay?" She inquires.
"Yes," I agree. She goes to her room and brings me back some clothes.
"You can stay in the spare room or with me. It's your choice," she offers.
"I want to stay with you," I decide and she smiles slightly.

She walks into her room again and I follow her. It's beautiful, I take a second to admire her room.
"The bathroom is through there if you want to get changed in there," she offers. I nod then go and get ready. When I walk out she just smiles at me. That smile that made me want to kiss her and allow myself to catch feelings but I'm not ready for the second part. I climb in next to her and kiss her.
"What was that for?" She asks smiling.
"Because I like your smile," I explain as I cuddle into her chest. She strokes my hair gently out of my face leaving a kiss on top of my head.
"Goodnight," she whispers.

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