Chapter 5

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Y/N's POV:
Waking up with Lizzie in my arms felt amazing. She looked so peaceful when she slept and beautiful as usual. I know that she's not ready for feelings and I'm probably going to get hurt but I didn't care not really. I just took a second to really admire her. She was perfect.
"I can feel you staring Y/N," she mumbles sleepily.
"I'm sorry you're just really beautiful," I explain my staring.
"You really think so?" Lizzie asks smiling.
"Yeah I do."
"Can I kiss you?" She inquires.
"If I don't have to ask you don't have to either," I assure her. She smiles before kissing me. This kiss is more intense and full of craving than ever before. She pulls back looking at me for reassurance.
"Listen Lizzie I don't want to rush this. I don't think you know what you want and I enjoy hanging out with you. I guess I just want to know that us doing that won't affect our friendship," I explain my reluctance.
"You're right and so sweet that it actually makes me want you more," she smirks. Why did I say no again? You're turning down Lizzie for some morality bullshit. What an idiot.
"I wouldn't say no to a good old fashioned make out though," I suggest and she nods. I take control kissing her passionately as I straddle her.

Driving her to work I put the radio on and I sing along quietly as does she. I can feel her smiling at me and it makes me blush profusely.
"You're cute when you blush," she observes making me go even redder.
"Thank you," I mumble embarrassed.
"When can I see you again?" Lizzie inquires smiling sweetly.
"I've got a shorter studio session in a few days time we can have dinner afterwards," I suggest.
"Ok. Will you finally let me take it past first base then?" She smirks.
"I always thought you were so innocent Miss Olsen. Now I'm starting to see your true colours," I tease her as she stares at me biting her lip.
"So is that a yes?" She asks as I pull up at set. I get out of the car and hug her goodbye.
"If you want to touch me Lizzie all you have to do is ask," I whisper in her ear making her blush. She smiles to herself as she walks away.

I try and find Tom but he's not in his trailer so I decide to go back to my car. On the way I bump into Scarlett again.
"We just keep bumping into each other it's as if someone wants us to hang out. I'm having a party tonight. It's nothing too formal. You should come. Tom will be there and I think you know Lizzie too right?" She invites me.
"That would be really nice. Thank you for inviting me. Should I bring anything?" I inquire.
"No just yourself and but I look forward to seeing more of the flirty, confident side of you. Message Tom and he'll give you the address. I'll see you later," she smirks.

Lizzie's POV:
"Hey Scarlett. Sorry I'm early. I overestimated for the traffic," I apologise as she opens the door.
"It's ok. Come in. What are you drinking?" She inquires.
"Whatever you're having," I decide. She starts making us cocktails.
"Don't worry it's not going to be too many people. Just some of the cast and Tom's friend Y/N. She's really sweet. You two have met right?" Scarlett inquires. I try not to smile.
"Yeah we have. We've hung out a few times," I answer. She smiles at me trying to work out what was going on but was interrupted by the door thank goodness. It was Tom and Y/N. She was holding a gift basket.
"Thank you for inviting me. These are for you. I thought I'd hook you up with all the British things that you need to try while you're here. Some of them you'll love and some of them you won't," she says to Scarlett.
"This is so sweet thank you," Scarlett smiles hugging her.
"You're welcome. I've left little notes on each thing explaining what they are," she mumbles nervously.
"Ok you're my favourite guest I've ever had. Come in I'm just making Lizzie and I drinks," Scarlett welcomes them. Y/N follows Scarlett to put the basket down before coming over to me and giving me a hug.
"Are you trying to give me a heart attack with that dress Lizzie?" She whispers sending chills down my spine.
"I'm glad you like it. I wore it just for you," I smirk as we pull apart. She shakes her head and blushes. I give Tom a quick hug. It wasn't long before everyone started arriving and Scarlett introduced Y/N to them all she looked overwhelmed. She kept rubbing the back of her neck and fidgeting with the hair band she kept on her wrist.
"Hey Scarlett. Do you mind if I borrow Y/N for a second?" I request.
"Sure no problem," Scarlett agrees.

I take Y/N's hand leading her outside her breathing was unsteady and she was withdrawn. We get outside and she puts her hands behind her head trying to slow her breathing.
"Hey look at me. It's ok. It's just you and I," I assure her cupping her face in my hand.
"Talk to me about something anything," she pleads.
"I listened to your first single this morning in my trailer. I've never heard the song before but it's beautiful. I like the lyric where you talk about coming out to your family how you were nervous but that their love is unconditional," I ramble until I feel her start to relax.
"Thank you," she sighs.
"You're welcome. I get it these things can be overwhelming," I assure her.
"How did you know?" She asks.
"When you're stressed or nervous you rub the back of your neck a lot. I just wanted to make sure you were ok," I say. She smiles but then looks confused.
"We should probably go back inside," she decides avoiding eye contact.
"Did I say something wrong?" I ask.
"No. It's my fault. Let's just go back inside. I'm sure Tom is saying something he shouldn't," she replies going back inside. What just happened?

Y/N's POV:
This is what I don't get she does that for me but she doesn't want when we kiss to mean anything. Women are so confusing I'm envying straight women right now. Scarlett grabs my hand as we go inside and we go to the kitchen to make more drinks.
"Are you ok?" She asks pouring us another glass of wine.
"Yeah I'm fine sometimes I panic around people I don't know. Im sorry I probably should've told you that," I apologise.
"It's nothing to apologise for. I'm just glad you're ok. Now how many drinks is it going to take for me to stop you being nervous around me?" She says taking my mind off it.
"Let me down this and then I'll see where I'm at," I reason downing the drink.
"That was pretty impressive," she smiles.
"I mean I had 2 glasses of wine when getting ready then another at Tom's and this is my second here so we should be good to go," I explain making her laugh.
"So Miss Y/L/N how does a womaniser flirt?" She inquires.
"I thought I told you I'm not one," I reply.
"And I thought we established that you're actually very flirtatious and I'd see the flirtier side to you at this party," she smirks.
"You really want to know?" I ask. She nods biting her lip.
"Well first I like to step close to them tucking the hair that covers their face behind their ear so I can really see them. Then I like to say 'Te ves hermosa esta noche (You look beautiful this evening) y He estado pensando en ti todo el día (I've been thinking about you all day).' And then when I've got them really hooked I flicker my eyes to their lips smile and sip my drink," I explain having captured Scarlett's attention. She looked flustered. My work here is done.
"I can see why people think you're a womaniser because I think that would work on any woman," she smirks.
"And what about you?" I inquire feeling more confident.
"Tú vas a tener que intentar más duro que eso (You're gonna have to try harder than that)," she replies smiling biting her lip. Tom comes into the kitchen.
"I'll see you later Scarlett," I excuse myself heading to find a bathroom.

There are so many doors in this place. Someone grabs my hand and pulls me into one of the rooms.
"What's happening?" I ask Lizzie.
"Kiss me," she requests.
"What?" I say confused.
"You said if I wanted you to touch me I only had to ask. I'm asking now I want you to kiss me," she explains smirking. I pull her in for a kiss and she wraps her arms around my waist pulling me in closer.
"What brought this on?" I inquire.
"Nothing," she says unable to look me in the eye.
"You saw me with Scarlett didn't you?" I laugh.
"It's nothing I'd just rather you flirted with me," she mumbles.
"Is that all you want? Me to flirt with you and me to kiss you?" I ask her. She shakes her head.
"Tell me what you want Lizzie," I request.
"I want you to take me home," she smirks.
"Ok give me an hour. We're going to need your acting skills to get us out of this one. You'll need to act super drunk. I'll be your female knight in shining armour and take you home. And then you can tell me what you want to do next," I suggest.
"You've got half an hour," she says biting her lip.

Within half an hour the Uber had pulled up and we were on our way back to here. The whole ride home Lizzie had her hand on my thigh. I wanted to kiss her but I didn't know if this guy knew who we were. As soon as we get inside she kisses me taking my jacket off. I tap her legs and she jumps up wrapping her legs around my waist while we continue to kiss. I lift her to her room and lay her down on the bed. For a second I just admire the stunning woman in front of me.
"What now Lizzie?" I ask her.
"I want you all of you," she smirks pulling me down for a kiss. The kiss gets heated and more craving before I take it any further I want to check.
"Are you sure?" I inquire.
"Yeah, you?" She asks breathless.
"Hell yeah."

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