Chapter 30

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Lizzie's POV:
Today was Tom's turn to host a party. It would be the first time we would all be in a room together since Scarlett told Y/N the truth. She was nervous about it really nervous. I wanted to make the day easier for her.
"Morning beautiful," I whisper kissing her gently.
"Morning. I am not looking forward to tonight. Do we have to go?" She asks reluctant.
"Yes we do. You haven't done anything wrong and I want to show you off as mine ok?" I request. She smiles blushing.
"I love you so much Lizzie. You know I can't say no to those eyes and that smile," she agrees.
"I love you too. Now I want us to have a relaxed day so how about we spend the day in bed watching movies until we have to get ready for this evening. I'll order us brunch and we don't have to do anything not fun. How does that sound?" I suggest.
"Perfect. Thank you my love," she says kissing me gently.
"You know I'll never get tired of you calling me that. Your accent still gives me butterflies," I smirk.
"Well my love. What do you want to watch first?" She asks and I bite my lip. I kiss her passionately straddling her.
"I just want to do this," I whisper against her lips before I kiss her again.

We spend the perfect day together, lots of laughter and lots of fun. As we started to get ready Y/N started to get stressed. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind.
"You look beautiful baby," I whisper kissing her cheek.
"Thank you so do you," she replies turning around to kiss me gently.
"If you ever get stressed tonight you know I'm right there with you. If you need to leave we'll leave, if you want to sit outside just the two of us we'll do that. Whatever makes you feel safe we'll do," I assure her making her smile.
"I'll be fine because I have you with me," she says smiling.

We're first to arrive at Tom's who opens the door with a big smile.
"If it isn't my favourite couple," Tom greets us.
"I'd hope so it's your fault I'm stuck with her," Y/N teases me. I nudge her playfully.
"You're obsessed with me Y/L/N admit it," I smirk.
"Turns out I'm pretty in love with you actually," she replies making me blush. She kisses my cheek sending me a deeper shade of red.
"You two are disgustingly sweet. Let's get you both a drink," Tom stats laughing.

It wasn't long before Scarlett arrived with Evans. How do we do this? I was sat on Y/N's lap sipping my drink as we spoke to Hemsworth.
"Are you ok?" I ask her.
"Yeah I'm fine. Let's just kill her with kindness," she suggests.
"I like your thinking," I reply kissing her gently.
"Do you two have to be so inconsiderate?" Evans asks annoyed.
"They're not the inconsiderate ones are they Scarlett?" Tom defends us making me smile slightly.
"No," she mumbles.
"What are they talking about Scar?" He asks confused.
"Can we not discuss this now? We've both moved on let's just enjoy the night," Y/N suggests.
"Thank you," Scarlett says.
"You're welcome. Have a nice night," Y/N replies. Scarlett and Evans walk away.
I turn to her kissing her gently.
"I don't think I would've been so calm about it. You're a good person Y/N. Now let's get another drink," I say smiling.

About an hour later Y/N and I are outside talking when Scarlett comes out.
"Can I talk to both of you?" She asks. We both look at each other and nod in agreement.
"I owe you both an apology. I did love you Y/N 100% but as soon as I saw your reaction at your album party to Lizzie and Aubrey I guess I gave up on seeing our relationship as a long term thing. That's when the messages with Colin changed. And Lizzie as soon as that happened I should've stepped back. I'm so sorry to both of you. I'm glad you're happy together because it's what you both deserve. Part of me will always love you Y/N because you treated me perfectly and were so affectionate and attentive. I'm sorry for not being honest with you and not talking to you about it," Scarlett apologises sincerely.
"I guess we both treated Y/N and each other badly. I forgive you Scarlett. It would be nice if we could be friends again," I accept. Y/N looks torn.
"I forgive you but I won't forget. As happy as I am with Lizzie. It's made me massively doubt whether our whole relationship was a lie, whether all my healing was real," she sighs.
"It wasn't a lie Y/N. Everything I said during our relationship I meant wholeheartedly. You've come so far in healing. Don't let my stupidity ruin it. I was right to let you go because you're finally seeing your self worth with Lizzie and she makes you better anyone can see that," Scarlett assures her.
"Ok well I guess we can all move on then," Y/N suggests.
"I'd like that. I've told Chris the truth too so he should come and apologise. I'll see you back inside," Scarlett excuses herself.

As soon as she's out of earshot I look at Y/N to check on her. She just looks at me smiling.
"What?" I ask. She takes my hand pulling me onto her lap and kisses me gently.
"I just love you," she says smiling. She kisses me again making me blush.
"I love you too. Now come on I want to dance with you," I reply dragging her inside to see Tom and everyone dancing. Y/N and I dance with each other carefree. Evans looks to approach us awkwardly.
"I'm so sorry both of you. I had no idea," he apologises.
"It's ok Chris. You were looking out for your friend I get it," Y/N assures him. I nod in agreement as he leaves.

We danced and drank for hours just fully enjoying the evening as well as each other's company. I just loved spending time with her being open with our friends about how much I love her. Seeing her smile and laugh was just wonderful. Towards the end of the night we sit on the sofa and I'm sat on her lap cuddled into her.
"So Tom how's the hunt for a girlfriend coming along?" I ask.
"He's still completely obsessed with Zendaya," Y/N teases him.
"I am not besides she'd never date me anyway," Tom sighs.
"Tom you're a catch. Whoever you end up with will be one lucky person," Y/N assures him.
"She's right," I agree.
"You need to hurry up and find someone I don't want to have to build you an annex at the end of our garden for you to live in," Y/N laughs.
"I'm working on it," he says smiling.
"Right it's been a long night I think it's time to go home. Thanks for a great night," I say standing up. Y/N looks at me sadly.
"You're coming with me you idiot," I laugh.
"Oh yay. Thanks Tom," she replies excitedly.

We get a cab back to hers I can't remember the last time I spent the night at my place. Most of my clothes were now at hers and everything I needed too. When we're getting ready for bed she turns to me smiling sadly.
"What's wrong?" I ask concerned.
"You'll finish filming this movie eventually and you'll have to go home. I don't want you to leave, ever," she sighs.
"What are you saying?" I inquire.
"When you go home I want to time it so I'm out there touring. I don't want to be without you Lizzie. Not for more than a week. A month would be unbearable. I know you're filming your tv show in LA. I thought I could rent a place there as a base. I know it's soon and I've had a lot to drink but I mean it Lizzie." She explains.
"I don't want to be without you either. You're not renting somewhere you're staying with me. When you're touring out there we can time it so we see each other at least once a week. And hey you haven't broken the states yet so maybe you can stay with me forever," I assure her.
"Are you sure?" She asks cupping my face.
"I love you so much Y/N. I'm so sure. We practically live together anyway. And you make me so happy. Why wouldn't I be sure?" I reply kissing her gently.
"I love you too. Will you hold me please?" She inquires.
"Always." I kiss her gently and wrap my arms around her neck bringing her closer to me.

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