Chapter 41

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Lizzie's POV:
It's been two weeks since I've seen Y/N and I couldn't wait for her to come home. Tomorrow was our last day of filming with so many people who I'd spent the last 4 years of my life filming with. Saying goodbye was going to be hard. I knew I'd be back though which was a bonus. There was something new in the works that I had a meeting about in a few weeks which sounded exciting and I couldn't wait to tell Y/N. She was leant a jet by Robert so she could get home tonight as a surprise for Scarlett. I'm waiting at the airport to pick her up with food. I see her walking out with a bunch of bags on one of the trolleys and run over to meet her tackling her in a hug. Sure enough the paparazzi camera's start flashing. We didn't care.
"Hey baby. I missed you. I've got you food in the car," I inform her kissing her gently.
"I missed you too. Thank you my love," she replies. I take over from her pushing the trolley as she looked tired. The paparazzi hounded us with questions:
'How does it feel to have the European leg of your tour over?' 'When are you getting engaged?' 'Will you be in the marvel movies?'
"I don't think Lizzie could put up with me for that many hours a day. Have a nice evening guys," Y/N jokes making all of us laugh. We lift her bags into the car. When I hand her the food she smiles brightly kissing me gently.
"I love you. You know me so well," she laughs.
"How was the show?" I inquire driving off.
"It was really great actually. They gave me lots of my favourite Irish snacks which are all in my suitcase. I'll make sure to give some to my mum and sister. The rest is for us though. How you feeling about tomorrow being your last day?" She asks.
"Bittersweet. I'm so excited for this movie to be out there but at the same time. It's going to be hard to say goodbye permanently to some of the people. I've got some big news. I think I might be getting my own project Kevin Fiege wants to meet me in LA in a few weeks but apparently we're launching a new platform," I explain excitedly.
"I'm so proud of you my love. You deserve this so much. I can't wait for everyone to see just how talented you are," she replies delighted.
"Am I finally your favourite Avenger?" I inquire.
"I'll have to see the movies first before I make a judgement," she jokes.
"Of course you're my favourite. I actually ordered some funko pops while I was away of Wanda. I want to have a collection of them. And then you can see just how far you and Wanda have both come," she explains proudly.
"I love you so much. You're so supportive," I say cupping her face.
"I love you too. I won't if you give me any spoilers for either movie because I want to experience it in cinemas with the rest of the fans," she warns me
"No you won't you'll be by my side at the Premiere," I assure her and she smiles brightly.
"Really?" She asks excitedly.

We get back to the house and bring in Y/N's bags. She's exhausted so we get ready for bed as soon as we finished. By the time I've finished getting ready for bed Y/N's almost asleep but keeps her arms open for me to cuddle into. It felt so good to be held by her again.
"I love you," she whispers sleepily.
"I love you too."

Y/N's POV:
I wake up in the morning refreshed. There was something about being back with Lizzie that brought me back to life. I loved waking up before her so I could just look at her. She was so beautiful. I couldn't wait to go on holiday with her and meet her family. How lucky am I to love this woman? She wakes up smiling.
"I love waking up to you," she mumbles tiredly.
"I don't blame you. This face is spectacular," I joke making her giggle. There's that laugh.
"God I've missed you," she says smiling.
"I missed you too especially that laugh. I love you so much Lizzie," I whisper kissing her gently.
"I love you more," she assures me kissing me again straddling me.
"Don't think that's possible," I reply making her laugh as she pins her arms above her head.
"Let me show you just how possible that is," she smirks kissing me lustfully.

I drive her to work and she smirks at me the entire way biting her lip.
"You're very distracting Olsen," I laugh.
"I'm just admiring you," she assures me.
"Whatever you say Lizzie," I smirk resting my hand on her thigh.
"You're such a tease Y/L/N," she sighs.
"You're obsessed. We've spent all morning doing that and you still want more," I tease her.
"I've been without you for two weeks. I think I'm entitled to want you," Lizzie states.
"We've got the next two months together all day everyday so whenever you want me you've got me," I remind her.
"Lucky me," she smirks again making me laugh.

We get out of the car and Tom sees me tackling me in a hug.
"It's good to see you Y/N," he says smiling brightly.
"It's good to see you too mate. I'm home now so you can come over whenever you want within reason. We can hang out play video games, watch the game and Lizzie and I can wing woman you," I suggest.
"That sounds great. Thank you Y/N. Are you here for Scarlett?" He inquires.
"Yeah I mean I wanted to be here to support her. She doesn't know so if you see her don't tell her ok?" I warn him.

Taking a deep breath I knock on Scarlett's door while Lizzie goes into makeup. I'm gutted this is Scarlett's last ensemble film. Natasha was the first female superhero in the MCU. I'm also gutted because I know how much Scarlett loves her. When she sees me her face lights up and she hugs me tightly.
"I thought I'd come and support you," I say holding her.
"Thank you," she mumbles tearily.
"You're welcome. I promised I'd always be here for you and that's what I intend to do," I assure her wiping her tears.
"Thank you. Didn't you have a tour date last night? How are you here?" She inquires sitting down on the sofa.
"Robert leant me his jet and I flew back straight after the show last night. I wanted to make sure I was here to support you. Lizzie told me this is your last ensemble film. I know how much you love Nat and this family," I explain causing her to hug me again.
"Colin can't be here until later today so I'm so glad you're here. I'm not fully saying goodbye so it's not as hard but I'm saying goodbye to a lot of my family. I've still got the solo film but that'll be a different cast," she replies.
"We'll whatever you need I'm here for you. I always will be. Just please don't give me any spoilers I want to watch it for the first time at the premiere," I plead.
"You've got it," she agrees.

I spent a lot of time in the trailers trying to avoid as many spoilers as possible. At lunch Lizzie came back in smiling brightly with Scarlett and a man following her who I assume is Colin. I stand up instantly extending my hand.
"Hi I'm Y/N it's nice to meet you," I introduce myself.
"Hey I'm Colin. I've heard a lot about you. Thank you for supporting her today. I appreciate it," he says.
"You're welcome. I'll always be there for her. So don't hurt her ever," I warn him.
"I won't," he assures me.
"I know you seem like a decent guy. I'd be a shit friend if I didn't give you the warning," I laugh putting him at ease.
"We just came to collect you to get lunch if you've finished threatening Colin," Scarlett informs me giggling.
"I'm just look out for you Scar. Yeah I'm done. I won't see any spoilers will I?" I ask Lizzie.
"Thank you. Scarlett doesn't understand that I don't want her to spoil the movies," Colin adds.
"See he gets it," I say making them all laugh.

Spending the day with Colin avoiding spoilers was fun. He was a really great guy. I could see why Scarlett liked him. When everyone was wrapping we went out to support Lizzie and Scar. I wrap my arm around Lizzie's waist kissing her cheek.
"How you feeling?" I ask.
"Sad. I didn't think it'd be this hard to say goodbye. I'm not even leaving and it's hard," she whispers and I hold onto her tightly. Scarlett is cuddled into Colin tearful. She sees me and smiles sadly reaching for my hand before she hugs me too.
'Make her laugh,' Lizzie mouths.
"Are you crying because you're saying goodbye or because you won't see me all the time?" I joke making her giggle.
"Both," she says smiling sadly.
"I think the real reason is actually because you've just clocked that you won't ever be able to sleep with me again," I laugh making her really laugh now cheering her up.
"Ok don't laugh too much it's kind of insulting," I pretend to be offended making her laugh more.
"Thank you," she replies hugging me now smiling brightly.
"You're welcome. I mean it you know. I'm always here. Anytime of day. You call I'll answer," I assure her.
"I know. Thank you Y/N."

I drive Lizzie home to get ready for the party after an emotional day. She's quiet and quite tearful so I just hold her hand when I can to let her know I'm there for her. When we get back she sits on the bed still quiet.
"What is it Lizzie?" I ask bending down in front of her taking her hand.
"It's stupid. I know it's stupid," she sighs.
"It's Scarlett isn't it? It's not stupid. I understand I was there for her today and you've probably never got that from an ex before. A lot of gay women stay friends with their ex's it's quite normal. I never question for a second being with you because you're the you're the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. No one could ever come close to you. Not for a second," I assure her.
"Thank you for reassuring me. I love you so much," she says kissing me gently.
"I love you too my incredibly beautiful, wonderful and talented girlfriend," I state kissing her again.
"Flattery will get you everywhere," she smirks.
"I don't think I need flattery to do that," I tease her.
"You're not wrong. Now come here and kiss me," she instructs making me laugh.

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