Chapter 46

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Lizzie's POV:
"Get up. Come on. You've been in this bed for 2 days," Mom says pulling the covers.
"I'm losing the love of my life because you couldn't keep your mouth shut about a prenup," I sigh irritated.
"You can't blame it on me Lizzie. She wanted you to fight for her or at least acknowledge her. Why didn't you?" She asks sitting down cupping my face.
"I remember what it was like when you got divorced it was constant arguments over money and us. I didn't want that to be Y/N and I. I know I don't have to worry about the kids because we both want the same thing that won't change. Money is the root of all evil. What if it changes us or tares us apart? And this was the first time I've seen you in a really long time I didn't want to argue with you but I should've done. When we go out or do anything she always pays. Wherever she goes away she finds something that reminds me of her and buys it for me. She built me a walk in wardrobe so our home felt more like mine. She gave me access to all her accounts and I'm on her family's group chat. This isn't just another relationship for her or for me. This is it Mom. She's my family now so really I should've fought for her despite not wanting to upset you. I'm an idiot. I'm such an idiot. I do trust her and I talk to her about everything but because this was a family matter I thought you took priority but not anymore she's family. What am I doing?" I ask getting up.
"You're right you're an idiot. That girl would do anything for you and she makes you happier than I've ever seen you. So whatever you do don't let her go. You know you're comparing my relationship to yours. Mine was never like that. She would do anything for you. She's perfect for you Lizzie. Prenup or no prenup she'll always look out for you. Now you get out there and you fight for her," she encourages me. I hug her quickly knowing I probably smell before I grab some clothes and get in the shower. I'm done sulking I'm going to fight for her.

Y/N's POV:
"As much as I love writing with you. You need to get some sunlight. You're starting to look like a vampire," Lauren advises me.
"You're right. I've not seen much of LA except the inside of houses and hotels. Can we go and sunbathe for a bit?" I suggest.
"Look at you getting over the doom and gloom," Lauren teases.
"I don't know why but I'm optimistic. Lizzie and I are meant to be together. We'll always find our way back to each other," I say almost confidently.
"What has happened to that moody, anxious, depressive woman who I knew two years ago? I'm so proud of you," Lauren states hugging me.
"That's all Lizzie. She saved me. Right let's get going I'm ready to relax," I declare as my phone starts to ring. It's Lizzie.

"H...Hey. Can I pick you up? I want to talk to you and I want to show you something," Lizzie asks.
"Sure. I'm free whenever," I agree.
"Good cause I'm outside," she states hanging up.
"So rain check?" Lauren laughs.
"Yeah she's outside. I've got to go," I say smiling at the prospect of Lizzie taking her own initiative.
"Be nice and say hi to her for me," she requests.
"You've got it. I'm going to be me," I assure her.
"That's not reassuring," she shouts as I close the door behind me.

When I see Lizzie I just want to kiss her or make her smile and laugh.
"Hey. It's nice to see you. I missed you," she starts.
"I missed you too. Lauren says hi by the way," I inform her making her smile slightly.
"I'm glad you've had her to talk to. I'm just going to talk while I drive if that's ok?" She checks.
"Yeah that's good with me. I know I wasn't that understanding before but two days with Lauren writing everything down has helped me so I'm all ears Lizzie," I answer smiling.
"Thank you. You were right before I wasn't being open because this is something that hurt me a lot as a kid. I was comparing our relationship with my parent's and we are not my parent's. Their divorce was just them arguing all about money and kids. That's not us. That will never be us. I know that now. I knew that all along I'm just absolutely terrified of repeating my parent's mistakes because I cannot lose you. I won't. And I realise now why I didn't tell you about the prenup it's because I didn't realise that you're my family. What my family says to me in private does not take priority over our relationship because you are my family now. I'm an idiot for not seeing that sooner. I do trust you Y/N. It was irrational anxiety and fear that got in the way. For that I'm so sorry. I want to try to make it up to you," she explains.
"I wish you would've told me all this sooner I would've never reacted the way I did. I'm glad you opened up to me and feel you can trust me because that's why our relationship is so good. I'm just a bit scared of what's next for us considering your family hate me now," I laugh nervously.
"My mom's actually the one who  told me to fight for you and never let you go. So I'm pretty sure she likes you a lot. She helped me realise a lot of that stuff too. I love you so much Y/N and I don't need a prenup or anything to know that I want to spend my life with you," she assures me.
"That's a relief otherwise asking her for her permission to propose wouldn't go down well. I love you too. Where are we going?" I inquire.
"We are going for lunch at the hard rock because your mom told me how much you love the London one so I thought we could get your family souvenirs,"she explains.
"Our family," I correct her making her smile.
"But I do need to tell you something. When I was at the hotel a few days ago I bumped into someone from my past. She's an ex who I hooked up with a lot before I met you even after her and I stopped dating. This was before I met you. And once when we stopped speaking for a few days at the beginning when I freaked about catching feelings for you. Well she came and sat next to me at the bar. We had a long talk about you and she called me out on my past. And she was right. I self sabotage things. Maybe this is why I reacted so badly. Maybe subconsciously I wanted to shift the blame onto your mom or you before I could do something wrong. I don't know if that makes sense," she sighs.

"Did anything happen with this girl? Do you still want to be with me?" I query nervously.
"No nothing happened we just talked and she said something about how I'll always come back to her. I assured her not anymore. I do but I'm scared Lizzie. You know I questioned your trust of me but I think I've started questioning my trust of you. I would fight anyone and every one for you. I'll support you through whatever you need. Sometimes I question whether you'd do the same. You're great with my panic attacks and for that I'm so grateful but when it comes to fighting against people you love for me. I'm not convinced. It's not that I intend to have massive arguments with them but when it comes to our wedding or where we want to live we're bound to disagree. I just want to know I have you in my corner ," she states truthfully.
"Well actions speak louder than words so I'm going to have to prove it to you. That's why we're trying this whole meeting my family thing again," I inform her.
"I don't know if I'm ready for this Lizzie. Surely we need to be in a good place to try this again," she sighs.
"Listen this is me trying to prove to you that you can trust me. The only reason we're not good is because I didn't support you. Let me try," I plead.
"Ok. Let's try."

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