Chapter 72

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Y/N's POV:
Today is the first show of my America tour. I was nervous and a little sad honestly. Lizzie had work commitments so couldn't be here. I understood completely but it sucked most of our family would be there except the one member of it that I wanted to be here the most. I finish sound check and the meet & greet then slump in my dressing room. Don't get me wrong I was excited for the biggest show of my career so far but these big moments are meant to be shared with the people you love most in the world. The door swings open and in walks Scarlett.
"Hey why are you crying?" Scarlett asks concerned hugging me tightly.
"Colin showed me up with the engagement ring he got you," I try to joke.
"Y/N," she warns.
"I just miss her Scar. We haven't seen each other in nearly a month I know this is a part of our jobs but I'd give it all up in a heart beat to just have her in my arms right now," I explain tearily. She holds me tighter wiping my tears.
"I know. But listen we're going to have a great evening to celebrate you. You're meeting my daughter tomorrow which I'm still nervous about cause you two together will be just such trouble and you'll have a brilliant show," Scarlett comforts me.
"Thank you Scarlett. As long as Colin gets drunk again I'll feel better," I laugh.
"On the condition that you do something for us. We got here early to ask you something. If you don't feel comfortable you can say no but we both felt this was the right thing. Anyway Scarlett and I want a wedding where the service is tailored to us where the officiate knows us and is beautifully spoken, Shakespeare-esque I guess," Colin rambles and I look at them both confused.
"Will you officiate our wedding? There is no one on this planet who could write a better ceremony than you," Scarlett asks and I smile brightly.
"You seriously want me. Are you sure? Cause I'm going to look so hot in a suit I'll steal both your thunder," I check.
"We're sure. Obviously we'll sit down and talk about what we want but no one talks about love the way you do," Colin assures me.
"So will you do it?" Scarlett pleads.
"Of course I will. I'd be honoured. You're going to be the second most beautiful bride in the universe Scarlett," I smirk.
"Because is Lizzie number one?" She giggles.
"No I'm number one. Calling Lizzie beautiful is pointless. No words or phrases will ever capture just how ethereal she is. The best part about it is she has no idea," I explain causing Scarlett to smile brightly.
"See that's why we want you," Colin states bringing me in for a hug.

When I step out on stage performing the first song it felt as though I'd never been away. All the nerves and stress disappeared. I just take it all in. As the song finishes I know it's my cue to talk.
"Wow this is insane-," I start before I'm cut off by noise behind me. I look up on the screen and there's a video of Lizzie.
"Before Y/N speaks eloquently as usual I just wanted to send her a message as I can't be there to celebrate my beautiful wife today. So I'm going to need you all to be extra supportive so she can feel how much I love her even when I'm not there. I'm so proud of you baby and all you've achieved. I wish I could be there with you but just know that I love you so much," Lizzie says making me tear up. Once the video cuts off I wipe my tears turning back to the crowd. The crowd start cheering loudly and it's not at me I turn to my right where the crowd are pointing seeing my wife. Oh my God. She runs to me tackling me in a koala hug.
"Hi I'm so glad you're here. I love you so much," I whisper holding her tightly.
"I love you too. You didn't think I'd let you down did you?" She asks cupping my face kissing me gently.
"I don't know and I don't care. You're here and that's all that matters," I ramble excited.
"Come on you've got a show to do. I'll be waiting for you after the show," she smirks winking as she walks off stage.

The entire show I had the biggest smile on my face. When it got to the end where I was taking it all in I wanted a photo to remember the evening. I invited our family on stage: Lizzie, her mom, Scarlett, Colin, the twins and Taylor. Looking around at them and the crowd I had never felt luckier. As soon as the show finishes I rush backstage to see Lizzie kissing her hungrily. We allow ourselves to sink into it and I don't want to let her go. We have no choice but to pull away breathless.
"I love you so much," I sigh content resting my head against hers.
"I love you too. We've got dinner plans and then I can show you just how much I missed you," Lizzie teases.

Lizzie's POV:
I couldn't keep my hand off Y/N's thigh the whole meal. Not only did I want to reassure her I was there but she looked hot. The waitress kept flirting with her but Y/N kept her eyes on me the entire time. She always made me feel so secure. All my wife saw was me and I loved her for it.
"I can't believe you're trusting Y/N to spend time with Rose. I mean don't get me wrong she's great with kids but they're going to cause so much trouble."
"Lizzie's just jealous because she's going to like me more than her," Y/N smirks making everyone laugh.
"I think she'll even like you more than me," Scarlett sighs making everyone laugh louder.
"So when are you having kids?" Colin inquires.
"We've spoken about 2/3 years time in 2021. It gives us time to get the house ready and for me to fully establish myself as an artist so I can become a mother and not worry about having no career to come back to," Y/N informs him.
"You're an idiot if you don't realise that you're established. You're booking interview after interview. You trend online everyday. You sold out your European and American tour. There's no uncertainty," Taylor assures me. She was a great manger. I look around and everyone nods in agreement.
"I'm so lucky to have you all. Thank you so much for coming out to support me. I'd like to raise a toast... to family," Y/N states raising her glass. Everyone else followed suit.

Lizzie's POV
Y/N and I get ready for bed with her face still grinning widely. I look at my wife. She is truly breathtaking.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks blushing.
"Because my wife is the most perfect person in the world. And seeing you smile after being away from it for a few weeks reminded me just how lucky I am to love you," I explain making her go a deeper red.
"You know you don't have to flirt with me to get me into bed," she jokes making me laugh.
"I thought you liked it when I seduced you," I smirk walking closer to her.
"Oh I do princess but tonight I want to worship you. You see one of the greatest sights and sounds in the world is when I make you feel good, hearing you scream my name and the face you make. Nothing compares," she whispers against my lips kissing me hungrily. I'd been waiting for this. And God was it worth the wait.

Next chapter you'll meet Scarlett's daughter

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