Chapter 23

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Lizzie's POV:
Seeing the look on Y/N's face when she saw Aubrey and I together was priceless. It was working perfectly. Y/N and I are meant to hang out today with Tom but Tom is going to cancel at the last minute so I'll invite Aubrey instead to make Scarlett feel more comfortable and be really affectionate. I pull up outside Y/N's house and ring the bell. Scarlett opens the door smiling.
"Hey Lizzie. Come in Y/N's just grabbing a bag. Do you want a drink or anything?" She offers. Someone has made themselves very at home.
"No I'm ok thank you. Tom couldn't make it today so I've invited Aubrey instead," I explain stepping inside.
"Hey baby who was at the door?" Y/N asks stepping out with her shirt slightly raised. She looked good.
"Sorry I know I'm early. I thought there'd be traffic but it wasn't too bad," I apologise.
"It's all good," Y/N assured me pulling down her shirt.
"Tom cancelled so I invited Aubrey instead. I booked the bay for 3 of us and I didn't want to lose money," I inform her. Her jaw clenched slightly before she began to fake smile.
"It'll be nice to hang out the three of us. So I can really get to know the woman who's making you so happy," she replies smiling. Y/N walks over towards Scarlett kissing her gently.
"Have a nice day. Text me what you want for dinner? We can order or go out," Y/N says smiling at her.
"Ok. I'll see you later. Have fun," she replies closing the door behind us. It hurt how domesticated they were already.

We drive in awkward silence to Topgolf so I turn the radio on low. Her song is playing with the verse about me. This couldn't have been planned any better.
"That's the third time I've heard it today. Everyone loves it and the album," I inform Y/N.
"It's such a relief. You seemed to enjoy yourself at my party a few weeks back," she replies.
"Yeah it was great. Aubrey is just so much fun. I really like her. We're trying to find another project to work on together. You and Scarlett seem really happy. I guess things turned out the way they were supposed to," I say excitedly.
"Yeah I guess so," she mumbles looking out the window.

When we get to Topgolf I greet Aubrey with an extra long hug. Y/N walks straight past her to go and find out what bay we're going to be on.
"She is pissed," Aubrey laughs.
"I know. It's hot," I smirk as we approach Y/N at the desk.
"We're on bay 1 it'll be ready in a minute or so. I'll pay for the games for us all as you booked the bay," she offers. I hand her my membership card and Aubrey has to register for hers. We get up to the bay and order food and drinks for while we play. Aubrey pretends to be clueless when it gets to her turn so I can help her the same way Y/N helped me. When she gets it in I tackle her in an excited hug.
"I'm just going to get some water from the bar downstairs I'm a little warm. I'll be back in a minute," Y/N excused herself.

Y/N's POV:
This is not the way I should be feeling. I can't be jealous I made this choice. She gave me the perfect first date and I chose Scarlett. You're happy with Scarlett. You're falling for Scarlett. Stop thinking like this Y/N. It's not ok. She's not your Lizzie anymore, she never was. If she really wanted to be with you she would've made you her girlfriend just as quickly as she made Aubrey. I take a sip of water now reassured and turn around walking almost straight into Lizzie.
"I came to check you're ok," Lizzie says concerned.
"I'm fine," I lie.
"No you're not. What's wrong?" She asks tucking the hair behind my ear.
"I am what I'm feeling right now is wrong and I hate myself for feeling like this," I sigh.
"How are you feeling?" She inquires.
"Jealous," I whisper.
"Of what?" She asks confused.
"Don't make me say it. It's not fair on Scarlett. I shouldn't feel like this," I mumble.
"Oh ok. What are you going to do?"
"Nothing. What can I do Lizzie? I chose Scarlett. It took you until I started dating her to realise you wanted to be with me. Yet after a few weeks of dating Aubrey she's already your girlfriend. Clearly you wanted her more than you ever wanted me," I reply walking past her and up the stairs.
"That's not true. I only started seeing her to get over you. If it meant I could be with you I'd break up with her in a heart beat," she informs me. I stifle a smile.
"Stop saying things that I want to hear," I plead.
"Why?" She asks.
"Because I'm not a cheater. I'm all in in relationships that's what I pride myself on and it's making me realise that I've been lying to myself that I'm all in. I can't be all in not when...," I sigh.
"When what?"
"I can't say it. I can't think it. Let's just finish our games and eat our food," I request.
"If that's what you want," she agrees.

The entire day was hell. Seeing them together being flirty. I couldn't handle it not really. I just kept thinking of Scarlett, the perfect girlfriend I had at home. Why is it I always want what I can't have? Lizzie is gone Y/N. She's not yours. Scarlett is and she's wonderful. Lizzie drops me off I open the front door and see Scarlett sat on the sofa with Tom both looking at me concerned.
"What? Are you both ok?" I ask confused.
"It's about Lizzie," Tom sighs.
"What about her?" I inquire.
"Her and Aubrey aren't dating they're just pretending to so you'll be jealous enough to want to be with Lizzie," Tom explains reluctantly.
"How do you know this?" I ask lost.
"Because I suggested it," he replies.
"Why?" I query in disbelief.
"Because... he thinks you're in love with Lizzie that's why you haven't told me you love me yet. And he thinks that she makes you happier than you've ever been," Scarlett mumbles hurt.
"Tom you need to leave please," i request. He nods.
"I'm sorry," he whispers as he passes.
"Is it true?" Scarlett asks.
"I don't know how I feel about Lizzie. But I do know that I want to be with you. You make me happy Scarlett and you're the perfect girlfriend. Honestly I have felt a little jealous seeing her and Aubrey together. I think it's because she's just another girl that I wasn't good enough for them to commit to. But if it's all fake then I don't know. I'm so confused. All I do know is that I chose you and I'll continue to choose you everyday until you no longer want me to. You deserve so much better than me Scarlett. I guess I'm not the person I thought I was. I'm sorry," I apologise tearfully.
"I need some time to think Y/N. And I think you need that time too," she says excusing herself.
"Please don't go," I plead holding her hand.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love her," she requests.
"I don't know how I feel about her," I reply.
"Yes you do. You just don't want to hurt me by saying it. If you loved her why did you choose me?" She asks hurt.
"Because I want to be with you. Every touch and kiss and smile from you heals me, builds my confidence and makes me fall for you more and more. You mean so much to me Scarlett. Please believe that. You make me so happy. I'm nearly there. The main thing that's holding me back is knowing that deep down you don't trust me. Not really," I explain.
"I guess we've both been lying to each other. I want to believe and trust that you want to be with me but I just can't. Just give me some time to think and work out how or if I can start to trust you," she requests standing up.
"I'm so sorry Scarlett," I whisper.
"I know. I'll see you later Y/N," she says kissing me on the cheek.

As the door shuts I begin to sob. I'd lost the three people who mean the most to me in the space of an hour. I'm all alone yet again with just my thoughts to torment me.

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