Chapter 38

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Lizzie's POV:
"Come on princess get up. We have to meet your family in a couple of hours," I encourage my sleepy girlfriend who pulls the covers over her head. Standing up I pull the covers but they barely budge.
"I can't believe you're trying that you know I'm stronger than you," she laughs. Time to play dirty. I turn on the shower and get undressed throwing my clothes as her. Walking into the bathroom I shut the door but don't lock it. 3...2... and the door opens. I burst out laughing she wraps me up in her arms kissing me.
"You don't play fair Olsen," she laughs.
"Or are you just predictable Y/L/N?" I smirk lifting off her shirt. She looks almost sad. She gets undressed and in the shower in silence. She didn't try to kiss or touch me just reclined into herself.

When we're getting ready she's still silent I start to feel concerned. I just go up to her and hug her tightly. Hearing her swallow I know she's holding back tears.
"What is it Y/N? Talk to me," I plead cupping her face.
"I don't want to be predictable. That's when all my other relationships fell apart when the sneaking around or the unpredictability was less. I don't want to lose you Lizzie. The thing about our relationship it's always been exciting and unpredictable what about if I'm boring and end up not being the person you want," she explains sadly.
"Listen to me. I love you. Not the excitement or unpredictability. I love the woman who makes me feel safe when she holds me. I love the woman who always does that goofy grin whenever I laugh full of love. I love the woman who will tell me she loves me multiple times a day. I love the woman who supports me constantly. None of those things are unpredictable but those are the things I love the most. You still surprise me with presents and dates. All I care about is that you still love me. That's it ok?" I assure her.
"I love you so much Lizzie. I'm sorry for getting upset I just want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'll never stop supporting you or loving you," she replies now smiling.
"Come here," I request. She blushes slightly I lift up her chin kissing her softly.
"You mean everything to me my love," she says kissing me gently.
"As do you princess. You look beautiful. Now let's order an Uber because we both deserve a drink," I suggest.
"You're a bad influence Olsen," she laughs.
"Aren't you the one that corrupted me first? A sweet innocent impressionable American who you had your way with who now craves you at every hour of the day," I whisper against her lips.
"I crave you too my love. Whether that's your touch or your kiss or hearing you moan my name," she smirks biting my bottom lip making me moan. Damn.
"Right let's go," she declares winking at me and walking out of the room. I sigh in frustration.
We get into the Uber and Y/N rests her hand on my thigh adding to the frustration.
"You're such a tease Y/L/N," I whisper.
"Don't worry princess. I'll make up for it when we get home," she assures me smirking.

We walk in and see Y/N's family immediately her mum heads straight for me giving me a hug.
"You haven't seen your daughter in over a month but you hug my girlfriend first. I see how it is," Y/N says offended.
"She'll be my daughter too soon enough," her mum replies as she hugs Y/N making me smile brightly.
"If she becomes my sister can I get rid of you in exchange," her sister jokes.
"For that smart comment you can pay for your own dinner," Y/N quips back.
"Don't worry I'll get you your meal," I reply teasing Y/N.
"Babe stop encouraging her," she sighs.
"That's what you get for teasing me," I whisper as she pulls out the chair for me and I kiss her on the cheek. Tom stands there behind his chair we all look at him sideways.
"Sit down," Y/N says in confusion.
"Why won't you pull out the chair for me?" He jokes sitting down.
"When you become the woman I'm going to marry then I'll pull out the chair for you," she replies making me blush. I kiss her on the cheek and hold her hand.
"For gods sake will you two just get engaged already. I want to buy a hat," her mum pleads.
"Well we have a timeline. We want to get engaged in the next year once Y/N has met my family and when she's finished touring the states. Then married 6 months after that. We want we to raise our kids over here so we'll buy a house then have a family." I explain.
"I'm so excited," her mum says.
"So am I. I can't wait to be best man," Tom adds.
"Alright you two slow down. She's still got to put up with me until then and then say yes," she laughs.
"Of course I'll say yes," I assure her kissing her cheek.
"Hopefully Tom will have a girlfriend by then," she teases him.
"Don't be mean," I warn her.
"Sorry my love," she apologises.
"Whipped," Tom coughs making us all laugh.

We spent a wonderful day with her family but I couldn't wait to get back to hers. What had she done to me. I craved her constantly. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and also makes me need her. As soon as she shut the door I push her up against it kissing her passionately. She unzips my dress letting it look around her feet. Knowing how much I needed her she started to kiss down my body. She looked at me for reassurance. I nod and she pulls down my underwear. Finally.

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