Chapter 43

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Y/N's POV:
I was nervous Lizzie's family had asked to meet Us before we went on holiday to Hawaii so we were flying out to LA ahead of schedule. Why were they in a rush? Lizzie whenever I'd ask would go quiet it was almost like she was hiding something. We pull up outside Lizzie's mum's house and I had no idea what to expect.
"You ready for this?" Lizzie checks.
"Nope not in the slightest but let's do it," I reply making her laugh. She takes my hand and knocks on the door. I take a deep breath as the door open,
"Hey Mom. This is Y/N. Y/N this is my mom," Lizzie introduces us. I extend my hand to her put she brings me in for a hug instead. This is going well.
"It's very nice to meet you. Thank you for inviting me to your home," I add.
"You're most welcome we've been dying to meet the woman who has made my daughter so happy. Please come in," she replies smiling.

Lizzie introduced me to the rest of her family and honestly I was a little overwhelmed but I kept it together. The last thing I wanted was to panic in front of her family. That is not a good introduction in the slightest.
"So Y/N I hear you're a singer and you're on tour right now. Are you excited to be touring the US?" Mary-Kate asks.
"I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't really broken America yet so I'm hoping I'll be able to do that this time around. My album did really well over here so I'm hoping it's the start of something exciting. I've also been excited to meet all of you. Lizzie means everything to me and you all mean so much to her so it's nice to finally be with you all," I explain.
"Are you playing MSG?" Ashley inquires.
"I really am. It's something I've dreamed of and to have sold it out. And to be able to have Lizzie with me to celebrate it is just incredible," I answer smiling holding Lizzie's hand. She kisses my cheek and smiles.
"How well have you done from your album?" Her mum inquires.
"Mom you don't ask people that," Lizzie warns her.
"It's ok. Really well actually especially from the tour. And that money will go towards our future," I reply.
"Right," her mom mumbles.
"Sorry did I miss something?" I inquire.
"Well you'll be signing a prenup right? Surely you'll wait until after it's signed to be putting money away for those things," she informs me. I look at Lizzie confused and she just hangs her head.
"Prenup?" I ask her.
"Well obviously you earn different amounts of money it just protects both your interests," her mum answers for her.
"I'm sorry I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. You want us to sign a prenup because you want Lizzie to keep her money if we get divorced. I would never take a penny from her. We're planning to live in my home in London which is now ours. I've spent my whole adult life saving for the future for our children. She won't ever have to spend a penny. I'm not planning for a divorce that I know will ever come. I'm planning on building a life together, a life which we've already started building," I state offended.
"No one plans for divorce but she has to protect herself," her mum says.
"I would never take her money. Is that why you wanted me to come here? I feel like such an idiot. You know I came here seeking your approval because I want to propose to your daughter in the next year. I wanted to make it clear that I intend to love her for the rest of my life because she saved me and has made me happier than I ever thought was possible. I intend to make her smile and laugh everyday because those two things make the world so much brighter. We've got our whole lives planned out and we were both so excited for tonight because that meant that proposing was closer. Because I'd already met you I could come to you and ask your permission. And now this," I ramble disappointed.
"I'm looking out for my daughter you've got to understand that," she states.
"I do understand that completely. She's my number one priority too. I just, this was not how today was supposed to go. I love your daughter and I know words mean nothing but all I want in life is to make her happy. Just because I'm not worth millions it doesn't mean I can't look after her. I will always look after," I explain. I look to Lizzie for any support or reassurance but she doesn't say a word.
"Ok then. Thank you for having me. It was lovely to meet you all," I excuse myself.

I start walking down the street searching on my phone for the nearest hotel to check in to. A car pulls up beside me.
"Y/N get in please. I can explain," Lizzie requests.
"You don't have to. You've clearly spoken about this with your family before so it was only me who was blindsided by the entire thing. You didn't vouch for me. You didn't support me. Is this what you want? Do you not trust me?" I inquire.
"I do trust you," she assures me.
"I don't believe you because if you did... if you did you would've stood up for me or at least looked at me," I sigh.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I do trust you. It's that I've seen divorce. I've seen what it can do to people," she explains.
"If you think that persons inside me why even be with me? If you can't trust me what is the point in all this? I'm going to find a hotel to stay in tonight. I just need time and space to think," I mumble trying to hold back the tears. She gets out the car and tries to hug me.
"No. Lizzie don't. I can't right now," I plead walking away.

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