Chapter 97

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Y/N's POV:
Why am I nervous? I'm not the one getting married. I'm stood here in my suit reading over what I have to say during the ceremony. Honestly I'm terrified why did I agree to this shit? I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind kissing my cheek.
"Relax my love please," Lizzie requests. I turn around to see my stunning wife and I feel myself tear up.
"You need to stop being so beautiful alright? I'm getting old and my heart can't take it," I joke kissing her cheek gently making her giggle.
"I can't make any promises. You look sexy as hell princess. I can't wait to rip that off you this evening," Lizzie smirks kissing me lustfully.
"Behave Lizzie I'm an officiant for the next few hours. I have to be respectable. Though the way you're looking in that dress I'm seriously considering doing a runner and leaving them to it," I laugh unable to take my eyes off her body.
"Stop looking at me like that or we're both going to let down our friends. Eyes on my eyes Y/N or you'll be punished understand?" Lizzie warns.
"Yes Mommy," I whisper against her lips kissing her gently.
"Good girl. Now are you ready to see Scarlett so you don't cry when she walks down the aisle?" Lizzie giggles.
"She's one of our best friends ok. I'm happy for her and Colin I'm bound to cry. No need to call me out," I sulk taking her hand following her.

We walk into see Scarlett and both of our jaws drop she looks incredible.
"Well?" Scarlett asks.
"Are you sure you don't want to run away with us instead?" Lizzie jokes making Scarlett laugh.
"No but I'm glad you think I look that good. Y/N?" Scarlett tries to get my attention.
"I have no words," I reply in awe.
"That's the biggest compliment you could get," Lizzie laughs.
"I know. You both look wonderful. You ready to do this Y/N?" Scarlett checks.

I stand at the top of the aisle greeting Colin when he comes down. Rose walks down throwing petals ahead of Scarlett. I watch Colin's face as she walks in. He's going to love her forever. I look at Lizzie and wink who blushes smiling.
'I love you' she mouths. Rose gives Colin a high 5 then sits next to Lizzie bouncing her legs cutely on the seat. Scarlett takes Colin's hand and he kisses her cheek. They walk up towards me and I smile at them both. Here we go.
"Since the moment that Colin and Scarlett got together I think we all knew this day would come. When they asked me to officiate I was honoured because these are two of the most kind, generous and caring people in the universe. No one could love them better than they love each other. I sat down with both of them individually to get a better understanding of their relationship and why they want to get married. I took the internet training seriously. I'm not going to say everything they told me or we'll be here all year but I've chosen my favourites. Scarlett said that one of the main reasons that she loves Colin is that he always makes small and consistent acts of love. Colin's favourite thing about Scarlett is her passion for her work and her family. The most important person I asked though is Rose. Rose are you ready?" I check.

She nods eagerly running up to take my hand.
"Ok can you tell us why you think your mommy and Colin should get married?" I request.
"Colin looks at Mommy like I look at chocolate so he loves her very very much. Colin also plays princesses with me. He wears my fairy wings when I ask him to. Mommy loves Colin nearly as much as she loves me which is a lot because Mommy always tells me I'm her world which is really really big. I think they should get married cause I want Colin to be part of our family forever. I love them both lots and lots," Rose speaks beautifully into the microphone. Scarlett, Colin and everyone else in the room is crying. I give Rose a high five and she gives them both a tight squeeze.

Lizzie gets up to do a reading and I smile at her. She winks at me as she passes making me blush.
"Within this blessed union of souls, where two hearts intertwine to become one, there lies a promise. Perfectly born, divinely created, and intimately shared, it is a place where the hope and majesty of beginnings reside. Where all things are made possible by the astounding love shared by two spirits. As you hold each other's hands in this promise, and eagerly look into the future in each other's eyes, may your unconditional love and devotion take you to places where you've both only dreamed. Where you'll dwell for a lifetime of happiness, sheltered in the warmth of each other's arms," Lizzie reads glancing at me from time to time.
"I love you," I whisper as she passes.

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