Chapter 12

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Lizzie's POV:
Walking into the bar I spot Aubrey smiling at me waving to get my attention. She gets up and gives me a hug.
"Why did you choose a gay bar Aubrey?" I ask confused.
"Well we don't usually meet up unless we are both in LA and you seemed pretty keen to see me. So either you finally realised you were in love with me or you're coming out," Aubrey explains laughing.
"I met someone. Her name is Y/N she's a singer," I say blushing.
"I've heard her stuff she's talented. So what's the problem? You either need advice or you messed up," Aubrey reasons. I rambled to Aubrey about the whole timeline of me and Y/N, she listened intently.
"So the moral of the story is you're an idiot," Aubrey states laughing.
"Yeah pretty much. I mean I can't compete with Scarlett she's one of the most beautiful women on the planet. And she's treated Y/N perfectly since they first met. I have little to no experience with women. What if I'm not enough for her? Or if she picks Scarlett? I couldn't be her friend. I don't want to be," I sigh.
"From the sounds of it Lizzie, her best friend wants you to be with her. She wants to be with you but she doesn't trust you. You just have to prove you're worthy of that. And in terms of experience with Women what do you need to know? I can give you a crash course and the internet is an open and wonderful place to search. With women it's different though you don't have to research you just talk to them and ask what they want," Aubrey assures me.
"I just don't want her to think I'm just another straight girl that she likes," I reply.
"She doesn't want you to suddenly wear a bunch of flannel, purchase a u-haul and solely listen to girl in red, Hayley Kiyoko and her music. She clearly just wants you Lizzie but she wants to know you won't leave her," Aubrey explains.
"How do I promise her that I won't leave her when she doesn't believe what I say. She says actions speak louder than words but what can I get her that shows her I'm all in?" I ramble frustrated.
"Jewellery maybe. Just don't go getting her name tattooed on you," Aubrey teases.
"I won't," I laugh.
"So where is Y/N now?" Aubrey asks.
"On her date with Scarlett. Oh god. I didn't want to think about that or what they're doing," I say covering my face.
"Sorry. Why don't you tell me what you have planned for your date to take your mind off it?" Aubrey suggests.

Y/N's POV:
I wake up early to make Scarlett breakfast in bed as I know she has to leave early for work.
"Morning," I whisper as she starts to open her eyes.
"Morning. Did you seriously make me breakfast in bed?" She asks smiling.
"I know you have an early call time and we were up late. So I thought I'd make you some coffee and a good breakfast to set you up for the day," I explain. She kisses me gently.
"Thank you. You've got me hooked Y/N Y/L/N," she replies smiling as I pass her the tray.
"And you've got me liking you more and more every minute," I reply gazing at the beautiful woman beside me.
"Are you still ok to drive me to work?" Scarlett inquires.
"Of course. Have you got clothes with you or do you want to borrow mine?" I offer.
"I've got clothes but I wouldn't say no to borrowing a hoodie from you," she says blushing.
"Take your pick," I encourage her.

I drive Scarlett to work and glimpse over admiring her in my hoodie. When we get to set I get out of the car to help her with her bags. I carry them to her trailer.
"So I'll see you next week," she says sadly.
"Well we can hang out still right? It doesn't have to be a 'date' as such. I'll bring you lunch or we can go to your coffee shop," I suggest wrapping my arms around her waist and she starts to smile.
"I'd like that," she blushes.
"Come here," I whisper lifting her chin up to kiss me. Pulling her close to me by wrapping my arm around her waist I deepen the kiss. She pushes me onto the couch and straddles me recapturing my lips with hers. I hold her close to me not wanting to let her go. She pulls back.
"I'll see you soon," she smirks winking as she climbs off my lap.
"That isn't fair Scar," I sigh standing up.
"I've got to leave you wanting more," she whispers before kissing me gently.
"Fair enough. I'll see you soon," I say kissing her on the cheek.

Heading out of Scarlett's trailer I feel sad. We've spent a wonderful two days together and I found myself liking her more than I thought I would.
"Hey," I hear Lizzie's voice from behind me. Turning around I see her smile at me brightly.
"Hi what's got you so happy this morning?" I ask confused.
"Seeing you. I've been actually planning a lot for our date. I'm really excited," Lizzie explains. I couldn't help but smile at that.
"Are you going to share those plans with me?" I inquire smiling.
"No but I do have something for you in my trailer. Promise me you won't open it until Saturday. It's for our date and will tell you what we're doing so please do not open it," she requests.
"I won't. You've really thought this out," I say impressed following her.
"Well I have one shot at this. I know every second you spend with Scarlet you like her more and she's always treated you well. I know I haven't and I'm sorry. I want to prove to you that I'm worth picking. I want to be with you Y/N," she explains as we get to her trailer. Lizzie hands me a box. I put it down on the table and just smile at her.
"Don't stress yourself out about our date. You know this is what I've wanted from the moment I met you. Now come here and give me a hug," I request. She blushes and hugs me tightly.
"Thank you," she whispers as we pull apart. I smile at her tucking the loose hair behind her ear.
"Kiss me," she requests. I bring her in for a kiss. I'd forgotten how good it felt to kiss her. Pulling away I just smile as does she.
"I've missed that smile," I let slip out.
"I've missed you. Do you want to hang out tomorrow evening? We can watch a movie and invite Tom," she suggests.
"Yeah I'd like that. Send me a text with all the details and I'll be there," I assure her as I pick up the box. She kisses me on the cheek before I leave.
"See you tomorrow."

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