Chapter 33

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Lizzie's POV:
Tom arrives shortly after with a woman with long dark hair and piercing green eyes I didn't know.
"Oh my god Lauren," Y/N says in shock hugging her tightly.
"It's good to see you. What's this I hear about you becoming a womaniser?" She laughs.
"I'm actually very in love with my beautiful girlfriend. This is Lizzie," Y/N introduces me making me blush.
"Look at you all wifed up. It's nice to meet you Lizzie," Lauren replies bringing me in for a hug. She's friendly.
"It's nice to meet you too Lauren," I smile.
"Alright Y/L/N let's get drunk," Lauren declares taking her hand leading her to the kitchen.
"Who the hell is that?" I ask Tom.
"She's a singer they met a few years ago," he informs me.
"And? You're not telling me all of it," I request to know.
"They've always been flirty and every now and again they'd hook up," Tom explains. Shit.
"Relax Y/N loves you she would never do anything to hurt you," he assures me.
"She wouldn't but Lauren might," I sigh.

Soon after Scarlett arrives with Evans. Oh joyous another one of her exes. I hate this. I walk outside for some fresh air and sit down with my glass of wine. Y/N follows me out.
"What's wrong my love?" She asks stroking the hair out of my face.
"Nothing. I'm just getting some air," I lie.
"Come on Lizzie I know you a lot better than that," she encourages me.
"Why's Lauren here?" I inquire.
"I don't know honestly I didn't invite her. She knows when my birthday is and knows Tom so he must have told her about it. Are you jealous?"
"Yes," I admit embarrassed. She pulls me onto her lap and she kisses me.
"Lizzie I love you. No one could ever tempt me away from you ok? What Lauren and I had in the past was just a fling. She's still pretty hung up on her first love. Apart from that she's a good friend who helped me with accepting my sexuality. But Lizzie, I am so in love with you that if I ever lost you I couldn't bear it. Not for a second," she assures me.
"I love you too," I reply smiling kissing her again. Moving my kisses to her neck I leave a mark.
"Babe what the hell?" She asks laughing.
"Now everyone knows your mine," I smirk.
"I love you," she laughs.
"I love you too. Now come on let's go and enjoy this party of yours," I add dragging her inside.

Y/N and I have a great night but Lauren was hanging around a lot. Y/N made sure to stay close to me and be affectionate so I wasn't worried. She was so attentive. Scarlett noticed me side eying Lauren when she spoke to Y/N. Lauren got up to go to the bathroom and Y/N went to get us both a drink.
"Who on earth is that? And why is she all over your girlfriend?" Scarlett inquires.
"Don't. I'm trying so hard to be nice to her but it's taking every fibre of my being not to punch her in the face or to make her so uncomfortable with my PDA with Y/N that she leaves," I reply frustrated by the situation.
"You should never worry about anyone else with Y/N because she could live a billion lifetimes and it'd still be you," Scarlett assures me.
"She doesn't worry me but Lauren does. I don't know how long she's here for or why she's here," I sigh. Scarlett's about to talk but Y/N sits back down.
"So what's this song Tom has been telling me about that you wrote for Lizzie?" Scarlett asks as though she's planning something.
"It's beautiful. Do you want to hear it?" I offer to play the recording for her.
"Are you ok to sing it live for us Y/N?" Scarlett requests. Y/N nods in agreement as Lauren gets back from the toilet. She starts strumming the song and sings to me the whole time smiling. Lauren didn't seem swayed or bothered by it just smiled. What is her problem? When Y/N finishes singing I take the guitar from her.
"I love you," she says kissing me.

A while later Lauren is outside by herself so I take it as a good time to talk to her. She sees me and smiles widely.
"You know I'm so happy Y/N found someone wonderful like you to love her. She really deserves it. There was a period of time where she struggled massively with internalised homophobia. Like to the outside world she was out and proud but she struggled a lot. Hence her poor choice in women in the past but she's finally got a gooden. She really loves you and it's clear to see you really love her. As a friend that's all you can hope for," Lauren opens up making me feel immensely guilty.
"I'm so sorry. You must think I'm a complete bitch I've been so cold all evening because I was worried you were after her and now you opened up to me I feel so guilty," I apologise profusely.
"It's ok. I get it. I'm sorry for monopolising her time it's just been so long since we saw each other and I wanted to hear all about how you met etc. I should've spoken to you more. It's my fault," she apologises.
"I thought it was us brits who were meant to be the ones apologising the whole time," Y/N laughs taking a seat and pulling me onto her lap.
"How much did you hear?" Lauren asks.
"The whole thing pretty much. I knew you'd get on," she giggles.
"How long are you in England for Lauren?" I inquire.
"I'm just doing some promotional stuff for my music radio stations etc. A few weeks maybe. I'd love to come and watch a show with you. You've got a Birmingham dates soon that's not too far from here right?" Lauren suggests and I smile.
"That would be great," I agree.
"It's not far. About an hour and a half by car," Y/N informs us both.
"Well we'll exchange numbers and sort which date we are going to. I don't mind driving us up and Y/N stays in these cool hotels maybe we can go out after the show," I ramble excitedly.
"Look at you being sociable," Y/N teases.
"Leave your girlfriend alone. This is going to be a really fun trip," Lauren laughs.

We spend the rest of the party dancing and having a great time. Turns out Lauren is really great. She's super supportive of our relationship and told us about this girl she's talking to. Well tonight taught me a major lesson. We say goodnight to everyone and as we are getting ready for bed Y/N just bursts out laughing.
"What?" I ask.
"I just find it so funny that you were stressed about Lauren and then she turns round to say that," she says through her laughter.
"I feel awful about it but I'm glad we sorted it," I reply still embarrassed. She pulls me in for a kiss.
"Though I must say jealous you was hot," she smirks.
"You really think so?" I ask. She nods biting her lip smiling. I pull her in for a heated kiss pushing her backwards onto the bed where I straddle her. Starting to kiss her neck Y/N's moans were already filled with frustration. I start to bite her neck gently leaving marks and causing her to moan holding onto my waist tightly.
"You're mine," I whisper against her lips,
"All yours."

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