Chapter 57

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Lizzie's POV:
Today was a big day for the both of us, a fan event in London. We were both a little nervous. I was nervous because of usual red carpet anxiety it can get a little overwhelming. And Y/N was nervous incase she embarrassed me. As we're getting ready I sense Y/N start to get overwhelmed.
"Hey look at me. All we have to do is walk the carpet. I'll do a few interviews and you can head inside or just stand to the side whatever you're comfortable with," I assure her.
"I just don't want to embarrass you," she sighs.
"Baby did you notice you didn't stutter? You're getting better everyday. We're home. And you could never embarrass me," I encourage her kissing her gently.
"I love you so much. You alway know how to r..reassure me," she states smiling brightly.
"I love you too. Now let's get ready and have a really good evening. We both deserve this and then after we'll come back have a few drinks and have lots and lots of sex," I smirk kissing her again.
"You're such a perv Olsen," she laughs.
"I can't help it my girlfriend is sexy as hell," I say kissing her again.
"Come on we need to get r..ready," she giggles.

The car pulls up outside the red carpet and Y/N smiles kissing my hand gently.
"This your moment Lizzie. T..this evening isn't about Just enjoy it," she assures me climbing out of the car. She's met with huge cheers as she walks around to open the door for me. Y/N offers me her hand to help me out of the car. Once I'm out and she shuts the door I take her arm kissing her cheek. I was worried she'd be overwhelmed by the flashing lights and the noise but she was wonderful. We took lots of photos together on the carpet before I did some interviews.
"Hi Lizzie how does it feel to be back in a London?" The reporter inquires.
"It's great. This is home now. We're back here for a few days before we go back to LA for the premiere and work," I explain.
"By we you mean you and your girlfriend Y/N correct?" He asks.
"How is she doing?" He queries.
"I mean you can ask her if you want. I don't want to talk for her," I reply irritated by his questioning. I look over to Y/N who just smiles at me brightly.
"Did you have any questions about the movie or Wanda?" I question him.
"Y..yes of course. We find Wanda with Vision having developed a relationship was this a planned thing from your first appearance or was it authentic?" He rambles embarrassed. His line of questioning after that was on the movie which was great.

Y/N's POV:
I stand to the side in my own world just taking in everything. I couldn't be more proud of Lizzie. Between all the noise I hear my name. It's Tom. He gives me a tight hug.
"How are you doing?" He asks smiley.
"Really good. I'm so p...proud of you," I reply.
"Thanks mate. I'll talk to you later after I've done the interviews and I'll be at family dinner tomorrow," he excuses himself. Lizzie

finishes interview then heads down the rest of the carpet signing autographs. I stand back letting her enjoy her moment.
"Y/N," someone in the crowd yells. It's Anna. I head straight over to her giving her a hug.
"How are you? How's your g...girlfriend?" I inquire.
"We're both great. How are you?" She checks.
"Much better. My speech is better but I'm s..still doing therapy. I haven't really s...sang yet I'm too scared h..honestly," I inform her. Lizzie walks up behind me wrapping her arm around my waist kissing my cheek.
"Hey Anna. How are you?" Lizzie asks.
"I'm good thank you. You look amazing," she compliments her.
"She's right you do. We sh..should get a picture," I suggest. Lizzie nods smiling. I take Anna's phone and we take a few pictures the hug her goodbye.

Lizzie finished taking pictures and signing autographs then we were ushered inside. I sat backstage so I didn't have to watch anything I didn't want to. Lizzie spoke beautifully about the movie and Wanda. I was so proud of her. As soon as the first 30 minutes started I left heading outside so I couldn't hear or see it. I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind and a kiss on my cheek.
"You doing ok?" Lizzie checks.
"I'm just so proud of you my," I inform her.
"Thank you. I'm proud of you too. You did brilliantly. You're tired and your speech isn't changing. Are you ready to go home?" Lizzie asks.
"Yeah I am but you should stay and celebrate with your f...friends. Tom mentioned something about a d...dinner. You should go," I encourage her.
"Are you sure?" She checks.
"I'm sure Lizzie. This is your night you deserve to c..celebrate. I'll be fine now go," I assure her. She pulls me in for a passionate kiss.
"I love you," she whispers.
"I love you too."

I climb into bed content with how this evening was gone. This was a huge step for us. Maybe it's time to challenge myself more. I get up tuning my guitar. Taking a deep breath I start to sing.  I got out of my head and into the music. There was no stutter or anything. I could do this. I can propose. I press call on the number that I knew I had to call.
"Hi it's Y/N. When we come back to LA I want to propose to Lizzie. If I still have your per..permission. I think I'm ready," I speak to Lizzie's Mum.
"I can't wait to have another daughter. Let me know if you need help with anything at all. Do you have an idea of what you want to do?" She inquires.
"I want to go for a walk first like we did when we f..first met. I'm going to bring her to somewhere qu...quiet that'll be lit up by l..,lots of candles. I've written a for her. Then I'll p..propose," I inform her.
"That sounds wonderful. She'll love it. Welcome to the family Y/N," she says excitedly.
"Thank you. I'm going to call my m...mum now to tell her the g..good news," I excuse myself.
"Tell her I look forward to meeting her. I'll talk to you soon."

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