Chapter 28

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Lizzie's POV:
I am nervous Scarlett is back at work today I didn't know what to say or how to act around her. Part of me was worried about Y/N meeting her for coffee. What if she realises that I'm a terrible person for what I did? Or that she made a mistake choosing me over Scarlett?
"Look at me my love. What is it?" Y/N asks cupping my face.
"You love me right? You won't leave me ever. Will you? You don't think I'm awful, do you?" I ramble panicking. She kisses me gently.
"Lizzie I am so in love with you that every dream I have is about us in the future: where we're going to live, how many kids we want and where we want to get married. You're a wonderful person. Scarlett coming home isn't going to change my decision or make me view you or see you in any other way. You're the woman I'm head over heels in love with," she assures me. My breathing starts to steady. She kisses me again.
"I love you too. Thank you for making me feel better," I reply as my breathing steadies.
"You're welcome. Now do you want to Koala cuddle or do you want me to make you feel even better?" She smirks.
"Definitely the second one," I select pulling her down for a kiss. She starts kissing down my neck biting gently causing me to moan loudly.
"Are you sure?" She asks playing with the hem of my shirt.

Y/N drives me to work and rested her hand on my thigh as she drove. When we'd reach a stop or red light she'd look over at me smiling she was so attentive.
"How are you feeling about seeing Scarlett?" I ask her.
"I think it'll be good for us to both get closure I guess. I have some of her stuff I need to give back and I wanted to make sure things aren't awkward when we see each other at events etc. What about you?" She inquires.
"I still feel guilty how things went down. I doubt our friendship is salvageable. I just don't want things to be awkward on set or for people to pick sides," I sigh.
"Well you've always got Tom and it's kind of his fault too. And besides she moved on pretty quickly so I'm guessing there was some overlap anyway," she reminds me.
"You really think she was talking to Colin while you were together?" I ask shocked.
"It seems strange that after a few days she's already talking to someone else unless they were talking while we were together. It'll be good to talk it out," she answers.
"I tell you what I know how hard that talk is going to be for you so when you get home I'll be waiting in your room in just your football shirt for you," I smirk and she blushes.
"You're making me want to turn this car around," she laughs as we pull up at set. 

Y/N helps carry my bags to my trailer so we can say goodbye properly. Once she puts my bags down I pull her in for a passionate kiss. She holds my waist against her not wanting us to stop. Y/N bites my bottom lip earning a moan then winks at me.
"I'll see you later," she smirks.
"That is not fair," I sulk.
"How about this? You remember how good I made you feel this morning and know I'm going to make you feel even better this evening when I get back," she suggests making me blush and bite my lip. Just as she's about to leave there's a knock at the door. I open it to see Scarlett.
"Oh hey. You're back it's good to see you. Do you want to come in?" I offer opening the door wider she nods smiling.
"Hey Y/N. Are we still on for coffee later?" Scarlett inquires.
"Absolutely I'll meet you there at 5. I'll leave you both too it. Have a good day," Y/N excuses herself. 

I tap the seat next to me for Scarlett to sit down.
"Can I give you a hug?" Scarlett asks. I nod smiling. It helped release some of the tension.
"Ok well I just want to start by saying what happened is all in the past. Going home was just what I needed seeing my daughter and being able to move on. I forgive you Lizzie so I think you should start forgiving yourself," Scarlett starts.
"Thank you I appreciate that. So is it Colin that your dating now? You've always liked him right?" I inquire.
"Yeah it is. He's a real gentleman," she replies smiling.
"Did they overlap?" I can't help but ask.
"You're asking if I was talking to him while I was with Y/N? Yes and no. Yes in that when I took some time for myself to work things out I started talking to him again. No in that both of us were already thinking about other people. She was in love with you and I felt the feelings for Colin coming back. Our relationship was already over," Scarlett explains.
"You should really tell Y/N. You know she never actually spoke to me in that way until after you split. I tried to force her and she wouldn't budge because she loved you," I reply almost hurt on Y/N's behalf.
"I will. I didn't know that I just assumed when I shouldn't have. You know Y/N and I could have been very happy together for the rest of our lives because we were both willing to work at our relationship and make the other feel special. You and Y/N don't have to work it's all natural neither do Colin and I. I guess we weren't the right people for each other after all," she adds. So it was all a lie.
"Did you love her? Cause she loved you. Worshiped you in fact," I inquire annoyed.
"Yes I did. I always will," she assures me.
"Ok. I'm glad cause all she cared about when you were coming home is your happiness and whether you felt comfortable with being around us," I reply.
"I know and I am. I'm glad we can talk again and not be awkward around each other. I'm sorry I said we couldn't be friends we can be of course we can," Scarlett adds smiling.
"You need to talk to Y/N first and then we can be friends," I decide wary.
"I get it. I'll see you later Lizzie," Scarlett excuses herself.

I head straight to find Tom. Do I have a right to be annoyed? Will Y/N be annoyed?
"Woah Lizzie where's the fire?" Tom asks.
"She was talking to Colin when they were still together. She said it happened after she found out about Aubrey and I pretending but I don't believe her Tom. This is going to kill Y/N. She worships Scarlett, she helped her so much and what if she was just another straight girl Tom. This'll break her," I panic.
"Hey listen to me she'll be ok cause she has you. Just don't push her to feel angry about it if she's not. Just let her feel what she needs to," Tom assures me.
"Ok. I thought she gave up a little too easy. Y/N tore herself apart for hurting Scarlett. I'm so angry Tom," I rant.
"I know. Let's just see what Y/N's reaction is," Tom suggests.
"I'll put a bottle of wine in the fridge and get some ice cream in just in case," I sigh.

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