Chapter 25

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Y/N's POV:
Spending one final night with Scarlett felt right we let all of our emotions run wild and just enjoyed being with each other. It was our way of saying goodbye to our relationship. As we get to the front door I turn to her brushing the hair out of her face.
"I'll see you later Scarlett," I whisper sadly.
"Goodbye Y/N," she says before kissing me gently for a final time. I shut the door behind her and smile content with how things ended. Now to talk to Tom.
Me: Hey can you come over? I want to talk.
Tom: I'll be there in 30 minutes I'll bring lunch too.
Me: Thanks mate.
I decide to text Lizzie as well I want to tell her how I feel as soon as possible.
Me: Hey can we talk this evening?
Lizzie: I'd really like that. I'll pick you up at 8.
Me: I'll see you then.

Tom arrives with food and we sit down on the couch eating in silence. Once we both finished we started laughing.
"Ok I'll start. You were right about a lot of things but you went about it the wrong way. You should've told me that's how you thought I felt instead of playing Cupid with a master plan. Scarlett and I broke up. You were right I am in love with Lizzie. Scarlett was the right person for me but came along at the wrong time. I'm speaking to Lizzie later this evening to tell her how I feel," I explain.
"I'm sorry about going behind your back but I guess it kind of worked. I never wanted Scarlett to get hurt or you but you were so blind to what was staring you in the face. She's your person. The way she can get through to you when you're panicking and the way she makes you so happy by doing just the basic couple things. I love you two together," he apologises.
"I've been wanting this for so long. I just hope now that she has me she still wants me. I can't go through another heart break I'm not strong enough. She means so much to me Tom. I'm scared of her hurting me but honestly a few months with Lizzie would still be wonderful," I ramble excitedly.
"She's in this long term. I know she is," Tom assures me.
"Thank you Tom. Mum told me you were worried. I'm ok really being away was just what I needed," I reply hugging him.
"You're welcome. I'm just glad you're back. I've missed my best mate. Now how about some video games until you have to get ready for Lizzie," he suggests.
"Sounds perfect," I agree.

It's 7.50pm and I'm pacing up and down near the front door. I just want to say the perfect thing and really tell her how I feel. She deserves for this to be special. I hear a knock at the door when I open it she takes my breath away. Lizzie is wearing this stunning black dress. Wow.
"Are you ready to go?" She asks blushing at my admiration.
"Y.. yeah. You look... wow," I whisper.
"I'm glad you think so," she says opening the door for me. I climb into the car and spend the whole journey watching her just smiling.
"Can you stop smiling at me like that? It's really distracting when I'm trying to concentrate," she laughs.
"Sorry. I just can't take my eyes off you and I wouldn't even if I could," I apologise making her blush.
"It's good that we're almost there then," Lizzie giggles.
"Where is there?" I ask looking around.
"You'll see."

We pull up outside Tom's place. I look at her confused. She doesn't say anything just grabs my hand taking me to his garden which is all lit up with stunning lights and candles.
"Ok I'm going to do this the way I should've told you the first time. You're probably wondering why we're in Tom's garden but I thought this is the place we met. And this in hindsight is the first place that I started falling for you. Your honesty and openness. That goofy grin you do when you look at me. Y/N I love you. I've been such an idiot for so long. From the second I met you I knew I had to know you, and from the first night I knew I wanted to be with you. I'm done getting in my own way. I love you Y/N
Y/L/N and I will spend the rest of my life loving you. Please give me a chance. I promise to always make you feel loved and appreciated. I promise to show you off whenever we go out and kiss you and hold you in front of the world. I'm all in. I'm not scared anymore because I know you'll be there to support me," she speaks beautifully making me tear up.
"I was the idiot. It's you Lizzie it's always been you. You're the woman that I'm head over heels in love with. I'm sorry it took me so long to realise it. Before I let myself just be completely with you and enjoy every single minute of loving you I need to know that you'll be there to support me through everything. I need you Lizzie, I want you and I love you. I'm terrified of being with you because if you break my heart I don't think it'll ever mend. I want to be with you so badly but I need to know that you'll love me even on my darkest days," I explain tearfully.
"I will be there every step of the way Y/N. I'm not just saying I love you because I just want to be with you but because you make me better. You make me want to be better and I will be for you. I love you so much Y/N and I'm ready to tell the entire world," she assures me.
"I love you too. Now are you ever going to kiss me?" I ask mimicking her. She giggles pulling me in for a kiss. I've missed kissing her. It felt so right.
"Our evening doesn't finish here. I've got a reservation at your favourite pub. I thought we could get some food and dance until the early hours," Lizzie informs me.
"That sounds wonderful but I hope you're not driving cause I think we both deserve a drink," I laugh.
"We'll drop the car to mine and then go," she agrees.

The whole journey back to hers she left her hand on my thigh and smiled at me every time she looked over. We got to the pub and Lizzie bought us a bottle of wine to share. I wrapped my arm around her and she snuggled into my chest. She looks up at me and just smiles.
"What?" I ask blushing.
"Nothing I just love you," she whispers kissing me gently. I turn an ever deeper shade of red.
"I love you too. I guess Tom was right to try to get us back together," I reply smiling down at her.
"I'm sorry how it happened but I needed to be with you. Seeing you with someone else killed me and I know it was my fault for not realising until it was too late. I'm glad to be back in your arms. Please don't ever let me go," she apologises.
"I won't. I promise. It's ok I guess I needed to see what was right in front of me. Saying goodbye to Scarlett was hard but saying goodbye to you I just couldn't, not truly. You know I talked to my mum about the whole situation. She told me if you make me happy and that I can't live without you then I should be with you. Then she said this life is too short to have any regrets. She could tell by the way I spoke about you that I love you. She also called me an idiot for not staying with you in the first place and looks forward to meeting you eventually," I inform her.
"Really? I told my sisters about you they also called me an idiot," Lizzie laughs.
"Really. I haven't spoke to my sister about it because if I'm not dating Harry Styles then she doesn't care. Well then I guess you're my idiot and I'm yours," I assure her.

We spend hours talking and dancing really enjoying ourselves. I forgot how much fun spending time with her can be. We get a cab back to hers and I suddenly feel how big this moment is. Lizzie senses me stressing so holds my hand. We get out of the cab and sit on the sofa in her lounge. She tucks the hair behind my ear.
"Are you ok?" She asks kissing me gently.
"I guess I'm just putting a lot of pressure on myself. I want this moment to be perfect. I'm building it up in my head when really I should just be living in the moment right here with you," I reason and she smiles widely.
"You used what I taught you. I'm so proud of you," she says hugging me tightly.
"I didn't even realise. Well you know the only lessons I paid attention in at school were the ones with the hot teachers I think that's why it worked," I joke making her laugh. God I love her laugh. I pull her in for a gentle kiss.
"What was that for?" She asks blushing.
"Because I'm so lucky to be in love with you," I explain kissing her gently again.
"Will you hold me?" She requests nervously.
"Always," I assure her.

She takes my hand leading me to her room. I take a second to just really look at her smiling shaking my head.
"I love you so much Lizzie. You're so beautiful," I whisper cupping her face as I pull her in for a kiss. This kiss was filled with every ounce of love the two of us had in us. This time it was different not really about the physical at all but the need to be close and at one with each other. It was perfect.

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