Chapter 19

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Lizzie's POV:
Scarlett was throwing a party at her house tonight for the cast as it'd had been a tough week. I was planning to go for just a couple of hours as I didn't know how much of Scarlett being all over Y/N I could take. Paul has been really great at supporting me. After Y/N came over to talk I called him and he sat with me while we watched comedies and he rambled.
"Hey Lizzie. Are you looking forward to tonight? I thought we all deserved to let off some steam," Scarlett asks.
"Yeah I am. I'm a bit nervous about seeing Y/N though. I don't know why I'm telling you this sorry," I apologise.
"She's not coming. She said she didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable as these are your friends not hers," Scarlett explains. Of course she did. She's so thoughtful that it hurts.
"Tell her to not be an idiot and come. I need to get over her and seeing you two together will probably speed up the process," I assure her.
"She won't listen to me. I think it'd be better coming from you. She misses you Lizzie," she advises walking back to her trailer.

I head back to my trailer starting to dial her number. Just call her, she's your friend. You can do this. I psych myself up. I press call and hold the phone to my ear.
"Lizzie are you ok? Are you hurt? What's happening?" Y/N asks panicked.
"No no I'm fine. I just wanted to talk," I laugh.
"Ok good. I just thought that's why you were calling. It's good to hear your voice," she replies making me smile.
"You need to stop being an idiot and come to the party tonight," I request.
"Are you sure?" She inquires.
"I'm sure. I think it'll be good for me to see you and Scarlett together. I'm sorry for saying I didn't want to be your friend because these past 3 weeks have been awful not talking to you," I assure her.
"Ok I'll see you tonight. You have nothing to apologise for. I've missed you," she replies before hanging up. And there's that ache in my chest again. Why did I have to fall for her? Why didn't I tell her how I felt earlier? She's not yours anymore Lizzie you need to let her go.

Y/N's POV:
I went over to Scarlett's early to make her dinner before the party. She gave me a key a few days back so I could come and go as I please. When she gets in she looks surprised to see me and smell the food.
"Did you cook me dinner?" She asks wrapping her arms around my neck kissing me gently.
"Well I know you've had a tough week. I wanted to treat you so you wouldn't have to make something for yourself and so you didn't have to rush getting ready," I explain. She smiles kissing me again. I pull the chair out for her and she sits down. Placing the plate in front of her she kisses my cheek.
"This tastes amazing thank you. How was your day?" Scarlett inquires.
"It was good. I got a call from Lizzie telling me I should come to the party tonight. You didn't have anything to do with that did you?" I say smiling knowingly.
"Well she said she was nervous about seeing you but it'd be good for her to see us together. I told her what you said and then she told me to tell you to come but I said it would be better coming from her," she explains.
"Thank you baby," I reply opening my eyes at the term I used at the end.
"Uh... I'm sorry it just slipped out," I mumbled embarrassed.
"Don't apologise I like it," she says taking my hand.

I clean up after dinner while Scarlett gets ready for the party. It never took me long to get ready. I didn't bother too much with makeup or my hair. Once I was finished I walk into Scarlett's room to get ready. She turns around and I just feel my heart leap. I just smile shaking my head in disbelief that this woman was mine.
"Do I look ok?" She asks.
"There are not enough words in my vocabulary to describe how beautiful you look. I'm the luckiest woman alive," I explain kissing her gently.
"Thank you," she whispers blushing.

Scarlett was in the kitchen getting everything prepared when I had finished getting ready. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind kissing her on the cheek.
"Do you need any help?" I inquire. She turns around and looks at me smiling. She starts biting her lip.
"I don't need help but I do need a kiss," she smirks pulling me in for one. It's heated and she holds me against her I lift her up onto the counter top. She wraps her legs around my waist not wanting it to stop. I kiss her neck gently leaving small bites earning moans. She pulls me back to her lips our kisses erratic and needy.
"How long have we got?" I ask.
"About 15 minutes," she replies checking the time.
"I better work fast then," I smirk moving down her body.

The doorbell rings while Scarlett goes to freshen up so I decide to answer it. It was Tom.
"Hi Scarlett. How are you?" He teases.
"I'm alright but my girlfriend's best friend is a moron," I reply.
"That's the last time I'm letting you answer the door," Scarlett laughs wrapping her arm around my waist kissing my cheek.
"If you excuse me I'll go and make some drinks in the kitchen maybe spray some air freshener," I smirk looking at Scarlett who blushes.
"How is she your girlfriend she's so weird?" Tom asks.
"She's very, very talented," Scarlett replies making me giggle.

When I come back out with the drinks Lizzie has arrived. How do I greet her?
"Hey," she says giving a slight wave.
"Hi," I reply not knowing what else to say.
"Just give each other a hug and stop being awkward," Scarlett requests laughing. I walk up to Lizzie and give her a hug.
"It's nice to see you," I whisper.
"I've missed you," she mumbles as we pull apart.
"Come on Lizzie. I'll get you a drink," Tom interrupts taking her to the kitchen. I sit down next to Scarlett kissing her cheek.
"Well that was awkward," I giggle nervously.
"It'll get easier. I think you did great babe," she assures me and I blush at the new nickname.
"Hmm I like that name," I smirk kissing her quickly before Lizzie comes back.

The party was fun, I felt a lot more comfortable knowing Evans and some of the others better. I tried not to be too affectionate with Scarlett in front of Lizzie. The last thing I wanted to do was upset her. Lizzie was sat in the corner by herself scrolling through her phone.
"You should go and talk to her," Scarlett encouraged me.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Yeah I trust you and she needs a friend," she agrees. I kiss her on the cheek before walking over to Lizzie.
"Hey you know I thought I was meant to be the one who was by myself at parties," I joke causing her to smile and I even got her to laugh for a second.
"Thank you," she says as I sit down next to her.
"For what?" I ask confused.
"For making me laugh to ease the tension. I've missed hanging out with you watching movies that neither of us paid much attention to because we'd be talking or laughing about something or other," She explains.
"We can always hang out you, Tom and I if you feel more comfortable," I suggest.
"I'd like that. How's the album stuff coming along?" She inquires.
"Pretty good actually the single releases on Friday and then the album releases next month. I was wondering if you'd come to the launch. If you don't want to I'd completely understand," I explain.
"Yeah I'll be there. I think I'm finally ready to be your friend," she agrees. I give her a quick hug which makes her smile.
"Alright I'm going to head home. It's been a long week and I need my bed," Lizzie declares standing up.
"Send me a text when you're free and we'll arrange a movie night with Tom," I reply following her over to Scarlett.
"Thank you for having me. I'm ready to go to sleep. I'll see you on Monday," Lizzie excused herself.

As it gets later Scarlett and I become a lot more affectionate. It gets to the point where there's only a few of us left and she's sat on my lap cuddled into my neck whispering things into my ear. People started to get the hint we wanted to be alone and left. Scarlett looked at the mess sighing.
"Not tonight. I'll help you clean tomorrow. You're stuck with me for the whole weekend. Whatever will we do," I smirk.
"Well you'll want to watch the game on Sunday but apart from that there's nothing," she say innocently.
"No recent events that you'd like to revisit," I hint placing my hands on her waist.
"Oh you mean what happened in the kitchen. I'm going to need some reminding," she replies taking my hand and leading me to her room. As soon as she shuts her door I push her up against it kissing her cravingly. I continue to kiss her as I unzip her dress. The dress pools around her feet as she walks to lie on the bed waiting for me. Damn my girlfriend is a goddess.

Author's note: Stay with me and prepare for drama

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